Your Garden will not green-grow
-if you do not water it properly-


Monday, June 3, 2013

Music used for healings and etc.

New post on Laura Bruno's Blog re-blogged here

Jill Mattson ~ Things Ancient People Did with Music

by laurabruno

Thank you, Gillian, for bringing this article to my attention! It's such a lovely summary of ways that music was used in Ancient times. I would add to it the incredible power of poetry, as well. So many Ancient myths and history came to us via the bards, who sang their thousand plus lines of poetry as they traveled around the world. The combination of music and poetry preserved stories in ways that fickle minds and whisper down the alley legends might have lost.

Jill Mattson ~ Things Ancient People Did with Music
Jill's Wings Of Light May 31 2013

Here are some more utterly fascinating things that people in ancient history have done with music for very specific purposes.

Ancient dance

Music was believed to be a force to alter civilizations. Several years before the American Revolution, patriotic and freedom songs were popular. The songs were designed to encourage young men to fight and go to war. American Indians also used "war" dances to strengthen warriors "mettle" and aggression. In ancient Hindu history, terrifying sounds were used to unnerve and scare enemies.

In the Bible, David played the harp to lift Saul's depression. Egyptian papyri, over 2,600 years old, refer to incantations as cures for infertility and rheumatic pain.

The ancient Greeks believed music had the power to heal the body and soul. They used the flute and the lyre for gout and sciatica. Paeans were a classification of ancient Greek songs that cured specific illnesses. For example, when the plague hit ancient Greece, they played a specific song with the frequencies and rhythmic patterns thought to halt the illness. There is a Greek saying, "Men have a song, as a physician for pain."

Ancient music

It is said that that Alexander the Great had his sanity restored by music played on the lyre. The Greek philosophers took people with mental health issues to concerts for therapy. Pythagoras used melodies and rhythms to cure diseases of the body and mind.

The ancient Egyptians wrote musical notes and letters on paper and the ink-like substance dissolved in water. They drank the water to heal certain ailments. They believed that the vibrations created by shapes and words created a subtle energy, that when ingested, were healing and enlightening. These ideas remind of Masuro Emoto's work, showing freezing water affected by positive words produced pleasing and beautiful shapes. Angry words created lopsided and distorted patterns.

Jill Mattson ~ Jill's Wings Of Light newsletter

1st Weerkly Letter from the Office of Poofness by Susan

Re-blogged from Oracle and Healers

Poofness – Time for Plain Talk – 6/2/2013

June 2, 2013 in Poofness | Tags: ,


Greetings and Salutations;

I would like to reintroduce myself. Many know me as Susan, I have "been behind the curtain." My forever partner has ascended as he promised – Not necessarily the way I would have wished. For me, this has been "The Time Travel of Shock," loss and re-adjustment. I know that Poof, Serenius, believed in you as much as you believed in Him. His transition was fast, shocking and life altering – He lives in your Heart as he will forever live in mine and he remembers that You and I are always in HIS….

Now on to the news………………. This is a dynamite newsletter today that is sure to grab your attention! Now is the "Time for Plain Talk" and we are so blessed to have a very special contribution from ZAP. His realm is the "Nose Bleed Section." He speaks with those in the very top positions in China and around the world. Today he has taken the time to share his knowledge and wisdom of where we are right now and how we arrived here with our newsletter family. Make no mistake this is neither rumor nor conjecture but fact, a time for truth and a "Time for Plain Talk."

From ZAP……… Poof is gone, but not gone – We are here to continue the information dissemination and provide clarity while wading through all of the "Muck."

The first piece of real news: It looks like there will be a tad of sunshine peeking through as the "first ever" download of funds for the redemption of historic assets, occurred shortly before the settling bank closed last Friday for the weekend. This is of extreme significance, because before the Global Settlements or the announcement of the RV of the Dinar/Dong could occur, the release of the Matrix Funds (Humanity's Wealth) needed to be done. None of this would be possible without Basel III being fully instituted globally. This action then allows the process for completely removing all "Historic Assets" (bonds), which have plagued our humanity for decades through theft, obviation of agreements and treaties, and greed in general.

Once these funds start moving through the system paying out to the various holders of these "Historic Assets," then the settlements will begin and the RV becomes an inevitable reality. Never mind all of the constant rumors regarding the RV, this is the process and sequence of events. Prior to this release all of the Federal Reserve boxes, debt notes, bonds and all other interesting debt obligations had to be not only settled but all had to be completely destroyed after the fact by disappearing into the nearest furnace. Our humanity could not afford to have this historic debit from the bond redemption and other debts spilling into the "New System." It would be like dragging a 1 ton anchor behind while trying to run a 440 meter race. Now maybe you can grasp the extreme significance of the action that took place last Friday. Let the celebration begin!

Who pushed the button? The correct answer is: The Chinese Royal Family along with the USA, China, and the occasional backing of the Russian Government (in conjunction with all the other countries).

We hear so much regarding China these days in our national news that some may actually fear their involvement in world affairs. Let's be very clear we are not talking about the Chinese government here. The Chinese we speak of were chosen by the Celestials millennia ago to be the "Keepers" (Guardians) of humanity's wealth (the Matrix Funds), because they can keep secrets, care for our humanity and they have great integrity.

Over time, the Chinese created many complex systems to keep the secrets, secret. But through the generations when the "Keepership" was handed down Father to Son/Daughter, the Son/Daughter sometimes forgot the true mission and meaning of their "Keepership" and decided the wealth in their keep was actually their inheritance and therefore theirs. That's where part of the problems started. The other part was the various leaders of our nations who caught the greed bug.

The "Family" is often times called "The Dragons," the "Elders," etc. Yes, "The Dragons" come in many colors, white, blue, gold, black, green, etc., with colors designating administartion, treasury, guardian, etc., and to make it even more interesting each dragon is assigned a number. There is no one "Dragon" that is the supreme entity, it's more like a council of "Dragons." Or shall I say Dragons, Tigers, Butterfly, Lotus and other animals and fruits and vegetables. I think they are so caught up in themselves they exhibit the intelligence of a parsnip when it comes to common sense, and the true purpose/mission of helping humanity. The hierarchy is comprised of the Dragon Lords (Celestials) with the lesser human Dragons, of whatever color, and earthly councils being in charge of their designated tasks.

The head of the family, let's call him Grandpa, of the various factions ( there are many and some are vying for position like in all systems) has started an internal cleanup. He is a few centuries old, but still considered a youngster. They don't really start to take you seriously until you hit 500, but he is an exception. Grandpa supposedly died sometime ago, but he didn't really and everybody was looking for his replacement. Then as usual the jostling for position problems occurred. In the mean time, Grandpa sat back and watched the circus for a while and made a list of who was naughty and nice. He them announced he was alive, back and ready to start the clean up. This will extend the mass arrests when the clean up hits that level. As you can see and hear in the news part of this clean up has already started.

Remember that as in all cases, there are bad apples in every bushel and the "Family" is no exception. For the most part they are good people with their hearts in the right place and holding the intent high for the benefit of all. Then there are ones who feel the "Matrix Wealth" in their keep is theirs….they have lost sight of what is real and what their mission really is. The "Family" weeds those out and they either disappear if their ego and greed are so great they can actually harm the "Matrix," or they just get stripped of their responsibility and a replacement is installed. That is a snapshot of the basic system of "Keepers" and why they are here. I could spend hours going into details on this but this will suffice for now.

So, there you go a bit of clarity to munch on! This is a little different for me to speak like this, but my dear brother James showed me something that was needed in these times, so I am happy to speak out a bit. Thanks James for being here for us and shedding light on a whole dump truck full of dark…Here comes the front end loader full of light.

In Love and Light in our service


It seems this is a "Time for Plain Talk" with the plethora of questions surrounding the Global Settlements, RV, Basel III, Announcements and Humanitarian Projects. If you have particular questions and wish a consultation to further clarify information presented here today please feel free to contact Susan in Poof's office. We will contact ZAP when he is available for any answers to questions beyond our scope. There are limits at times to the answers we may be given and sometimes no answers may be given due to the time sensitive nature of the current goings on. Please be patient with us as work through our calls and emails.

For those of you who wish to express your condolences to Poof's family we have provided a link to our online "Condolence Book" which will allow you to record a brief expression of sympathy to be treasured by the family. Love and Kisses,

Susan From the Office of Poofness

Astrological Forecast by Pam Junghans – June 3 to 9, 2013

Posted on June 3, 2013 by
Reblogged from Newsletter of Pam Junghans

Astrology Journal
Your Guide to Planetary Energies for
June 3 to 9, 2013
By Pam Younghans
Today's photo: Auroras on June 1 over Crater Lake in Oregon (photo by Brad Goldpaint, posted on

 important week ahead of us – but with different themes than in recent weeks. Whereas before we were primarily working with the "shock and awe" effects of the Pluto-Uranus square, this week there is a softening and a shift in vibration.
Neptune is the main planetary influence this week. The ethereal planet is moving very slowly now, and will come to a standstill (from Earth's perspective) on Friday. That day marks the beginning of Neptune's retrograde (backward motion) phase, which lasts until November 13.

 slows momentum, its effects on our energy field is increased. This enhanced effect is especially strong a week or two on either side of the exact date of its station.
With Neptune's influence strengthened now, we can expect that one or more of the following will be stronger as well: our connection to our spiritual or creative energy source; avoidance of reality and responsibility; surrender to our soul's guidance; compassion and understanding; martyrdom and self-sacrifice; intuition and inspiration.

of Neptune's influence are being assisted this week by Saturn, Mercury and Venus. On surface, the intentions of Saturn are so different from those of Neptune, we might think the two could never get along. Neptune wants to help us transcend the dramas of human experience through creative and spiritual practices; Saturn wants us to be more fully present to physical reality, and teaches practicality and responsibility.

However, when the two planets work well together, as they are now, we have the marvelous possibility of manifesting in the "real" world (Saturn) the ideals of our spiritual and creative selves (Neptune). We also are assisted in letting go (Neptune) of the outdated goals, restrictions and rules (Saturn) that are not in alignment with who we are becoming.

 from the effects of a Grand Water Trine between Neptune in Pisces, Saturn in Scorpio and Mercury in Cancer on Monday. When a grand trine occurs, all three planets are working in harmony, and we are more able to put their energies to positive use.

The same configuration is in effect again on Friday, when Venus steps in to take Mercury's place. And, both these grand trines are overtures to the main event: a Grand Water Trine that will take place between Neptune, Saturn, and Jupiter/Mars in July.
While one of these Grand Water Trines is in effect, we can more easily bridge the gap between realism and idealism, between what we know as truth and what we hope is possible. We are also supported in carrying greater love and light as we walk through our day.

that our New Moon on Saturday would be an especially good time to create a vision board, or in some other way bring our ideals, intentions and goals into form. Even the Sabian symbol for the lunation encourages us to look beyond what appears to be probable and aim instead for what may be possible:
"A large archaic volume reveals a traditional wisdom: Contacting the all-human planetary Mind underlying any cultural and personal mentality."
This symbolic image reminds us that what we accept as wisdom today originally came from a greater Consciousness. It also tells us that we each have within us the ability to contact that Consciousness for ourselves and thereby access even more expansive information. 

squaring Mercury at the time of the New Moon, we may be surprised at what we learn this week. Or, the information may come through suddenly, as an "aha" moment. It may also require that we change our usual ways of thinking so that we can accommodate the new insights.

We may want to start watching for disruptions in our mental/energy fields on Friday, when Pluto opposes Mercury. This aspect sets up the opportunity for the new beginning represented by the New Moon and Uranus-Mercury square, but it does indicate that we will probably need to let go of old thinking patterns first.

, Neptune squares Mars and Pallas Athene. These aspects tell us that even though we may be in "fight or flight" mode in response to recent events, the solution is not found in either option.

With Mars and Pallas in Gemini, the urge is to find the right words, the right logic, that will convince others that our perspective is truth. But, Neptune teaches us the value of riding the waves rather than trying to change them.

In other words, as I've heard from many sources in recent weeks, we will best survive and thrive now if we let go of our attachment to what has occurred. The longer we define ourselves by circumstances that are not to our liking, the more we delay the breakthroughs and new potentials that are awaiting.

covering July through December is less than two weeks from now! I'm starting to work on the slides that will be shown during the class, and am excited to be exploring the possibilities of the rest of 2013 with you.
If you haven't yet registered, or want more information, the class description and registration link are included below:


Our Journey of Transformation Continues

How planetary energies will support and
challenge us in the rest of 2013
with Astrologer Pam Younghans
and Wellness Educator Elsie Kerns
Thursday, June 13
4 to 5:30pm PDT (7 to 8:30pm EDT)
Attend either by phone or online!
 If you cannot attend the teleclass at the posted time: Please note that all registrants will have access to a replay of the class and a pdf of the slideshow after the class is completed.
To register, please visit:

LIFE IS MOVING so rapidly these days — it seems new challenges arise almost daily, but thankfully, solutions are not far behind. Like adept surfers, we are learning not to attach to either the highs or the lows, but to maintain our center amidst the waves.

As we move into the last six months of 2013, the planets will both support and challenge us, with the goal of helping us become the empowered and liberated beings we were born to be. During the class, we'll talk about:
  • a supportive Grand Water Trine in mid-July
  • a challenging T-square with Pluto, Uranus, Jupiter and Mars in late July-early August
  • the always-important Libra Equinox in September
  • eclipses in October and November
  • the final 2013 Pluto-Uranus square in November
  • and some very interesting configurations involving Pluto, Uranus, Mercury, Mars and the Sun as we finish the calendar year

As you can see, there's a lot going on!

Join us for this 90-minute teleclass, where we'll walk month-by-month through the rest of 2013. We'll talk about when the supportive and challenging energies are the strongest, discuss possible manifestations, and share perspectives on the higher purpose of it all.

We hope you will join us!
NorthPoint Astrology Blog: To read my latest blog post, entitled "Just be Awake with poise," please visit
Your Garden will not green-grow
-if you do not water it properly-