Your Garden will not green-grow
-if you do not water it properly-


Monday, July 1, 2013

About detoxing from Heavy Metal and Mercury

Reblogged from "Rise Earth"

How to Detox from Heavy Metals and Mercury

By Anne Brisner Shelton & Amber Angelle

7 steps toward a detox diet to rid the body of heavy metals and mercury

Heavy metals, such as mercury, lead and aluminum, accumulate in the body over time and are suspected of triggering dangerous conditions like heart disease, thyroid problems, dementia, neurological conditions, autism, infertility and birth defects. The good news is that a heavy metal detox can remove these contaminants from your body and minimize their impact on your health.

Chelation, a controversial metal detox procedure in which metals are purged from the body, usually by way of an intravenous administration of certain drugs, has been touted as a miracle cure for many ailments. Its effectiveness as a treatment, however, has come under much scrutiny. It may be harmful, so it's a good idea to talk with your doctor if you are considering it.

In the meantime, there are some less extreme steps you can take to reduce the amount of these heavy metals in your body.

Step 1: Be finicky about fish

Fish, especially ones that live for a long time, absorb mercury from the water they live in. Larger fish, such as tuna and swordfish, tend to have higher levels of mercury. Since an important step in mercury detoxification is reducing the amount you take in, it's a good idea to limit your consumption of certain fish.

Step 2: Consider your dental work

Silver-colored fillings are usually made with a mercury amalgam, which may break down over time. If you have a lot of these fillings, you may want to talk with your dentist about a mercury detox — replacing them with tooth-colored resin fillings.

Step 3: Ask for mercury-free vaccines

While the mercury-based preservative thimerosal has been removed from most vaccines, there are still some that contain the controversial chemical, such as flu shots. But there are usually thimerosal-free alternatives available; you just have to ask for them.

Step 4: Look out for pollution

Pollution in our water and air can be a major source of harmful heavy metals. Steer clear of industrial areas when possible, and drink filtered water.

Step 5: Beware of old paint

As recently as the 1970s, paint was made with lead. So, if you live or work in an older structure, there's a good chance there is lead-based paint somewhere beneath the most recent layer. Be mindful of places where paint might be chipping, and definitely keep small children from putting paint chips in their mouths.

If you are worried about lead exposure, see your doctor for a lead test. He or she can guide you to more specific metal detox treatments, if warranted.

Step 6: Order a side of cilantro

The herb cilantro, also known as coriander, has been found to be a natural chelating agent — and one that doesn't have to be administered intravenously. "Cilantro chelation" typically calls for a small amount of fresh cilantro, which can be made into a pesto sauce and eaten over pasta or toast, consumed each day for a few weeks. But you may want to discuss it with your doctor first, especially if you take medications or have a health condition.

Detox diets

There are more dietary steps you can take to rid yourself not only of heavy metals but other toxins as well. Detox diets and detox recipes are more popular than ever, thanks to celebrities such as Gwyneth Paltrow and Beyonce. Sure, most detox recipes lead to drastic weight loss, but healthy detox focuses on the long-lasting benefits, both mental and physical, of cleansing your body.

But with so many detox diets out there, how do you know which is best for you? Here are some basic ways to naturally detox your diet.

Step 1: Eliminate toxins

Whether your reason for beginning a detox diet has to do with bad eating habits or a condition such as arthritis, you should always consult your doctor if you plan to make drastic changes to your diet. That said, the best way to begin a natural detox is to simply stop consuming toxins such as alcohol and tobacco. According to the National Institutes of Health, both are extremely harmful to your health and cause cancers and other diseases. Also consume less caffeine and less nonorganic produce.

Step 2: Cleanse your body

Many natural body cleanses include one to three days of fasting to remove any undigested food from your system. Before making the decision to fast, consult your physician or a medical professional. Fasting can be dangerous, especially for certain groups of people. The Mayo Clinic warns that if your body receives too few calories, you may develop life-threatening conditions, such as an irregular heartbeat.

Even with a medical professional's go-ahead, fasting should not be considered a permanent weight-loss solution. Think of it as a natural way to cleanse the body before beginning a healthier lifestyle.

Step 3: Drink water

Water is a natural body cleanser. Ask your doctor how much water you should drink and how you can maintain a healthy electrolyte balance while fasting. You don't want to become dehydrated, but you also don't want to drink too much water, as that can be life threatening as well.

If you get tired of drinking plain water, add a few drops of fresh-squeezed lemon or a couple of slices of cucumber. Another great source of water is tea, especially antioxidant-rich green tea.

Step 4: Change your diet

For natural detox, you don't have to be limited to raw fruits and veggies. It may be easier to simply cut out specific foods that are not healthy for you. A good way to start is to cut out dairy foods, grains with gluten, meat and shellfish. Also avoid artificial sweeteners, sugars and processed foods that are high in saturated fats. Eat as much organic food as possible because it is more likely to be pesticide-free.

Step 5: Get the right amount of vitamins and minerals

Natural detox is not just about eliminating toxins and harmful foods; you also want to focus on getting the vitamins and minerals your body needs to function at its best. According to the USDA, these fruits and vegetables are great sources of vitamins and minerals: carrots, broccoli, avocado, orange-colored fruits, citrus, bananas and leafy greens. If you're worried that you may not be getting the vitamins you need in your detox recipes, consider taking a multivitamin supplement.

Step 6: Don't forget about herbs and spices

Herbs and spices can help your body remove toxins and digest food properly. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality has shown that certain herbs and spices, such as milk thistle (Silybum marianum), cloves (Eugenia aromatica), garlic (Allium sativum) and turmeric (Curcuma longa), have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Garlic may help reduce blood pressure and alleviate ulcers, for example, while turmeric may protect against some cancers.

Step 7: Make it permanent

Your liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal system are designed to remove toxins, but pollution, pesticides and other harmful chemicals can eventually overwhelm the body. A natural detox — nothing drastic! — will go a long way toward giving you more energy and making you feel better about yourself.

Make your detox diet your permanent diet, and your body will thank you.
Source: life.gaiam

Arbeiten an unserem Selbst

Arbeitet an Euch und Ihr werdet Fortschritte machen – Erzengel Raphael durch M. Gamma ~ 01.07.2013

AARaphael-IIeiten annunserem

Geliebte Menschen auf der Erde. Wir fahren fort mit der Übermittlung von Botschaften durch diesen Kanal. Wir wissen, dass Ihr alle enttäuscht waren und dass dieser Kanal seinen Beitrag dazu geleistet hat, damit dies auch so ist. Wie er habt auch Ihr an Euch gearbeitet und die ganze Situation neu ausgelegt und von verschiedenen Seiten angeschaut.

Lasst es nun sein und schaut nach vorne. Nach vorne soll Euer Blick sein, denn nach vorne soll es gehen und wir werden Euch dabei immer unterstützen, sofern Ihr dies auch zulässt.

Ich möchte in diesem Zusammenhang auf einen Punkt zu sprechen kommen, der sich in letzter Zeit positiv entwickelt hat. Dieser positive Punkt seid Ihr meine geliebten Menschen. Ihr habt grosse Fortschritte gemacht in bezug wie Ihr die Dinge einschätzt und wie Ihr die Dinge betrachtet. Dies ist wichtig, da die Einschätzung von Dingen immer negativ betrachtet wird. Wir empfehlen Euch die Dinge auch immer in einem positiven Licht zu betrachten. Dieses positive Licht wird Euch die Möglichkeit geben zu wachsen und Eure Chancen daraus zu erkennen.

Wir wissen, dass dies nicht immer einfach ist aber ich kann Euch versichern, dass Ihr, wenn Ihr ein wenig übt dies schon sehr bald und ohne grossen Aufwand anwenden könnt. Ich und meine Brüder und Schwestern werden Euch dabei unterstützen. Ruft uns und wir sind bei Euch. Ruft uns und schildert uns, wie wir Euch helfen sollen und dann dürfen wir Euch helfen. Ansonsten dürfen wir uns nicht einmischen und wir müssen Euch Euren freien Willen lassen. Dies ist eine der Gesetze an die wir uns halten müssen. Seid bereit, dass Ihr uns einladet, Euch zu unterstützen, denn für das sind wir da, meine geliebten Menschen hier auf der Erde.

Wir wünschen Euch eine gute Woche und arbeitet an Euch und an Eurer Einstellung zu den Dingen die Euch beschäftigen.

In grosser Liebe zu Euch
Euer Erzengel Raphael


Copyright © Gamma Marc. Es ist erlaubt den Artikel zu veröffentlichen, sofern der Text als Ganzes unverändert übernommen, der Name des Autors und der Link zur Originalseite genannt wird.


Work on yourself and you'll make progress – Archangel Raphael through M. Gamma ~ 01.07.2013

AARaphael-II(Translated on the 01.07.2013, original language German)

My beloved humans on earth. We continue with communicating messages through this channel. We know that you were disappointed and this channel was a part of it through his contribution. Like he, you have worked on yourself and you have laid out the situation and reviewed it from different sides and angles.

Let it be and look ahead. Your view shall be to the front, because this is the direction and we will always support you, if you let us.

In this context I would like to talk about the fact, that you have made great progress my beloved humans. You have made great progress how you assess and how you look at things. This is so important, because a lot of assessing were negative. We would like to propose to see everything also in a positive light. This positive light will give you the opportunity to grow and to realize the chance you can derive from it.

We know this is not always easy but I can assure you, that, when you exercise this a little, it will go easier and easier. I, my brothers and sisters will support you by this. Call upon us and we will be with you. Call upon us and describe how we can help you and then we can help you. Otherwise we are not allowed to interfere and we have to leave you with your free will. This is one of the laws to which we must hold. Be ready to invite is for your support, because this is what we are here for my beloved humans on earth.

We wish you a good week and work on yourself and your attitude to things that employ you.

In great love to you
Your Archangel Raphael


Copyright © Gamma Marc. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author's name and the link to the original site is given.

Inspiration Nr. 4 gechannelt von Marc Gamma

Inspirationen von meinem Höheren Selbst – Nr. 4


Die wahre Liebe finden 

Die wahre Liebe ist die Liebe die keine Wort braucht. Die Liebe ist eine Energie, die wortlos von einem zum anderen geht und seine Wirkung hat. Die Wirkung braucht keine Beschreibung, weil die Wirkung selber seine Sprache hat. Die Sprache der Liebe ist universell und braucht keine Erklärung. Sie ist in allen Kulturen, in allen Dimensionen und in allen Sphären das Gleiche. Liebe hat keine Grenzen. Liebe hat keine Bestimmung. Die Liebe ist. Die Liebe hat nur ein Ziel, dass Ziel heisst den Fluss der Energie der Liebesenergie nie zum Erlöschen zu bringen. Wohin man auch geht die Liebe folgt einem. Es ist ein Band, dass man mit blossem Auge nicht sehen kann aber dennoch da ist und seine Wirkung entfaltet. Liebe zu beschreiben würde Bücher füllen. Liebesgeschichten zu beschreiben würde Bibliotheken füllen. Liebe zu erleben ist ohne Grenzen und braucht keine Erfassung weil dies nicht das Ziel ist. Nehmt die Liebe als ein Geschenk, dass keine Worte braucht. Wenn Ihr das versteht habt Ihr die Liebe verstanden, den dass ist das Ziel Eurer langen Reise zurück zum Schöpfer, zum himmlischen Vater, der Euch unendlich liebt, da Ihr seine Kinder seid.


Einleitung zu "Inspirationen von meinem Höheren Selbst" <Link>


Copyright © Gamma Marc. Es ist erlaubt den Artikel zu veröffentlichen, sofern der Text als Ganzes unverändert übernommen, der Name des Autors und der Link zur Originalseite genannt wird.

This is another “Première” here – Please meet “Badeem the Sirian Starseed” via Marc Gamma

This is another "Première" here – Please meet "Badeem the Sirian Starseed" via Marc Gamma

Posted on July 1, 2013 by

Here is my story how I was made to meet Marc Gamma … thankfully to – I assume – Spirit guiding me another time so graciously.

About a week ago I received an e-mail with a very spiritual German channeled article from a great friend of mine requesting me to translate it into English because Marc G. had gone on a trip and therefore was not able to do it himself. It was a matter of course for my to come up to his request and also posted here  this English version of "Message from God about doubting".

Since I felt such a great resonance in my inner heart to the vibration of this special article I took a deeper look on that blog where it came from and subscribed there as a follower too.

Such was the way I arrived to some comment and discussion of a first meeting with Marc Gamma in which I offered some closer co-operation between our two blogs. It turned out that Marc G. tried very seriously to cope with and meet on all ends his lightwork and daily still family issues within his realms of responsibility.

So when he published some complete new messages from his Higher Goodself by name of "Badeem" I was enthralled by their contents and offered my assistance in form of translating them because he added a note to these that they would not be translated into English.

I really thought it a pity as I deem these "Inspirations from His Higher Goodself" as Marc titled them should have a chance to be shared all over the world due to their little souls' high vibrations ( as I believe in such vibrational light-souls of written sage messages).

After some discussion with "Badeem" Marc readily agreed to co-operate with me in the way I had proposed to him. And even more so -  much to my huge surprise and also delight:

I received from him my very first reading from God – our all Creator – telling me some very personal matters of where I come from and what I am … and asking me to go ahead with my translation of Marc's Inspirations in due course.

To make a long story short : hereunder you will find the introduction of Marc to his inspirations followed by the first one.

Whishing you all a very good read and there will be more of those in due Time of Now.

With so much compassionate and unconditional Love to all of you from me too…
Yours (Contra)Mary

P.S. I'd like to add here : when translating these inspirations I sensed deep in my core such immense joy rising up in sprays of little blissful lights which I have never experienced
in such a great way before when translating .. It was different with Marix' messages . since then I felt a warm inner glow of light but never these sprinkles of little flashing lights rising to the surface of myself. CM

Inspiration from my Higher Self – Introduction


When I started my first steps to communicate on a telepathic level it was "Badeem", my Higher Godself, who was so helpful at my side.

Badeem as a teacher has much patience – always – and when it comes to me – I am always again surprised what one is able to experience and learn from oneself ! Be it from past incarnations or even the present one. I have gotten so much used to my communication with Badeem and, appreciating it so much that I simply cannot imagine being without this communication any more.

Due to such telepathic contact spirituality evolves to some entirely different dimension. No books at all dealing with spirituality as such are proving so valuable as your own contact to yourself respectively your Higher Goodself.

I herewith should like to invite everybody to establish his/her own contact to his/her very own Higher Godself. There are sufficient pieces of information available in the Internet – unfortunately also many a false one – which are describing this procedure.

Most difficult in taking up contact is establishing enough trust into such process and the informative parts one will gain by it. Please, keep in mind: "Your first step of walking on your own feet had also not been achieved over night!" Trusting and practising it what has to be applied here as some basic Maxim. Of course there a some who are gifted with it and are obliged to follow their given tasks and alternatively there are others which have to acquire it first by their own labor. To be clear and in peace with oneself surely might be also a fair pre-requisite. As I mentioned already I have obtained quite a lot of valuable messages and pieces of information from Badeem.

A few of those informational messages are not only precisely cut out for myself as an individual soul but might also be of some general interest. These messages and pieces of information do also contain many an inspiration and "Food of Thoughts" nudging the latter into hitherto unknown fields – at least they were unknown to me. Thus they brought valuable matters into my evolution.

Thus I shall publish in Now-Time to come short messages or what I name "Inspirations" which also refer to my personal life of actual and past incarnations and everyone is being asked to take up from these inspirative thoughts what he/she deems as valuable and good for him/herself.

These messages will be translated step by step into English by (Contra)Mary. These translated English Versions will be published subsequently by (Contra)Mary-Evamaria's Blog "Illuminations Now". Much inspirational ideas and fun – that's what I am whishing you on reading these messages !

I am also quite excited where these will lead us to ! Are you willed and prepared to join us on this voyage?

With Love and Light
from Marc


Inspirations from my Higher Self – Nr. 1


Original language German, translated by (Contra)Mary

How to find Freedom

It is in your heart that freedom is beginning. Only your heart knows what is true. Your mind, your consciousness and your reality  have endowed you with some illusion in which you have been accustomed to live. Get to know truth and where you will find it - and you will gain freedom


Introduction to "Inspirations from my Higher Self" <Link>


Your Garden will not green-grow
-if you do not water it properly-