So entsteht ein Dialog unter den Menschen, sie nehmen nicht mehr einfach so hin, nein, die Lichtträger schließen sich zusammen, um das zu fordern, was ihrer Überzeugung obliegt!
Across the Garden of Life -Durch den Garten des Lebens - À travers du Jardin de la Vie -Pelo Jardim da Vida -Por el Jardín de la Vida - من حديقة الحياة - החיים
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Neue Durchsage von Marix
So entsteht ein Dialog unter den Menschen, sie nehmen nicht mehr einfach so hin, nein, die Lichtträger schließen sich zusammen, um das zu fordern, was ihrer Überzeugung obliegt!
Channelled through Sarinah
dated 07.02.2013
When seemly some road has come to an end because there does not open up a further way despite past agreements ...there often opens up some portal of golden capabilities and eventual possibilities.
There has been many a talk about this and that but matters remained still hidden and were concealed from you due to believing this would deplete power and voters.
However truth always seeks its own way to come into the open and those who sacrifice themselves to expose these secrets - they are true heroes - since they risk so much and they are acting according to their soul-contracts.
And thus there arises some peculiar dialogue among people who - no longer - do not swallow everything than they did before - no - they, those bearing the light, join together and demand all that what they are convinced of.
Thereby much a stir is being caused since people get wind of what are the matters behind the curtains and this concerns those citizen which normally do not have any interest in such matters and do not engage themselves.
It is indifference which is truly dangerous for nothing is worse than looking at injustice and terror and staying socalled "cool like a cucumber". Apathy and indifference are very often partners of escalations.
Why? Well, because injuring energies will thus be able to gain ground unimpeded without meeting any relevant resistance.
Whoever looks the other way round if his/her neighbor needs some help will inevitably experience him-/herself something alike .... The Law of Resonance may not be corrupted in the least way and does not react to any argumentation.
Still how wonderful it is to observe how your young generation are able to form in a blink of an eye social networks and unite in order to come forward with special activities of assistance or simply to share their inspiring ideas in a community.
It is the most precious treasure what a country may posses - its young generation ! Since everything their parents were not able to turn over into manifestations because they has ro overcome too great a resistance - all this is being converted into activities now by those young people which have grown up in the loving and all-knowing care of their parents.
This is Now ! The Time of Sharing - The Time of Freedom - The Time of Conversion ! Enlightened activities are in the forefront and all of everything - cited here - such reminiscence your children are giving you in the Now.
This is I, Marix from Sirius, Member of the Galactic Federation of Light and speaking on behalf the Team of First Contact: this will be mutual co-operation of us all - a unity -which has never been seen before !!!
Thank you Marix
Translated by (Contra)Mary
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Superfoods creating Health
Superfoods, Superherbs and Super Immunity
David Wolfe, Reality Sandwich
Waking Times
Your immune system is vast and complex. It is designed to detoxify your body as well as protect your body from illness and foreign invaders.Harmful bacteria, viruses, calcium-forming micro-organisms, and candida are part of our world. Unfortunately, so are toxic chemicals, including everything from pesticides to car pollution to nuclear radiation to most municipal tap waters. In our world, these harmful micro-organisms and the endless list of toxic chemicals assault our immune system consistently. Coupled with these assaults are the daily stresses of life and their deleterious effects upon us.
All of these add up to a weakened immune system: colds and flus, coughs, fevers, chronic health problems, skin disorders, digestive distress, nervous conditions, chronic fatigue, and even cancer. When the body has too much to deal with, it stops being able to get rid of its waste efficiently and requires more support to help it fight off what is attacking it.
Fortunately, our immune system can be improved and empowered to such a point that not only can the harmful microbes be halted and the chemicals detoxified, but also a "stress defense shield" may be built up that can even drive off the effects of daily stress.
From my perspective it appears that a great thrust of research on health and longevity is pointing towards improving our immune system – that within an empowered immune system are the health solutions and longevity answers we're looking for.
We all can learn more about how to empower our own immunity. I believe the best way to activate genius within the immune system is by ingesting certain superherbs and superfoods, taking probiotics and cultured foods, minimizing toxic food exposure by eating pure organic raw-living foods, and making appropriate healthy lifestyle improvements.
In 400 BC Hippocrates said, "Let food be your medicine and let medicine be your food." Both aspects of this phrase must be considered – not just food as medicine, but also medicine as food – that means superfoods (the most nutrient-rich plant foods in the world) and tonic superherbs (herbs that can be taken regularly like food). Out of 40,000+ herbs used worldwide, perhaps only 50-60 of them are tonic superherbs. These superherbs should be taken for long periods, because, like all tonics, they are more like food and they build health treasures within and nourish our "stress defense shield."
Whenever possible, try to include the following superfoods, superherbs, and super products in your daily regime:
Reishi Mushroom: Reishi is Queen of the Medicinal Mushrooms. Reishi is the most well-studied herb in the history of the world. She has been the most revered herbal mushroom in Asia for over 2,000 years. The Daoists consider Reishi an "elixir of immortality" that is celebrated for its ability to significantly improve the functioning of the immune system by protecting us from the onslaught of viruses, bacteria, unwanted guests, pollution, chemicals, molds, and the toxicity that we are often subjected to in our world. Reishi helps build up our "stress defense shield" creating feelings of well-being within, in spite of outer stresses.
Chaga Mushroom: Chaga is the King of the Medicinal Mushrooms. It contains the highest amounts of anti-tumor compounds of any herb. These compounds are in the form of betulin, betulinic acid, and lupeol, which are powerful anti-mutagenic compounds naturally present in the white part of the birch tree's bark (in which the chaga typically grows). Chaga is also extremely high in nourishing phytochemicals, nutrients, and free-radical scavenging antioxidants, especially melanin. Chaga is second only to cacao (the chocolate nut) in antioxidant content. Chaga is the most powerful cancer-fighting herb known and fights all kinds of radiation damage to healthy tissue.
Gynostemma: According to the scientific herbal research being conducted in the People's Republic of China, gynostemma has been identified as the most medicinal of all the Chinese herbs. It contains 120 saponins (immune modulating molecules that are fat soluble on one side of the molecule and water soluble on the other side) – all of which possess specific, dual-directional health-giving properties (e.g. if our immune system is down, these saponins can modulate it up; if our immune system is too far up, they can modulate the immune response down). Gynostemma is a true tonic, you can take it or make tea out of it nearly every day with benefits that accrue the more you consume it. Gypenoside 49 (49th of the 120 saponins) has been identified as a telomerase activator that youthens us genetically.
Ginseng: Known throughout the world for its amazing energy restoring and strength-building properties, ginseng is an adaptogen that helps our bodies "adapt" to stressful environmental conditions. Ginseng root can boost energy, induce mental alertness, improve the ratio of healthy hormones (thereby acting as a subtle aphrodisiac), and increase endurance. Ginseng also helps fight pain and alleviate radiation damage to healthy tissues.
Chlorella: Chlorella is a natural, green, micro-algae, superfood detoxifier. Chlorella is the highest chlorophyll containing plant in the world with 40 times the chlorophyll content of the best wheatgrass juice known. The chlorophyll binds with heavy metals and chemical toxins, helping to eliminate them from the brain and nervous system. Chlorella is also a complete protein source that contains youthening and rejuvenating growth factors.
Zeolites: Zeolites are a form of unique, volcanic mineral compounds with crystalline structures that form a sort of "cage." This "cage" works like a magnet to attract heavy metals, chemicals, and other pollutants (e.g. radioactive isotopes), capturing them and allowing their easy removal (without being re-absorbed) from the body. Zeolites have been shown to have anti-viral and cancer-fighting effects.
Shilajit: Contains 80+ minerals and fulvic acid that assist in the removal of toxins, improve nutrition to cells and help restore electricity to the blood. Shilajit promotes the movement of minerals into muscle, tissue, and bone. It is an Ayurvedic mineral-herb with over 5,000 years of known human usage in the Himalayas. The word "shilajit" translates as "born of stone and destroyer of weakness."
Astragalus Root: This chi-building root is one of the most potent immune tonics used to improve the lungs, strengthen muscles, increase metabolism, reduce stress, and strengthen the genetics. The first telomerase activator product to make it into the market is TA-65, an extract of astragalus.
Camu Camu Berry: This plant-derived Vitamin C source will super boost your immune system and help repair connective tissue. Botanical vitamin C sources (such as Camu) are coming into favor in preference over synthetic ascorbic acid products due to their complete array of vitamin C enhancing bioflavonoids, copper, rutin, and other co-factors that make vitamin C work better. Camu Camu is one of the most concentrated supplies of Vitamin C in the world, and a powerful antioxidant. It is ranked by Dr. James Duke as one of the most powerful, single health-giving botanical substances. Dr. Duke is a world-famous botanist who worked for the USDA's Agricultural Research Service for 30 years while developing one of the world's most comprehensive Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases.
Probiotics: Consuming a combination of good quality probiotics (these include friendly bacteria such as: Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidus infantis, B. longum, L. bulgaricus, S. thermophilus, L. plantarum, L. salivarius, Enterococcus faecium, etc.) and cultured and fermented foods (that contain live probiotics) such as coconut and other kefirs, unpasteurized sauerkraut and kim chi, etc. will lead to enhanced immunity as the beneficial probiotic bacteria are symbiotic allies to your body that help: fight viruses, candida and other infections; produce B vitamins; and assist in detoxification. Probiotics help build up that "stress defense shield."
We live in a time of unprecedented abundance. Through the Internet and the advancing health freedoms we are all enjoying, we have easy access to these superfoods, superherbs, and super health products.
When you start investigating and utilizing these substances consistently and regularly as part of your overall health and exercise program, you will notice that your immunity will step-by-step be enhanced. Your thoughts will have more clarity. Your overall energy will increase. You will also likely sleep better and perform better in athletic activities. Your overall productivity will improve. Digestive distress decreases. Feelings of well-being begin to dominate your life.
Superfoods and tonic superherbs can be added into anyone's diet. Simply begin with the first one or few that you're drawn to and go from there. Get out a blender and have fun. Make different teas with the superherbs or create new smoothies with the superfoods. Better yet, take your superherb tea and blend it with your superfoods to make the best elixirs ever. Getting healthier and healthier is fun!
The benefits of sunlight from "WakingTimes"
Science: Sunlight Could Reduce Death Rate From All Causes
Heather Callaghan, Guest
Waking Times
Here's something I never thought we'd hear in this lifetime:
We suspect that the benefits to heart health of sunlight will outweigh the risk of skin cancer.
A lot of us are secretly, boldly basking for reasons like vitamin D, mood enhancement, happiness, skin issues, liver health, pain and more. Now there's never a reason to fear harm or feel guilty – you could save your heart – and prevent an untimely death!
The espoused fear for about 50 years has been skin cancer rates (which continue to rise), but researchers are finally surmising that years of hiding from the sun could lead to increased heart attacks – a much sooner demise than the risk of skin cancer in later years. Sunlight does so much more than vitamin D production.
A recent landmark study could turn the modern thought on sun exposure right on its head…
UK scientists from the University of Edinburgh discovered that when sunlight touches our skin it releases a compound in our blood called nitric oxide. This helps lower blood pressure and protect the heart from disease, cardiac arrest, strokes, and attacks.
Senior Lecturer in Dermatology, Richard Weller, and his colleagues believe there is such a greater effect overall from the sun in reducing life-shortening events like strokes and heart attacks, that sun bathing should not only be "risked" but incorporated into a healthy lifestyle. There was such proof and such emphasis that the world's largest gathering of skin experts flocked to hear about it recently at the International Investigative Dermatology event in Edinburgh.
The main emphasis is sunlight for heart health. They have connected some interesting dots:
- Heart disease and high blood pressure rise in winter time
- Heart issues correlate with location. Example: higher rates of problems in Northern Europe versus Southern Europe
- Anywhere between 60 to 100 people die from strokes and heart disease for every person who dies from skin cancer (at least in Europe)
- Vitamin D can lower heart disease rates but not so much with store bought supplements – it's sun-induced vitamin D
- However, this production of nitric oxide is completely separate from vitamin D production, so it's something about sun-induced nitric oxide that is badly needed for heart health – does not come from vitamin D supplements
- In past studies, sunlight has been found to zap infectious disease like chicken pox
A couple dozen volunteers basked in two separate 20-minute sunlamp sessions; one with only heat, and one session with heat plus both types of UV rays. Blood pressure sank and heart rates rose for the UV session only – and the lowered blood pressure lasted for almost an hour.
Weller, certain that overall benefits far outweigh cancer risks, also said:
The work we have done provides a mechanism that might account for this, and also explains why dietary vitamin D supplements alone will not be able to compensate for lack of sunlight.
If this confirms that sunlight reduces the death rate from all causes, we will need to reconsider our advice on sun exposure. [emphasis added]
This study that was published in Journal of Investigative Dermatology in April was done with sun lamps – so you can imagine reaping the natural benefits of Good Ol' Mr. Golden Sun. Sunlamps did not produce vitamin D. Get the real deal, and not that God-forsaken chemical spray that makes people look like Oompa-Loompa Kardashians.
The sun is sexy again – just don't want to barbecue that lovely skin. Please avoid any sunblock containing these chemicals - nanoparticles are on the rise, which means they can penetrate further into skin and blood. Have fun and make your own natural sunscreen and use after you get some pure sunshine.
About the Author
Heather Callaghan is a natural health blogger and food freedom activist. You can see her work at and Like at Facebook.
-if you do not water it properly-