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Saturday, September 21, 2013
Burns and Remedy of Egg-Whites
Another Response to "What is Life" ....
Life – The Projection From Within
Marcela Cruz, Contributor
Waking Times
Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. ~Martin Luther King, Jr.
All of the people, things and activities which comprise our daily lives seem to take varying-sized pieces of ourselves, or at least our peace of mind, as a mortgage against the space and time they occupy in our lives. Many individuals experiencing life in this way create a society which reflects unhealthy results. We see a progressive and alarmingly accelerating increase in emotional and psychological problems, crimes and physical illness. We live in such a fast-paced, complex and demanding reality that we constantly experience stress. Unfortunately, since there appears to be little relief from these realities, we also tend to become habituated to living in such stress, accepting it as inevitable.
The greater truth is, of course, that we cannot separate individuals from their society, or mind and emotions from the body, without affecting the health of the whole. Each is an integral part of the whole – a fact which admittedly is less apparent at some times than others. The patterned response, or "common knowledge" about all of these dynamics is that this reality we are living can hardly be lived otherwise. It is, after all, "reality", whether we like it or not, and who is going to argue with that? The greater reality is, in fact, otherwise. What if, for the moment, we choose to interpret reality and how we experience it from an altogether different perspective? And it should be noted that the operand word is "choose".
We tend to perceive reality as something that exists outside ourselves and is separate from us, thus making ourselves its victims. Why don't we choose to proceed from a totally different premise? What if reality exists the way we experience it, and the way it appears to be, precisely because we created it that way, from within ourselves, whether consciously or not? What if each of us is the point of origin, not a hapless passenger on this seemingly unpredictable, uncontrollable and often painful ride we call life?
Across thousands of years, we have taught each other to think of ourselves as relatively powerless creatures who can only make the most of the world we are born into at birth. In such a world, we must learn the unfeeling and often ruthless rules "out there". We do this in order to maximize health, happiness and success, and to postpone or avoid our pain and losses. We have done this for so long, and so well, that we as human beings have lulled ourselves into a sleep that accepts powerlessness as inevitable.
With the advent of the New Physics (which of course has existed all along) one subatomic particle can occupy two places at the same time, and a particle of light instantaneously converts into a wave, simply because it is observed by a human being (Consciousness). Perhaps it is time to seriously rethink and re-feel, who and what we are, and what "reality" truly is.
Happily, many of us have started to wake up to such possibilities, and have given ourselves permission to take back our power. Some of us have begun to have experiences which fly in the face of "reality". There are new moments of grace in which problems seem to find their answers out-of-the-blue. Painful misunderstandings are resolved in unexpected ways. Tricky timing in a harried schedule unaccountably falls smoothly into place. A chronic pain which has persisted despite extensive medical intervention is suddenly cured because the intent to heal is focused upon it. These things increasingly comprise the fabric of our daily lives. The common thread in such moments of grace is that they begin inside ourselves, with a shift. They are the result of our conscious desire and re-connection with the potential of our own power to change things.
The truth is that what we experience "out there" is a direct result of what we first perceive, and therefore what we empower to express, from within ourselves. We are far more powerful beings than what we have been led to believe by our cultures and our society down through the ages. We are capable of creating a different, beautiful and beneficent reality "out there", from within ourselves. This does not mean that life will be bereft of challenges that stimulate our growth, as individuals and societies. It can mean that those challenges will be met with creative empowerment, rather than in the fear which has become a reflex.
Understanding that can make all the difference in the world. A world and reality projected from inside ourselves in a consciousness of love and beauty fully empowers us. We can then trump the current world of fear and conflict that is the sources of such deep and worldwide pain. Our choice is, at every moment, between love or fear. A world projected from love is truly a world apart from the one currently projected from fear. We can take responsibility for our power, individually and as a society, and live first from within ourselves. In doing so, we consciously choose love with every step. We will then quite literally begin to transform our world into one of beauty and grace. We all know inside, in our hearts, that such a reality was what was originally intended.
The mind and the intellect is a powerful tool. But it has for too long functioned from a premise and projection of fear. It has therefore been programmed to objectify and fragment how we deal with life. Conflicts, by definition, arise from separateness. Yet, in contrast, inside each of us, there resides the true and universal wisdom of the heart. The heart speaks in the language of unity and harmony. From it, all of our answers take on greater meaning, and flow. From within…
About the Author
Marcela Cruz-Gibbons is an organic farmer, Reiki Master Teacher, omnivorous lover of life, and passionate advocate for Humanity's intrinsic creativity.
This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It's okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.
Alien Intervention and Souls: A look into the Reality of Human Life
Debbie West, Contributor
Waking Times
The reality of the existence of ancient extra terrestrials is becoming more apparent by the most recent findings presented by scientists and archaeologists. Notably, among the most recent and significant is The Ancient Alien Question by Phillip Coppens, Forbidden Archeology by Michael Cremo, The Sirius … More
Life – The Projection From Within
Marcela Cruz, Contributor
Waking Times
Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. ~Martin Luther King, Jr.
All of the people, things and activities which comprise our … More
Andy Dilks, Guest
Waking Times
What is it about music that moves us in so many different ways? The rhythm begins and we slide onto the dancefloor, gyrating to the beats; a guitar strikes a chord and we throw ourselves into the crowd, surfing across a sea of hands; a … More
Zen Gardner, Guest
Waking Times
What happened recently in response to the Syrian gambit of the globalist elite is profound. Besides the geopolitical upheaval it caused and subsequent dizzying effects, even more intriguing is the ensuing rise of conscious connecting of issues it seems to have spawned. It's as … More
Evolution, Frequency and Vibration in the Bible
Marc Oromaner, Contributor
Waking Times
Ever since Darwin published his infamous On the Origin of the Species in 1859, science and theology have been at war over the theory of evolution. The irony is that evolution and all its aspects—natural selection, survival of the fittest, genetic mutations—all appear in the … More
10 Ways to Shift Your Consciousness
Paul Lenda, Guest
Waking Times
In moments of stress, anxiety and other intense harmful mind states that we experience within our lives, it can be difficult to keep our focus on positive personal development. The thought of becoming an enlightened sage radiating seemingly-perpetual positive energy can seem far off… an … More
Attacks on Health Reporters and Their Readers Are Escalating
Truth becomes treason in an empire of lies. Attacks against health web sites like yours truly and others, and our readers—yes, that would be you—are rapidly escalating.
Thinly veiled threats are issued not just by industry spokespersons (many of whom hide their industry ties from their … More
Andy Dilks, Guest
Waking Times
What is it about music that moves us in so many different ways? The rhythm begins and we slide onto the dancefloor, gyrating to the beats; a guitar strikes a chord and we throw ourselves into the crowd, surfing across a sea of hands; a … More
10 Amazing Health Benefits of Turmeric
Anna Hunt, Staff Writer
Waking Times
Delicious raw in smoothies or salad dressings, or as the savory orange spice behind the splendor of curry dishes, Turmeric is proving again and again to be one of the most beneficial and versatile natural health supplements one can take, and, it is surprisingly … More
Corporate Propaganda – Fox News Sells Fracking as 'Incredibly Good for Our Environment"
Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer
Waking Times
"Nature doesn't give us a clean environment."
Recently on Fox News, Alex Epstein, the founder of the Center for Industrial Progress, and author of the book, Fossil Fuels Improve the Planet, argues in favor of hydraulic gas fracturing, or fracking, as it … More
Major General Smedley Butler – The Military Industrial Complex's Original Whistleblower
Sigmund Fraud, Staff Writer
Waking Times
After marking the 12th anniversary of the terrible events of 9/11 and remembering the over 3000 lives that were lost, the American people find themselves embroiled in endless military conflict without clear objectives, without a clear definition of who or what we are still … More
After generations of misleading propaganda about the benefits of water fluoridation, the truth is finally getting some traction.
According to the former EPA risk assessment scientist, Dr. William Hirzy, water fluoridation still remains a government policy because of "institutional inertia [and] embarrassment among government agencies that … More
5 Big Signs The Global Engine of Deceit, Lies and Control Are Coming To End
Marco Torres, Prevent Disease
Waking Times
If you don't see it coming, you may have been hiding in a very dark place for the last decade. The lies, deceit, fear-mongering and illusions portrayed by elite controlling entities of the world are slowly crumbling right in front of their eyes as … More
How Genetically Engineered Foods Will Be Eradicated
We're in really exciting times with regards to shifting the tide against genetically engineered (GE) foods and genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
As you know, I was a big supporter of the California GMO labeling campaign, and while we lost the vote by an incredibly narrow … More
Marco Torres, Prevent Disease
Waking Times
More than a dozen U.S. states have now completely decriminalized the act of possessing marijuana and both Colorado and Washington have made it legal to possess, sell, transport and cultivate the plant. But soon it may be legalized across the entire country following a … More
US Tar Sands Operations Challenged By Grassroots Opposition
Laurel Whitney, DeSmogBlog
Waking Times
While many environmental advocates urge consumers to buy local, in this case, local isn't always better. While the Canadian tar sands are more notorious, developments here in the US are moving forward as local governments issue more permits to allow companies to start mining.
More … More
Grape Seed Extract Superior To Blockbuster Diabetes Drug,
Grape Seed Extract Superior To Blockbuster Diabetes Drug, Preclinical Study Finds
A new study published in the Journal of Cell Communication and Signaling compared the effects of a grape seed extract (GSP) to the diabetes drug metformin (MET) in rats fed a high fat, high fructose diet (HFFD) designed to provoke insulin resistance.
Titled, "Grape seed proanthocyanidins and metformin act by different mechanisms to promote insulin signaling in rats fed high calorie diet," Indian researchers discovered that both substances reduced elevated blood glucose (hyperglycemia) and elevated blood insulin (hyperinsulinemia), while improving the following diet-altered parameters: glycolysis, tyrosine phosphorylation of IR-β and IRS-1, IRS-1-PI3K association and Akt activation.[1]
Furthermore, adverse changes induced by the HFFD, such as the activation of tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin-6, leptin and suppression of cytokine signaling-3 and reduction in adiponectin, were reversed by GSP more effectively than by MET.
Proanthocyanidins are a type of secondary plant metabolites known as flavonoids found in many plants, but are particularly concentrated in cocoa beans, cinnamon, grape seeds and skin, and maritime pine bark (pycnogenol). Proanthrocyanidins are known primarily through their antioxidant properties, but the GreenMedInfo.com research project has identified at least 20 beneficial physiological actions to this phytochemical class relevant to at least 50 disease states.[2]
Metformin, on the other hand, is an oral antidiabetic drug in the biguanide class, and is used as the first-line drug for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. The original inspiration for the biguanide class was the discovery, in the 1920s, of guanidine compounds within the herb French lilac (Galega officinalis), long used to treat diabetes in traditional medicine. Metformin, however, is an entirely synthetic compound, whose exact mechanisms of action are unknown. What is known is that like other antidiabetic drugs (e.g. Avandia) metformin is cardiotoxic and has been linked to increased cardiac mortality in a number of studies.[3] Proanthrocyanidins, and grape seed extract in particular, have been extensively researched to have protective and therapeutic properties on the cardiovascular system.[4]
Clearly, the weight of evidence suggests that grape seed proanthrocyanins hold great promise as a metformin alternative and/or anti-diabetic agent. Unfortunately, the law forbids the medicinal use of natural substances, and lacking the $800 million plus required on average to fund the clinical trials necessary to file for FDA drug approval, health consumers are left almost entirely without guidance from conventional medical practitioners who lose their FDA-underwritten liability shield when they deviate from the drug-based standard of care.
Of course, the deeper level of self-care focuses on identifying the environmental, dietary and lifestyle-based causes of blood sugar and insulin disorders, and altering them so that a magical "pharmaceutical" or "nutraceutical" bullet isn't necessary. For more research on the many problem substances, natural substances, therapeutic actions and lifestyle interventions that may prevent and/or reverse blood sugar disorders, visit our health guide on the topic: Health Guide: Blood Sugar Problems.
[1] Baskaran Yogalakshmi, Saravanan Bhuvaneswari, S Sreeja, Carani Venkatraman Anuradha. Grape seed proanthocyanidins and metformin act by different mechanisms to promote insulin signaling in rats fed high calorie diet. J Cell Commun Signal. 2013 Sep 12. Epub 2013 Sep 12. PMID: 24026800
[2] GreenMedInfo.com: Research > Keywords > Proanthrocyanidins,
[4] GreenMedInfo.com: Research > Substances > Grape Seed Extract
News posted on GreenMedInfo
Free Access: Seminal Paper on Integrating Top 10 Dietary Supplements Into Cancer Care
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A new paper titled Integrating Dietary Supplements Into Cancer Care, authored by the Clinical Practice Committee of the Society for Integrative Oncology, will be published in the October/November 2013 edition of SAGE's Integrative Cancer Therapies, edited by Keith I Block, MD.
SAGE has graciously made the article available, accessible here for 30 days, starting September 1, 2013.
A significant portion of cancer patients are now using dietary supplements. However, patients often don't report their use of supplementation to their providers. Moreover, physicians have varying levels of understanding and experience with supplements and their use with oncology patients.
"Today's informed patients truly value physicians who appreciate them as equal participants in making their healthcare choices." ~Moshe Frenkel, MD
This important paper, written by leading researchers and clinicians with extensive experience using supplements, features the following 10 natural agents as having some of the strongest suggested benefits and evidence of effectiveness for cancer care:
1. Curcumin
2. Glutamine
3. Vitamin D
4. Maitake Mushrooms
5. Fish Oil
6. Green Tea
7. Milk Thistle
8. Astragalus
9. Melatonin
10. Probiotics
As the article states, "The information was constructed to provide an up-to-date base of knowledge, so that physicians and other healthcare providers would be aware of the supplements and be able to discuss realistic expectations and potential benefits and risks." Read the entire paper here.
This article will be discussed during session conducted by lead author Dr. Moshe Frenkel during 10th International Conference of the Society for Integrative Oncology (SIO) in Vancouver.
For registration information on the 10th International Conference of the Society for Integrative Oncology, click here.
Media and marketing veteran Glenn Sabin is a 22-year cancer "thriver" who created a comprehensive, integrative oncology approach to achieve a complete pathological remission of his CLL (chronic lymphocytic leukemia)—considered an "incurable" disease—without conventional intervention. Glenn's case has been chronicled through Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and his personal oncologist, Lee M. Nadler, MD, Dean of Clinical and Translational Medicine at Harvard Medical School. Read More at his website FON Therapeutics.
-if you do not water it properly-