Your Garden will not green-grow
-if you do not water it properly-


Saturday, June 29, 2013

Reblogged from Ervas e Curas

Videos in English

Kale: One of the World's Most Important Super Foods (3-Minute Video)

by Solar Bee

Need some ideas for this super nutrient-dense leafy green? Sayer and Tania elaborate on how kale's sulphate content improves vibrancy inside and out: skin, hair and heart. Learn to balance goitrogenic tendencies of raw kale as well as how rubbing your kale can turn it into a delicious flavor-dense slaw.
Learn more by reading Sayer's article: Crouching Garnish, Hidden SuperFood: The Secret Life of Kale 


Permaculture and the Sacred: A Conversation with Starhawk

Published on: 18/03/2013 
Starhawk, contemporary witch, activist, and permaculturist, spoke at HDS on March 7, 2013, about how earth-based spirituality can inform and empower efforts to build sustainable communities and societies.

Starhawk is a founder of Reclaiming, a contemporary Pagan tradition that blends Goddess spirituality and social activism, and of Earth Activist Trainings, which equips people to combine permaculture design with political organizing and spiritual practice. A leading interpreter of feminist Wicca, she is the author of "The Spiral Dance," "The Fifth Sacred Thing," "The Empowerment Manual," and many other books.


Here's How to Find Out If It's a GMO Product

Non-GMO advocate Jeffrey Smith helps you figure out if the products you are buying are genetically modified or not. Few products are labeled so it's hard to tell on your own.
Related articles:

Why We Must Fight To Label GMOs


"The Best Result in Relapse Prevention Ever:" Healing Crohn's Disease with Diet:

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AVISOS GERAIS: Sempre que utilizar plantas comestíveis ou medicinais, certifique-se de colher a planta correta, e que a planta esteja saudável e tenha crescido em bom solo. Ou seja: evite plantas próximas a esgotos, lixo, sujeira, etc. Evite plantas com sinais de muitos ataques por insetos ou fungos. Não recomendo o uso de produtos agroquímicos sobre qualquer planta, sejam plantações ou populações selvagens, para qualquer finalidade. Para plantas medicinais comerciais, o uso de agrotóxicos é proibido. Leia atentamente as dicas, recomendações, e receitas. No mundo biológico todo detalhe é importante. Se tiver dificuldade para identificar uma espécie, entre em contato comigo ou algum especialista que conheça (eu não sou capaz de reconhecer qualquer coisa, claro, mas posso indicar alguém que talvez possa resolver seu problema).

Ver mais cuidados em Introdução:

GENERAL WARNINGS:When using edible or medicinal plants make sure you pick the correct plant, and the plant is healthy and has grown in good soil i.e. avoid plants nearby sewage, garbage, dirt, etc.. Avoid plants with signs of many attacks by insects or fungi. For any purpose it is not recommended to use any plant disposed to agrochemicals whether on plantations or wild populations. For commercial medicinal plants, pesticide use is prohibited. Carefully read the tips, advice and recipes. In the biological world every detail is important. If it is difficult to identify a kind, please contact me or any expert who knows (I'm not able to recognize anything of course but I can indicate someone who might solve your problem).

Ervas e Curas - O Glossário Herbal Copyright © All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this stuff so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

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Your Garden will not green-grow
-if you do not water it properly-