Your Garden will not green-grow
-if you do not water it properly-


Thursday, May 9, 2013

About Herbs with Healing innate Power : and what has Moses to do with it ?

I never read anything of Curadora64's
writings before I make a sort of comment from my heart in order to evoke some intuitive parallelism to her articles.

Thus I did
also this time - I copied her original source text in Portuguese in order to draw it on my PC (regarded as my "home-PC" in this case) to let its vibrations spread here - and thus I went around the last two days with the writing to be borne from my own inner heart. Beforehand I also asked my guides to give me a helping hand in this. 
And so it goes again :

I woke up this morning listening to the song and words of "...and Moses spoke to Pharao "let my people go" .... it stayed in my mind fixedly jumping up from a deep root of mine and I cannot get rid of it ... so I asked myself what these lovely song could have to do with the knowledge of wild herbs and their healing power of Curadora64's writing ? Markedly that I have not read at all what I copied but only welcomed this article as a guest on my PC with its lovely vibrations....

Eventually I came to some conclusion. As we are all awakening, getting up from our millenia sleep and stepping out on to our road of ascension together with our planetary Mother Gaia we likewise try to connect back to our All-Source and Home ...which truly is the understanding of "Religion" originating from the Latin "re- ligare".
That is what we are doing mainly in the Now !

And connecting back to our previously forgotten
sage knowledge to Nature is what we are doing here with our spreading all over the world what is the inner sage teaching of wild plants to be used and applied to not human mankind only ! 

"This is what the Royal Realm of Natural Wild Plants" want to show and to tell us that Nature is a most prescious gift of Gaia to us all !"
And while we are walking onward on our path of ascension we also religate (connect back) to the Realm of Fairies as Guardians of Nature and Plants in our newly returned "Religion of All-There-Is" unifying us with the "Great One".

And thus we leave our old pattern and Matrix with our Grand Awakening walking persistently forth to manifest the New Matrix of 4th & 5th Dimensional Life to which also belongs our old knowledge regarding the healing powers of all that grows in Nature's Wild-Life of Plants for us and with the target of common sharing it with all other realms t oo - especially "The Realm of Animals". 

These are the allround blessings of this very special period of ascension .... and we are immensely helped in all uprising issues with this final target of being unified with all our previous gifts of knowledge. I  am sure that in many an occasion there are in visible nhelping hands from other dimensional planes to connect here the right people to each other in order to realize some very fruitful co-operations of networks newly to be established all other our earth.

All that has been taken away from us during millenia - separating from us the inner celestial wisdom we once had and throwing us apart from any other Royal Realm on Earth into the ice-cold loneliness of some brain-guided intelligence only ...way way apart from our inner hearts' feelings ... . all this --- on our way returning home into our fully consciousness --- we are Now reaching out for .... with bliss and sobbing hearts of joy ... and so

this was my eventual conclusion .... this song with which I woke up today ... I am keeping it singing
all through the day in my heart ... bearing no grudge nor fiery anger to those who have done all these dark stuff to all of us on earth making us cry for pain, alienating us from our home-sources, killing us and depriving us of all our so valuable proprieties so far :

"We are leaving this pitchest-dark areas of our former 3-D-Matrix singing this song as a parable : ".......
and Moses spoke to Pharao
: Let my People go ... !!!"

The only difference is now : that being Moses and changing into such human being spreading all over our world, since with each and every ascending human a new Moses of our Time of Now has been born joining the ever-growing chorus of Unity and sing : let us people go !"

We are all Moses' !!!

In this connection all the knowledge of Ciuradora64's writings are to be seen as the long lost pieces of innate wisdom to be given back to us again as pieces of Religion (remember to connect us back ?). 

They all are pieces of our old Sage Religion returned to us. Bless you Curadora64 !!!
These Thoughts I wanted to share with all mof you with compassionate and unconditional love to all of you
Om Shanti

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