Your Garden will not green-grow
-if you do not water it properly-


Saturday, June 29, 2013


Re-blogged from Ervas e Ciras


Hawthorn,- Crataegus monogyna - Europe, northwest Africa and western Asia.

I'll start by telling a story about this noble and delicate plant:

Talking one day two Greek farmers who also raised goats, asked each other: - How can you have a goat as strong and agile as we are at the end of summer and there is no pasture, how can you effect this miracle?

Replied the other: - Well I'll tell you a secret, you see those bushes full of thorns, with some small and red berries? Looking for one of these bushes and eat berries gives ace your goats. In a few days you will notice the results.

Effectively, the neighbor's goats acquired a vitality as he had never before seen.

It may be that those goatherds were telling your experience to Dioscorides, as it was a brilliant botanist and famous doctor recommended this plan to strengthen the body and to cure various diseases.

The name Crataeugus, may derive from this time because in Greek it means "strong goats".
The Hawthorn always has been appreciated as medicine. It was in the nineteenth century that scientifically proof about their wonderful effects on our health were found.
It was only this time that Gennings and other American doctors who studied the cardiotonic properties of this shrub. These days the Hawthorn enjoys great prestige as a medicinal plant and is part of numerous pharmaceutical preparations.

Properties and indications:
The flowers and fruits of Hawthorn also contain various glycosides flavónicos which chemically are polyphenols which is attributed to its effect on the heart and circulatory system.
Its property is mainly attributed to flavonoids which inhibit the action of adenosine triphosphate.
This enzyme is a substance that decomposes serves as a source of energy for cells, including cardiac muscle and produces an increase in the contractile force of the heart and a regularization of her pace.
For this reason, the hawthorn has the following indications:
Heart failure, arrhythmias, angina pectoris. Normalizing blood pressure, sedative.

At very high doses (12 or 15 times higher than recommended), may present bradycardia (decreased pulse rate) and respiratory depression.
Recommended doses do not produce any undesirable side effect.
Part used:
Flowers, leaves and fruits.

Internal use:

1 - Infused with 60 g of flowers (about four tablespoons) per liter of water. Fresh flowers are more effective than dry.
To be taken 3 to 4 cups daily.
2 - Dried fruit: although there is a lower concentration of active ingredients these are also effective  and may be   taken - a handful of them -  3 times of such amount by day.

3 - Dry extract:
recommended 0.5 to 1 g three times a day.
Source: Dr. George D. Pamplona Roger

Ceded by José Cariano

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AVISOS GERAIS: Sempre que utilizar plantas comestíveis ou medicinais, certifique-se de colher a planta correta, e que a planta esteja saudável e tenha crescido em bom solo. Ou seja: evite plantas próximas a esgotos, lixo, sujeira, etc. Evite plantas com sinais de muitos ataques por insetos ou fungos. Não recomendo o uso de produtos agroquímicos sobre qualquer planta, sejam plantações ou populações selvagens, para qualquer finalidade. Para plantas medicinais comerciais, o uso de agrotóxicos é proibido. Leia atentamente as dicas, recomendações, e receitas. No mundo biológico todo detalhe é importante. Se tiver dificuldade para identificar uma espécie, entre em contato comigo ou algum especialista que conheça (eu não sou capaz de reconhecer qualquer coisa, claro, mas posso indicar alguém que talvez possa resolver seu problema).

Ver mais cuidados em Introdução:

GENERAL WARNINGS:When using edible or medicinal plants make sure you pick the correct plant, and the plant is healthy and has grown in good soil i.e. avoid plants nearby sewage, garbage, dirt, etc.. Avoid plants with signs of many attacks by insects or fungi. For any purpose it is not recommended to use any plant disposed to agrochemicals whether on plantations or wild populations. For commercial medicinal plants, pesticide use is prohibited. Carefully read the tips, advice and recipes. In the biological world every detail is important. If it is difficult to identify a kind, please contact me or any expert who knows (I'm not able to recognize anything of course but I can indicate someone who might solve your problem).

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Your Garden will not green-grow
-if you do not water it properly-