Your Garden will not green-grow
-if you do not water it properly-


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Re-blogged from Colleen/PAO (


Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

The Night Time Sky Sings to You - Literally! In this enlightening article, Jill Mattson tells us how she uses the sounds from the stars, Fibonacci numbers and Solfeggio tones to create healing music for our ascension.
Sheldan covered in detail the affect Fibonacci numbers and Solfeggio tones have on our consciousness in his webinar on Sacred Geometry (due out in June as an archive).
The Fibonacci series of numbers (found in the geometries of solar systems, plants and seashells, the human body, and in some of the world's most loved art and architecture) has also been converted into musical form in Paint Your Soul by Jill Mattson.
shell fractal
The Fibonacci numbers, when graphed, reveal a spiral pattern (Nautilus shell)... Ancient traditions held that listening to the "spiral" pattern of sound "quickens" the listener's soul, enabling it to rise closer to God and creating brain wave patterns that can expand consciousness.
A couple of month's ago, I shared a posting featuring the divine sound of crickets. When researchers slowed the crickets' chirping sound to the speed of a human heart, the most angelic music was revealed. Can you imagine the magnificent chorus that will be revealed when the same is done for the sounds coming from stars, planets, our sun, plants, oceans, flowers, bees, etc. Our return to Life in the Fifth Dimension will reveal wonders of the Universe we can only imagine today.
Selamat Ja!

The Night Time Sky Sings to You - Literally!

"The sun and other stars do actually 'sing,'" said astronomer Donald Kurtz of The University of Central Lancashire in Preston, U.K. Stars—themselves spherical—can produce notes through their vibrations, like musical instruments. We can't hear the sounds directly, but "astronomers can detect them through asteroseismology—looking beneath the surfaces of the stars into their cores," Kurtz said. "We can see inside the Sun as clearly as you can see a fetus in the womb using ultrasound."
Stars produce ghostly whistling, drumming, humming or rumbling sounds, said Kurtz, though their frequencies—or speeds of vibration—must be artificially boosted to bring them into human hearing range.
Kurtz has demonstrated how Bach would sound if played by the stars, combining pitches from different stars into a computer-projected melody. He also used helium, cymbals and bottles to recreate stellar sounds.
"Stars have natural vibrations that are sound waves, just as musical instruments do," Kurtz explained. "In the case of an instrument such as a horn, the cause of the vibrations is the musician blowing on the horn and buzzing his or her lips at a frequency that matches the natural vibrations of the horn. For the star, the vibrations start by changes in the passage of energy from the nuclear inferno in the heart of the star on its way to the surface, and escape into space."
Early last year, researchers published a paper noting that a massive quake had left a so-called neutron star vibrating like a bell, sounding a note corresponding to what humans designate as F sharp. Early this year, scientists reported that not only stars vibrate musically—the whole Milky Way is oscillating as well, like a drumhead.
"Understanding the sounds of the stars is important for our understanding of the formation of the solar system and the Earth," Kurtz said. Using asteroseismology, "We can even monitor dangerous 'active' regions on the far side of the Sun." These stormy zones can later send out blasts that create geomagnetic storms on Earth, leading to power failures and radio disruption.
The original music in Jill Mattson's Star Dust is derived from the motion and chemistry of the Heavenly Spheres. Mattson employs a technique transposing the motion and orbits of the planets into audible and hauntingly beautiful sounds – the "music of the Spheres". She also adds components based on the Celestial Elements – material literally made in the Stars. Cleverly combined with the heavenly music are intonations based on techniques from the ancient Chinese masters. These masters learned how to capture and realize the subtle energy that comes from the Stars. Their music negates Astrological challenges and adds blessings from the subtle energy of the Stars.
Jill studied the work of Hans Cousto and utilized his methods to derive the frequencies of the Earth, Sun and Planets. She increased the frequencies of these celestial bodies by successive octaves until the sound was in the range audible to the human ear. These frequencies were then recorded as a component of all the Star Dust tracks. Similar techniques were used to add the frequencies for the elements: Oxygen, Hydrogen, Carbon and Nitrogen to Star Dust. These happen to be the most plentiful elements in the Stars and the most plentiful elements in our bodies! We truly are one with the entire Universe.
Star Dust consists of original scores entirely written and performed by Jill Mattson. The collection features complex music strewn with beneficial vibrations from the heavens and from ancient masters. The net effect is harmonic music with intriguing multidimensional frequencies. There is a wonderful embedded sound that resembles wind chimes, with pitches unable to be heard on our musical instruments of today. The additional complexity due to the Planet tones gives great peacefulness & helps take us back to our heavenly roots.
First Free Mp3 - Song from the Paint your Soul CD contains Fibonacci tones – created by a mathematical pattern found in the stars, your body, flowers, beehives and transposed to music. Ancient people listened to the Solfeggio tones (that are also in this music), to enhance spiritual enlightenment and uplift their souls. For example, the fifth tone is the frequency of DNA.
Second Free Mp3 - This selection from the Star Dust CD contains heavenly music with the sounds of the planets and trace elements found in stars - converted into twinkling tones! Harmonize with the heavens and balance astrological energy.
Third Free Mp3 - Healing Flower Symphonies – Listen to the literal sounds of flower energy, embedded in this delightful music! Clear negative emotional energy and build positive feelings! You can feel negative energy as you get rid of it!
Receive these free soundhealing mp3s at bottom of home page at Jill's Wings of Light and at Jill's Healing Music

Something more about Enlightment by René Descartes

Re-blogged from "Waking Times"

Have You Achieved Enlightenment?

Flickr - Reality1 - WonderlaneRene Descartes, Contributor
Waking Times
Have you achieved enlightenment?
You would know if you did. You'd know it far more easily than knowing if you'd been struck by a bolt of lightning. And that's why you're here in this world. That's why you are reading all those books and this as well. Because you are still searching for enlightenment. If you had found it, you would not be on this plane, or you would be an Adept, and teaching others rather than reading books – even ancient texts.  Because you would then truly 'know it all', at least spiritually speaking. You would have Universal Consciousness. You would not be struggling with your self, or being self-centered or selfish anymore. You would only "Unselfishly Love."
There are basically two kinds of people reading this (and some who are combinations of the two kinds). The first kind of person is just reading it because it is unusual and perhaps somewhat interesting reading. That includes those who are fascinated with lost civilizations, lost history, and mysterious technology. But the other kind of reader is one who is more "into" spiritual knowledge, studies, practices, abilities, etc. What some call a spiritual "seeker".
This reminder is really addressed to them. There are those of you reading this right now, who have collected spiritual and metaphysical knowledge for many years, and been involved with various spiritual "paths", trends, or techniques. Some of you will read this and say, "Yes, I already know," or, "It's redundant," or "I have heard these things before – I already know them, so this information is of little use to me".
I don't mean to offend you or belittle your knowledge or wisdom. But if you have thought such things, ask yourself the following questions before you read any more with that kind of attitude, or before you just "file these teachings away" with the rest of your knowledge.
Are you already "enlightened", or "Universally Conscious"?
There are various definitions of enlightenment, so here's what we mean – If you have achieved what we call enlightenment, you have taken the controlling reins of your life from your selfish separate self, and handed them over to your higher self, and the Universal Spirit. Have you done that?  Has Unselfish Love replaced selfishness in your day to day life? And if not, have you "dropped everything" and rearranged the priorities in your life with the goal of achieving these changes as fast as possible?
If the answer to the above is 'no,' then the next question is, why not? If you know the keys – why haven't you used them?  If you don't know the keys, maybe somewhere in these words something will click for you. Like we said, we don't mean to be insulting, or to offend you, we just want to help certain readers who might benefit from this idea. So, please keep that in mind now. While there are certain exceptions, if you are already "enlightened", it is very, very unlikely that you would even be reading this right now. You would likely have no need or interest in reading this, because you would have achieved all you need. The searching stops.
Those who have attained enlightenment, Universal Consciousness, or whatever you want to call it, generally no longer read about spiritual teachings or philosophy, because they are of no use to them – they don't need them anymore.  And when you no longer need the things you once found in a book, you change, and your interest in them falls away. (You may still need books on plumbing, but that's a different subject). It's not like being a doctor or something where you have to keep up on the latest advances in prolonging life. Sure, you could say there are degrees of enlightenment, and you might read something to achieve a greater degree than you have. But there is one "biggy" to enlightenment that is like a light switch, and it's either on or off.
So if you are reading this, and that "big" switch isn't turned on yet, for your own good, please put aside whatever you already know, just for a while at least. Even more importantly, please put aside any ego that could "get in your own way". This could prevent you from getting a seemingly insignificant "little piece of something" out of this that might help you become enlightened. Just have an open mind, and see where this takes you.
Even if you were enlightened, and found a book that "sounds interesting" which is certainly possible, you wouldn't have the time to muse over it. When you become enlightened, you are very, very busy, helping others to attain the same freedom, peace, and unselfish love you have found, or you go on and ascend to a higher vibrational plane. If you stay, you "work" for the Universal Spirit, so to speak. You align your will, with Universal Will, and thus you become very busy doing your little part in the "Universal Flow".
For example, at this point in our life, we don't read any spiritual or philosophical books. We no longer have the inclination, let alone the time.  We did need to write this though, because it was both our "job" to do so (in the service of the Universal Spirit), and our desire to help you. Not to say that it should do the same for you, because you may have a very different path (people do have legitimate different paths). But if we had read this insight you are reading now, it would have at least been the end of the "book" part of our search. Because it would have answered our questions, and all the pieces of truth would have fallen into place as a whole.
But again, maybe these words aren't your spiritual "cup of tea", so to speak, and this won't do the same for you that it would have for us.  Maybe it's just one of your stepping stones along the way, and has some things you consider "bits" of truth. Or maybe you're not ready for it yet. Or maybe it is right for your path, but you're just afraid of the radical changes it would bring into your life, if you allowed yourself to realize and accept the truth – your truth. It's certainly not for us to say. But in any case, if you are still reading this – you are probably still looking for something. And if so, just admit it.
A long time ago we discovered the hard way that it doesn't pay to be egotistical, self-centred, or "cocky" about what you already know.  Humility never killed anyone, but cockiness has. Humility will get you to peace of mind and "enlightenment" faster than anything else. A "spiritual ego" will prevent it. So go ahead and let yourself go, and look very closely, with an open mind and heart. Spirituality is simple. Love is simple. Truth is simple. Enlightenment is simple.
It's all basic stuff that we all really know deep inside somehow, yet most people don't live by it, and they've blocked it out. An article like this helps to remind you and inspire you. If you haven't "gotten it" yet, maybe this will help. If you think it's redundant, what can we say?  How could it be redundant, if you haven't "gotten it" yet? We know we needed to hear certain things over and over, until we finally really did "hear it", "get it", and actually change. Some of you may already know everything you need to become truly great beings who are a blessing to all, yet you don't do what you need to do to achieve that. Why?  What's your "good reason"?
We've seen them all. Some continue to cling to the lives they've built. Jobs. Friends. Associates. Kids. Hold on to the familiar shore. There are all kinds of excuses to avoid real change. Some people even use the search for spiritual knowledge, or "sharing" of knowledge, or even the search for a spiritual path, as a means to actually avoid change. It doesn't matter what the excuse is. It doesn't matter if it is clinging to a house, car, friend, lover, family, job, city, or whatever. It also doesn't matter what you fear.
All bodies die someday, and the specifics of your life will become irrelevant. So it doesn't matter if your reason for not "going for it" is the best reason in the world. The BOTTOM LINE is this – Whatever reason is holding you back from what you need to do to achieve "enlightenment" and Oneness with your Maker -  is not a good enough reason. This is the kind of attitude one must have. And the knowledge of how to do it is not good enough.  Knowledge can only point the way; you are the one who must actually take the journey.
"A little knowledge that acts, is worth infinitely more than much knowledge that is idle". – Khalil Gibran

About the Author
Rene' Descartes is a frustrated desert veggie farmer in South Africa who ponders and wonders much about truth. Having sailed around the world on a small yacht over a 4 year period, Rene' is now interested in healing the terminally ill and in being of assistance to the all the souls entering earth right now. Email Rene' at
This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It's okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.

Hilarions's Message to us for the Week to come

Hilarion – May 12-19, 2013

May 12, 2013 in Hilarion | Tags: ,
Beloved Ones,
These are the days of endurance, steadfastness and of the exploring of the different aspects of your many faceted selves. Take the time to sit in stillness, in quietness, to open your heart, your willingness and allowance for further insights that may come during these moments. Be willing to go beyond the confines of your former perceptions of self, to step into the unknown with courage and persistence. Look beyond seeming appearances of the outer world to the world that exists within you. There are treasures waiting to be discovered, claimed and tapped into; the treasures of the spirit.
Behold in these moments the magnificence of your true Being and try it on for size. Bask in the glow of your shining spirit. You are beginning to comprehend the unlimited nature of your Being and the tremendous power for good that you hold to make a decided difference in the world around you. In whatever way you are called, it is the time to make choice to begin your new journey into uncharted territory. As you ride the waves of change, stay steadfast in your alignment to your higher presence. Many hearts are opening as you do this. You have been experiencing the pull of polarities within you and this is a common experience for many souls during these times. Remember that it is what you resist which keeps you in these conflicting energies.
Step back when this occurs, take a few deep breaths to steady and balance yourself and realign with your higher self in its divine essence. Remember who you are – a courageous and adventurous soul who came into this lifetime prepared to make a difference just by being here and this you are all doing exceptionally well. Many of you are processing and experiencing the dualistic energies of the collective energy field that is in play around you and by doing this work of balancing you are helping many others to experience a gentler cleansing and recalibrating.
The times before you demand a greater accountability and acceptance of personal responsibility for all that you create by each thought, word and deed.  This is the ideal that you are all working towards, it is not expected of you to transform immediately so be gentle with yourselves and with others in your sphere of influence. It is an ongoing process and this is something that happens moment by moment allowing your human operating system to adjust in a way that is more comfortable. The more of you who allow your greater divine essence to become integrated with your consciousness and in your cellular structure, the greater the force field of Light becomes in the surrounding atmosphere.
As this continues, you will find yourselves feeling at greater ease and at some point that is individual for each one of you, the heavier and denser energies will one day be considerably lessened and this will be felt as a lightening of your spirit. We suggest that you call upon and work with the Violet Flame each day to help bring in these higher frequencies, as this has every potential to accelerate the purifying of everyone and everything in a safe and balanced manner. Calling upon St. Germain often will bring in the new Age of Light that much sooner. Stay in your personal integrity in all that you do and all will continue to be well.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
Re-blogged here via Oracle and Healers by Ron Head
©2013 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included.
Your Garden will not green-grow
-if you do not water it properly-