Reblogged from Golden Age of Gaia
From Getting to to Coming From
A lot of ways of working with life are straightened out as a result of our movement from Third Dimensionality to Fourth Dimensionality (on our way to the Fifth).
And in saying this, I'm operating at the furthest end of my "knowing" ability. I'm being fed this information; I'm extending it; I'm speculating on the basis of it.
But in no way am I saying that I know this in and from my own experience. So please just hold what I say here tentatively, if you wouldn't mind.
And in no way am I saying that I've mastered this knowledge. Stumbling upon it for the first time doesn't mean that I've fully understood it, integrated it, or mastered it any more than reading the morning newspaper means you were at the meeting in the mayor's office being reported on. And I just need to be clear about that.
I'll give you one example of something that's straightened out by our movement from Third to Fourth Dimensionality. In Third Dimensionality we orient towards life as if we get love or get to love. We see ourselves as an object that moves or acts in such a way as to procure love from someone else, from some circumstance, from some action, etc.
But in Fourth Dimensionality, if I'm right, it isn't a case of us getting or getting to love. It's a case of coming from love. We've straightened out the proper source of love for ourselves. It's not outside us; it's inside us.
In doing so we've revolutionized our way of living life. Because "coming from" rather than "getting to" is a whole new way of life and revolutionizes various aspects of ourself, not just this one having to do with love.
We probably will learn how to come from being responsible, from already having self-esteem, from already being generous, on and on the list will go. When we make this shift from getting to to coming from, I predict that we'll liberate our joy, aliveness, and satisfaction.
In the process, we'll have broken through the objectifying, life-crimping position of Third Dimensionality that we ourselves are objects and that we have to get what we want rather than that we are a space and we already have what we want.
All of this actualizes what Jesus said when he explained to us that the Kingdom of Heaven was within. It explains why we're advised to "know thyself," go within, etc. The highway doesn't lead from us to someone else. The highway leads within for all of us. We always already are the treasure buried in the field. We are the field. We are the treasure.
Fourth Dimensionality is still within the realm of duality. It's not the unitive consciousness of Fifth Dimensionality but it is at least a corrected version of duality. And it is the next step and the next place to go for us on our road to unity.
The love that we come from is the Love of the Creator. And we become like so many fiberoptic filaments, showing the love in ourselves as the filaments show the light but knowing that that love and light comes from a central Source.
We're conduits or channels for that love. Later we'll see, I think, that we are that love and that in fact love is all there is. But for now we simply see that we are conduits for that love and that constitutes one of the important steps in realization that opens Fourth Dimensionality to us.
From Getting to to Coming From

And in saying this, I'm operating at the furthest end of my "knowing" ability. I'm being fed this information; I'm extending it; I'm speculating on the basis of it.
But in no way am I saying that I know this in and from my own experience. So please just hold what I say here tentatively, if you wouldn't mind.
And in no way am I saying that I've mastered this knowledge. Stumbling upon it for the first time doesn't mean that I've fully understood it, integrated it, or mastered it any more than reading the morning newspaper means you were at the meeting in the mayor's office being reported on. And I just need to be clear about that.
I'll give you one example of something that's straightened out by our movement from Third to Fourth Dimensionality. In Third Dimensionality we orient towards life as if we get love or get to love. We see ourselves as an object that moves or acts in such a way as to procure love from someone else, from some circumstance, from some action, etc.
But in Fourth Dimensionality, if I'm right, it isn't a case of us getting or getting to love. It's a case of coming from love. We've straightened out the proper source of love for ourselves. It's not outside us; it's inside us.
In doing so we've revolutionized our way of living life. Because "coming from" rather than "getting to" is a whole new way of life and revolutionizes various aspects of ourself, not just this one having to do with love.
We probably will learn how to come from being responsible, from already having self-esteem, from already being generous, on and on the list will go. When we make this shift from getting to to coming from, I predict that we'll liberate our joy, aliveness, and satisfaction.
In the process, we'll have broken through the objectifying, life-crimping position of Third Dimensionality that we ourselves are objects and that we have to get what we want rather than that we are a space and we already have what we want.
All of this actualizes what Jesus said when he explained to us that the Kingdom of Heaven was within. It explains why we're advised to "know thyself," go within, etc. The highway doesn't lead from us to someone else. The highway leads within for all of us. We always already are the treasure buried in the field. We are the field. We are the treasure.
Fourth Dimensionality is still within the realm of duality. It's not the unitive consciousness of Fifth Dimensionality but it is at least a corrected version of duality. And it is the next step and the next place to go for us on our road to unity.
The love that we come from is the Love of the Creator. And we become like so many fiberoptic filaments, showing the love in ourselves as the filaments show the light but knowing that that love and light comes from a central Source.
We're conduits or channels for that love. Later we'll see, I think, that we are that love and that in fact love is all there is. But for now we simply see that we are conduits for that love and that constitutes one of the important steps in realization that opens Fourth Dimensionality to us.
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