
Creeping plant of flexible stem covered with hair bristling - also has large leaves petiolate spanking and also covered with hair and big axillary flowers.
Its fruit is yellow or green, large and pulpy containing numerous white seeds, which are flat and oval and contained in clear wrappers.
cooking 100 gr. Pumpkin pulp mature and 1 liter of water - wait until half of the initial amount has been achieved then pass through a sieve and according to season use it during one day.
in order to make poulticesf irst clean the leaves well and apply it on the affected region of burns etc..
make a paste with
50 gr. Fresh pumpkin seeds,
20 gr. Honey,
and 150 gr. Water that has suffered several hours of prior infusion of lemon or orange peel and to be taken after 12 hours of fasting. Eating that paste and take a purgative based on castor oil. If you get no results repeat the operation.
Ver mais cuidados em Introdução: http://glossarherbalapotheke.blogspot.pt/search/label/Introdu%C3%A7%C3%A3o
GENERAL WARNINGS:When using edible or medicinal plants make sure you pick the correct plant, and the plant is healthy and has grown in good soil i.e. avoid plants nearby sewage, garbage, dirt, etc.. Avoid plants with signs of many attacks by insects or fungi. For any purpose it is not recommended to use any plant disposed to agrochemicals whether on plantations or wild populations. For commercial medicinal plants, pesticide use is prohibited. Carefully read the tips, advice and recipes. In the biological world every detail is important. If it is difficult to identify a kind, please contact me or any expert who knows (I'm not able to recognize anything of course but I can indicate someone who might solve your problem).
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