Posted: 14 May 2013 06:09 AM PDT Pineapple, Ananas comosus (L.) Mernil - Bromeliaceae - South America Pineapple is a plant of monocot family of Bromeliaceae, subfamily Bromelioideae. The pineapple grown belong to the species Ananas comosus, comprising many varieties of fruit. There are also several wild species belonging to the same group and gender. The taste of the ripe fruit is often quite acidic and sweet. It is rich in Vitamin C, beta carotene and B vitamins and minerals like calcium: manganese, potassium and iron and fiber all of which are quite important for a healthy life. Furthermore it contains a powerful enzyme called bromelain. At second sight research reveals that this enzyme may be helpful in reducing inflammation originating from many causes and also contributes to good digestion. Additionally it is essential for people of blood group A. Being rich in soluble fiber it is perfect to control levels of cholesterol in blood and accelerating healing of tissue. It also is indicated for kidney stones, hypertension, and anemia. For those who want to lose weight pineapple is important (especially those with retention net). It acts also as diuretic depurative. Used between meals it reduces excess of acidity in the stomach. Combatting any type of kidney stone it is also used against bronchial catarrh and obesity. Having soluble fibres it also lowers levels of cholesterol by its direct effects in human blood preventing the agglomeration of fat in the body. Revenue In a blender, beat 400 ml of water, 1 cup of acerola, 2 slices of pineapple and juice of 1 lemon. Strain and take 1 cup 2 times a day. Prevents Cold and Flu Pineapple is rich in vitamin C strengthening the body's defense and immunizing against several diseases such as flu and colds. Revenue In a blender, beat 2 pineapple slices, 2 mint leaves and ½ liter of water. Take 1 cup, 2 times a day, after meals. Antioxidant Vitamin A, present in large quantities in fruit, acts as an antioxidant, preventing premature aging and even some cancers. Revenue In a blender, beat 2 pineapple rings, 1 leaf of kale washed, ½ apple peeled and seeded and 200 ml of water. Strain and take at any time of day. Green Tips: Pineapples are distinguished from other fruits because they have in their juice and in abundant quantity, albuminoid yeast, which has the very special property of separating proteins facilitating the digestion of food. Therefore pineapple juice or fresh pineapple, is indicated for those with insufficient gastric juice or other gastroenterological problems, such as stomach fragile and difficult digestion. Even for children breast this juice is indicated especially if they suffer from digestive disorders. Note that the pineapple must to be very fresh for that purpose and not suffer any further handling or baking not to destroy the enzyme. As complementary title: all people with digestive problems should avoid very hot food and drink, for the simple reason that the enzymes in the saliva and stomach are destroyed with heat. in "Health by food " Dr. E. Schneider. |
Posted: 14 May 2013 06:09 AM PDT Abacaxi, Ananas comosus (L.) Mernil - Bromeliaceae - América do sul Abacaxi ou Ananás é uma planta monocotiledônea da família das bromeliáceas, subfamília Bromelioideae. Os abacaxizeiros cultivados pertencem à espécie Ananas comosus, que compreende muitas variedades frutíferas. Há também várias espécies selvagens, pertencentes ao mesmo gênero e grupo. O fruto, quando maduro, tem o sabor bastante ácido e muitas vezes adocicado. É um alimento rico em Vitamina C, betacaroteno e Vitaminas do complexo B e minerais como: cálcio, manganês, potássio e ferro; contém também fibras, que são importantes para uma vida saudável. Alem disso contém uma poderosa enzima, chamada bromelina. A segundo revela as pesquisa, esta enzima pode ajudar na redução de inflamações de muitas causas e também contribui para uma boa digestão. Além disso é essencial para as pessoas do grupo sanguíneo A. Sendo rico em fibras solúveis é ótimo para controlar os níveis de colesterol no sangue, acelera a cicatrização dos tecidos, é indicado para pedra nos rins, hipertensão arterial, anemias; Para quem quer perder peso o abacaxi é importante, (principalmente quem tem retenção de líquidos). Tem ação depurativa e diurética. Usado fora das refeições diminui o excesso de acidez no estômago. Combate a qualquer tipo de pedra nos rins, usado contra o catarro nos brônquios e contra a obesidade. Reduz o colesterol possuindo fibras solúveis que atuam diretamente no sangue, evitando a aglomeração de gordura no organismo. Talvez por isto, tem fama de ser um bom alimento para quem quer emagrecer. Receita No liquidificador, bata 400 ml de água, 1 xícara de chá de acerola, 2 rodelas de abacaxi e suco de 1 limão. Coe e tome 1 copo 2 vezes ao dia. Evita gripes e resfriado O abacaxi é rico em vitamina C, que reforça a defesa do organismo imunizando-o contra diversas doenças, como a gripe e o resfriado. Receita No liquidificador, bata 2 rodelas de abacaxi, 2 folhas de hortelã e ½ litro de água. Tome 1 copo, 2 vezes ao dia, após as refeições. Antioxidante A vitamina A, presente em grande quantidade na fruta, age como antioxidante, prevenindo o envelhecimento precoce e até alguns tipos de câncer. Receita No liquidificador, bata 2 rodelas de abacaxi, 1 folha de couve lavada, ½ maçã sem casca e sem sementes e 200 ml de água. Coe e tome a qualquer hora do dia. sementes e 200 ml de água. Coe e tome a qualquer hora do dia. Dicas Verdes: Os ananases distinguem-se das outras frutas porque possuem no seu suco e em quantidade abundante, fermento albuminoide que tem a especialíssima propriedade de separar as proteínas dos alimentos facilitando a digestão. Por isso o sumo de ananás ou abacaxi fresco, é indicado para quem tem suco gástrico insuficiente ou outros problemas gastroenterológicos, como estômago frágil e digestões difíceis. Até para as crianças de peito este suco é indicado especialmente se estas sofrerem de transtornos digestivos. Note-se que o ananás tem de ser aberto e cortado na altura e não sofrer mais nenhuma manipulação ou cozedura para não destruir essa enzima. A titulo complementar: todas as pessoas com problemas digestivos devem evitar comida e bebida muito quente, pela simples razão que as enzimas presentes na saliva e estômago são destruídas com o calor. in "A saúde pelos alimentos" de Dr. E. Schneider. |
Posted: 14 May 2013 12:22 AM PDT Avocado, Persea americana - South America It is a tree of the family of laureáceas, native to Mexico or South America, now widely grown in tropical regions, including the Canary Islands and the Isle of Madeira.1 Facilitates digestion and prolonged consumption, also combats rheumatism and uric acid. It is useful in combatting the calculations of the gallbladder and gastroduodenal ulcers. Native to tropical American regions colonized by Spaniards, Avocado spread through South America, reaching the Amazon and may be found today in all regions of the globe that have fertile soil and enough heat. There are more than 30 types of Avocados in Brazil, currently the world's largest producer, but exports less than it should, because the reason for our being big and beautiful Avocado (weighs about 500 grams), is strange and unfamiliar to European consumers who prefer smaller fruits such as Avocado (grown just for 1 decade in Brazil) weighing about 85 grams only. Brazil is the only country in the world which cultivated the habit of eating avocado with sugar. The rest of the world consumes it in savory preparations. By reason of being consumed with sugar in Brazil, the Avocado, a fruit that is rich in fat, easily won the reputation of being too rich in calories and thus for fear of gaining weight and increased cholesterol facts it has been excluded from the usual diet throughout the population. This is a big Myth as enlisted hereunder! NUTRITIONAL COMPOSITION Avocado is one of the few fruits that contain protein. It is rich in monounsaturated fat (the same as olive oil), vitamin E, C and A, folic acid (essential for pregnant women), potassium, iron and beta carotene. Anti-obesity It is reputed to cause gain of weight and because it contains wealth of calories has always been treated as "the villain and enemy of fruit diets". Yet now, believe it or not, researchers from around the world claim that the fruit causes loss of weight, amnd also decreases the body mass index ( BMI) and reduces by 42% the risk of metabolic syndrome (disorder can trigger diabetes and obesity). The secret is to eat fruit frequently in moderate doses, alone or in light recipes. The merit of this power is in oleic acid, the same fat from olive oil, this type of fat is excellent for regulating the levels of total cholesterol and raise good cholesterol (HDL cholesterol). What are the effects that help in reducing weight? Increases satiety, postpones hunger and demand for food; The presence of a substance called beta-sitosterol reduces inflammation cells, facilitating weight loss, loss of body fat, improving the control of diabetes; When consumed at bedtime, avocado intensifies the action of growth hormone (GH), which helps the body to build more muscle and use stored fat as an energy source. Considerations about body weight Being a food calorie exaggeration does not rule weight gain, so it is vital to consume the correct amount and no sugar. Ask help of your nutritionist to adhere to some safe diet. Keep in mind: we shall cause gain in weight when we eat more than the appropriate doses! Unfortunately there are no things like miracles! We always have to exert some good judgment about what we choose to eatand also to resort to some routine of physical activity. The correct amount to consume the avocado is on an average of 2 tablespoons, 3 times a week. Such portions are enough to bring about positives to our health. Other Health Benefits of Avocado:
As of plant origin Avocado has no cholesterol in its composition. The monounsaturated fat present in Avocados and olive oil protects against attacks of heart and blood vessels , stroke, blockage of veins, heart disease and blocks the action of LDL (bad cholesterol). Frequent consumption of avocados lowers levels of total cholesterol and triglycerides and increases HDL levels (good cholesterol). CULINARY TIPS Proper Care when buying: The best avocados are heavier and firmer. Sometimes they have patches of light brown color on its skin. Still this is only some superficial defect that does not alter the quality of the fruit. To find out about if the fruit mis ripe press lightly with your fingers on the shell. When it is mature the finger sinks slightly into the fruit. Take Care when preparing: The pulp should be without fibres but spotlessand is about starting to soften. Can not be cooked or heated; To prevent the Avocado cream to darken put it promptly into a deep and the stone fruit, unwashed, For the Avocado cream does not darken, then promptly put it in a deep dish and put the stone fruit unwashed, right into the middle and keep it in the refrigerator until ready to serve; For savory dishes, use very ripe avocados, otherwise it will taste quite bitter; How to store it: Should be stored in cool and airy places; If you want the Avocados to ripen faster at home, wrap it into some paper bag and place it into some place without light; The Avocado Green can not be stored in the refrigerator since the process of maturation will be interrupted in such case; To prevent a sliced Avocado to darken pass thin layer of lemon on the cut; When using only half of one Avocado leave the other half refrigerated with the kernel in it in order to prevent quick deterioration; Green Tips: I know that Amazon's Botanists also indicate avocado to lower uric acid levels in the blood and so it is good for treating gout. (referenced in "Green Pharmacy", James A. Duke) |
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