Your Garden will not green-grow
-if you do not water it properly-


Thursday, May 9, 2013

"From Getting to to Coming from..." by Steve B.

Reblogged from Golden Age of Gaia

From Getting to to Coming From

Posted by on May 9, 2013 
Road InA lot of ways of working with life are straightened out as a result of our movement from Third Dimensionality to Fourth Dimensionality (on our way to the Fifth).
And in saying this, I'm operating at the furthest end of my "knowing" ability. I'm being fed this information; I'm extending it; I'm speculating on the basis of it.
But in no way am I saying that I know this in and from my own experience. So please just hold what I say here tentatively, if you wouldn't mind.
And in no way am I saying that I've mastered this knowledge. Stumbling upon it for the first time doesn't mean that I've fully understood it, integrated it, or mastered it any more than reading the morning newspaper means you were at the meeting in the mayor's office being reported on. And I just need to be clear about that.
I'll give you one example of something that's straightened out by our movement from Third to Fourth Dimensionality.  In Third Dimensionality we orient towards life as if we get love or get to love. We see ourselves as an object that moves or acts in such a way as to procure love from someone else, from some circumstance, from some action, etc.
But in Fourth Dimensionality, if I'm right, it isn't a case of us getting or getting to love. It's a case of coming from love. We've straightened out the proper source of love for ourselves. It's not outside us; it's inside us.
In doing so we've revolutionized our way of living life. Because "coming from" rather than "getting to" is a whole new way of life and revolutionizes various aspects of ourself, not just this one having to do with love.
We probably will learn how to come from being responsible, from already having self-esteem, from already being generous, on and on the list will go.  When we make this shift from getting to to coming from, I predict that we'll liberate our joy, aliveness, and satisfaction.
In the process, we'll have broken through the objectifying, life-crimping position of Third Dimensionality that we ourselves are objects and that we have to get what we want rather than that we are a space and we already have what we want.
All of this actualizes what Jesus said when he explained to us that the Kingdom of Heaven was within. It explains why we're advised to "know thyself," go within, etc. The highway doesn't lead from us to someone else. The highway leads within for all of us. We always already are the treasure buried in the field. We are the field. We are the treasure.
Fourth Dimensionality is still within the realm of duality. It's not the unitive consciousness of Fifth Dimensionality but it is at least a corrected version of duality. And it is the next step and the next place to go for us on our road to unity.
The love that we come from is the Love of the Creator. And we become like so many fiberoptic filaments, showing the love in ourselves as the filaments show the light but knowing that that love and light comes from a central Source.
We're conduits or channels for that love. Later we'll see, I think, that we are that love and that in fact love is all there is. But for now we simply see that we are conduits for that love and that constitutes one of the important steps in realization that opens Fourth Dimensionality to us.

New Message from AAMichael via Ron Head

Look at the bright and divine soul that you are and step forth.
 – channeled by Ron Head

May 8, 2013 in Michael, Ron's Channeled Messages | Tags: , , , ,
We would begin this message by returning to a topic which we mentioned a few days ago.  The topic of flow has been given to you, our channel, both in session and in your own life, repeatedly over the last week and more.  It is time now for you to expand upon the topic further than you have done in these messages.  We know that we began once before and allowed the message to end before this picture was completed, but as you must realize by now, we try to keep these to short and easily digested portions.
You have been given the vision of a meeting, in council, of your self in dream state, others of your soul family, your higher self, guides, teachers, and divine beings.  You have been led to understand that this is a planning committee that has been, is, and will continue to be in session throughout all time.  This is where you participate, even initiate, the decisions which guide your lives.  And this, dear friend, is where what you call flow originates.
Please understand that what we are describing to you is not, as you say, cast in stone.  It is made with your input, and it can be changed the same way.  However, in this game or play you have designed, maximum benefit is derived if you play your part without full recall of the process.  Therefore, it seems to you, in your waking state, as if things happen to you when they do, in fact, happen for you.  And, as you have so recently experienced, a seemingly miraculous thing occurs when you place your foot upon the path which most closely aligns with your chosen life contract.  You move into the flow.
Understand that, from the moment you sign on to accomplish certain things for yourself and others, every available resource begins to create the conditions for your success.  The skids, as you call them, have been greased.  "How do I know what I need to do?" is the question we hear constantly.  And the answer is, "Make a move, even if it is just mental."  Examine all of the options you can think of, even the ones which seem impossible.  Often enough, what seems impossible is only what you have not examined closely enough or that which, for some reason, you fear.  Find out which seems to you to most feel right.  What fills your heart with joy?  What makes you eager to start?  Do not assign it to the impossible pile just yet.
Remember, the skids of the path you designed are greased.  Now!  Take a step, any step.  The flow we are speaking about is the flow of life.  You are in it with your canoe and paddle.  When you take that first step, you will notice your canoe's reaction to the flow.  If you are moving with your flow, your canoe will shoot forward and the apparent obstacles will fly past.  If, however, you move in less than the optimal direction, it will seem as if you are trying to paddle upstream and your paddle has become a teaspoon.  If you choose to sit in the stream and not do something… well, we think the picture is now clear enough, is it not?
The energy field in which you now sit, strengthening every moment now, will make it possible for you to accomplish far more, in far less time, than has been the case on your planet for many, many lifetimes, and is reaching a level never seen before.  As more dear souls begin to awaken, these words and the truth in them will become more apparent.  We recommend that you not wait for that.  There is nothing holding you back but yourselves.
Look at the bright and divine soul that you are and step forth.  Allow the past to be past and set your face to the future.  Build that for yourselves.  We will walk with you each step of the way.
Our hearts are with you now and always.  Good day.
Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

Some More Thoughts About Wild Herbs Healing !

You could perceive this story as a sort of report of my "Own Field Research" about the above topic -. and here it is :

Some time ago another Newsletter from flew into my blog from "Waking Times" to which I have subscribed - with many a valuable hint how to use e.g. orange and banana-peels and the craft of other plants regarded by us for a long long time as "Weeds Only" because of growing wild - trying to overwhelm our gardens and meadows so orderly trimmed in the endeavour to put diversity of nature out of it Diversitiy - only permitted - where it could be limited according to human's conceptions of order and beauty !

As I had many an experience in my childhood at the farm of m,y grandparents ..e.g. throwing myself into a meadow full of wild blooming flowers and looking into the sky - also falling into a trench siding a road fully grown with stinging nettles or using intuitively plants for some sore wounds like yarrow -

ince these were my little adventures there - and my life there and then was full of them - all these descriptions on that article of "Waking Times" appeared to me as very valuable

So I saved and copied it on my blog http://contramarygarden by date of April,29 2013. At about the same time I found some article from Laura Bruno about Dandelions which I posted likewise on my a.m. blog titled : Dandelions in Masses ....

So it goes without saying that I welcomed all the hints about the use of natural herbs on these special article very much and since the date of reading and posting it - these have been in my mind since then.

As I am a very curious one:

I went outside into the yard behind the house where I live and picked a bush of Dandelions and putting my nose deep into their little shining golden blossoms, I re-smelled the odor of my beloved meadows behind the farm of my Granny so beloved all the time. I smelled it and recalled happiness of a sort I had forgotten for decades of my life ! It was like mystical Magic ! It made me happy and a bit sad with homesickness for these days as well ....

Another one of plants depicted on one of these articles were "Leaves of Vine wild growing" 

ese were also in my near neighbourhood ! Wild Vine is growing up some fronts of houses around mine : So I went there and picked leaves of wild vine for my own and newly found issue ... and together with Dandelions - as described as raw and eatable plant I had first them washed and then squashed in some Mixer together with some raw melon-pieces --- it turned out so delicious that I wanted to get more of these plants the other day and mixed them with some apple-juice and an small hand-full of sunflower-kernels ...

This last recipe turned out to be a real nutrition - I added some milk to it and drank it for breakfast and it lasted me from
10.00 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the afternoon without feeling hungry again....

While being on the path shown to me by above articles ...I tried out Banana Peels on sore spots as I had some inflammation around a footnail of mine .... and Wow ! it did its healing work there too.....

Since "Beltane"  (30.April, 2013) actually I put myself and my body to testing out what has been desrcribed in these articles and, well, I can tell you that all I tried, worked out to be a success....

Two days ago - while being under way trying to get to know more about these "Nature's Blessings" I obtained an e-mail from my very good friend Curadora64 about her latest writings "about healing powers of wild herbs" .... amazingly so simultaneous when I was busy with my very own testings and do not tell me it was by sheer coincidence only!

We have been told frequently that there is no
such thing than coincidence since it is all "in the celestial plannings of our lives".
So we came together again at this occasion on point of the subject of retrieving knowledge about wild flower and wild plants and their healing power and magic.

One is writing about it with so many profound pieces of knowledge - the other one - unknowingly of what the other one does - tries out actively something about this healing
power and eventually we come together and post what we found out and know into a conglomerated post to enrich and spread knowledge and light to those with interest !!!

As there is not such thing than Coincidence !!!

Thanking those who had a hand in it as I am sure our Spiritual or Angelic Guardians have been acting here too as some sort of intermediaries !

Thank you - I regard this as a another superior support of our activities.

(Contra)Mary with compassionate and unconditional Love.

About Herbs with Healing innate Power : and what has Moses to do with it ?

I never read anything of Curadora64's
writings before I make a sort of comment from my heart in order to evoke some intuitive parallelism to her articles.

Thus I did
also this time - I copied her original source text in Portuguese in order to draw it on my PC (regarded as my "home-PC" in this case) to let its vibrations spread here - and thus I went around the last two days with the writing to be borne from my own inner heart. Beforehand I also asked my guides to give me a helping hand in this. 
And so it goes again :

I woke up this morning listening to the song and words of "...and Moses spoke to Pharao "let my people go" .... it stayed in my mind fixedly jumping up from a deep root of mine and I cannot get rid of it ... so I asked myself what these lovely song could have to do with the knowledge of wild herbs and their healing power of Curadora64's writing ? Markedly that I have not read at all what I copied but only welcomed this article as a guest on my PC with its lovely vibrations....

Eventually I came to some conclusion. As we are all awakening, getting up from our millenia sleep and stepping out on to our road of ascension together with our planetary Mother Gaia we likewise try to connect back to our All-Source and Home ...which truly is the understanding of "Religion" originating from the Latin "re- ligare".
That is what we are doing mainly in the Now !

And connecting back to our previously forgotten
sage knowledge to Nature is what we are doing here with our spreading all over the world what is the inner sage teaching of wild plants to be used and applied to not human mankind only ! 

"This is what the Royal Realm of Natural Wild Plants" want to show and to tell us that Nature is a most prescious gift of Gaia to us all !"
And while we are walking onward on our path of ascension we also religate (connect back) to the Realm of Fairies as Guardians of Nature and Plants in our newly returned "Religion of All-There-Is" unifying us with the "Great One".

And thus we leave our old pattern and Matrix with our Grand Awakening walking persistently forth to manifest the New Matrix of 4th & 5th Dimensional Life to which also belongs our old knowledge regarding the healing powers of all that grows in Nature's Wild-Life of Plants for us and with the target of common sharing it with all other realms t oo - especially "The Realm of Animals". 

These are the allround blessings of this very special period of ascension .... and we are immensely helped in all uprising issues with this final target of being unified with all our previous gifts of knowledge. I  am sure that in many an occasion there are in visible nhelping hands from other dimensional planes to connect here the right people to each other in order to realize some very fruitful co-operations of networks newly to be established all other our earth.

All that has been taken away from us during millenia - separating from us the inner celestial wisdom we once had and throwing us apart from any other Royal Realm on Earth into the ice-cold loneliness of some brain-guided intelligence only ...way way apart from our inner hearts' feelings ... . all this --- on our way returning home into our fully consciousness --- we are Now reaching out for .... with bliss and sobbing hearts of joy ... and so

this was my eventual conclusion .... this song with which I woke up today ... I am keeping it singing
all through the day in my heart ... bearing no grudge nor fiery anger to those who have done all these dark stuff to all of us on earth making us cry for pain, alienating us from our home-sources, killing us and depriving us of all our so valuable proprieties so far :

"We are leaving this pitchest-dark areas of our former 3-D-Matrix singing this song as a parable : ".......
and Moses spoke to Pharao
: Let my People go ... !!!"

The only difference is now : that being Moses and changing into such human being spreading all over our world, since with each and every ascending human a new Moses of our Time of Now has been born joining the ever-growing chorus of Unity and sing : let us people go !"

We are all Moses' !!!

In this connection all the knowledge of Ciuradora64's writings are to be seen as the long lost pieces of innate wisdom to be given back to us again as pieces of Religion (remember to connect us back ?). 

They all are pieces of our old Sage Religion returned to us. Bless you Curadora64 !!!
These Thoughts I wanted to share with all mof you with compassionate and unconditional love to all of you
Om Shanti
Your Garden will not green-grow
-if you do not water it properly-