Tiny Living Movie
I've been a Tiny House enthusiast for quite some time. I'm based in Nova Scotia Canada, and I'm currently trying to figure out how to make my dream of building a small floating home a reality in my climate.
I recently made a short documentary about my friend Dave Welsford, who has taken living small to the extreme. He lives alone on a very small 50 year old sailboat. He reconstructed her from the ground up and is now traveling around learning how people are happy in different parts of the world.
Dave on Lizzy Belle's stern
The film was just finished and I'm happy to announce that for our U.S. premiere will be opening for "TINY a story about living small" for two nights in Bend Oregon!
October 10-13, Bend Film Festival Bend, Oregon
The documentary is called "Twenty Eight Feet: life on a little wooden boat."
TWENTY EIGHT FEET: life on a little wooden boat (Sample Clip) from kevinAfraser on Vimeo.
Kevin and Dave recording the interview for Twenty Eight Feet in Lizzy Belle's Cabin.
Dave's blog here: http://www.twentyeightfeet.com/#!blog/c1vw1
Hopefully, in the future, my own small home will be truly underway and we can connect about that.
filmmaker, cinematographer & best friend
902 488 2684
Lizze Belle alone in the Bay.
Dave Weslford Self portrait on the bow while single handing.
Life of a traveller VS life of a tourist. Dave Welsford. Soufriere, Saint Lucia
Dave in Lizzy Belle's Galley, Rodney Bay Saint Lucia
Dave Sailing Single Handed off Rondney Bay Saint Lucia.