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Sunday, April 13, 2014

Deek's Tennessee Workshop Second Day

Deek’s Tiny House Workshop Day 2

by Kent Griswold on April 13th, 2014. Add a Comment

Day two of Deek’s Tiny House Workshop was extremely busy with lots going on. We started out the morning with a demonstration on how to make wooden shakes the old fashioned way by hand.

We than continued to work on our different projects. Chairs were completed and the tree house continued to take shape. A new tiny house had come in late the night before.

Steven Harrell of Tiny House Listings/Swoon, etc. showed us how to make a rocket stove and how to wash clothes in a five gallon bucket.

Joe explained how to attach a house to a trailer and what to watch for when purchasing a trailer.

We than went on a tiny house tour of the property and visited tiny houses under construction, tiny houses that were occupied by Joe’s parents and sister. Explored Joe’s tiniest house and the tear drop.

We ended the day with some going into town and others staying and visiting around the campfire. A very educational day. Only one more to go…


Learning how to make wood shakes

shake 2

Carrie does some hands on shake creation

pallet chair

Pallet Chair





tiny office

Tiny Office

tree house

Tree House

joe training

Joe and trailer training

joe training

Joe training

new house

New house

cool door

Cool shape and door


Telling how it was made

rocket stove

Steven constructing a rocket stove

washing machine

Steven demonstrating his washing machine

tiny house tours

Joe giving the “Tiny House Tours”

big tiny house

Big tiny house

big tiny

Inside the big tiny

fun sign

Fun sign



Tiny House

Tiny House

medium tiny house

Medium tiny house

tiny house

Inside the medium tiny house

teardrop tour

Tiny house and teardrop tour

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