Posted: 15 Nov 2013 10:56 AM PST
Nome popular: Cardo-mariano
Nome científico: Silybum mariano
Milk thistle
Posted: 15 Nov 2013 10:56 AM PST
Common name : Cardo - Marian
Scientific name : Silybum Marian
It's called milk thistle causes those white veins that have their leaves , it was believed that the milk of Mary breastfeeding Jesus had fallen upon the plant .
Its leaves have veins and white spots that look like drops of milk .
It is better known for increasing the flow of milk in lactating women , and also by his power against liver disease (liver ) .
thistle marianc
The parts used in alternative medicine are the seeds , leaves and flowers of the plant .
Its flowers are widely consumed in salads , in ancient times it was used to treat anxiety , melancholia , depression and excess bile black ( typically greenish-yellow liquid having the gallbladder , which is the hepatic system ) .
Contains bitter principles
It is effective to be used by people who has cancer before and after chemotherapy.
It is a plant that grows up to 1 meter and a half and spreads up to 90 centimeters.
You can not use the plant in no way pregnancy and also in people suffering from high blood pressure.
Bile has action in the body , or stimulates bile flow .
It galactogogues action in the body , or increasing milk production.
It is antidepressant .
milk thistle - garden -medicinal -hu - UFSC
Milk Thistle - Sheets - Photo : Garden of Medicinal UFSC
Protects the liver to be used regularly.
It antiviral , or kill and ends with the proliferation of viruses.
Contains polyacetylenes , which are natural products found in certain plants and which avoids , when consumed , the onset of cancer and other diseases.
Contains Flavolignanas that acts protecting the liver .
One can make a dye made with the seed to take 30 drops per day to treat liver and gall bladder , and one teaspoon every day to prevent disease in the liver or gall stones .
At the pharmacy sells the capsules , herbal medicine that comes ready to be consumed with their active powder inside the capsule.
You can make tea ( infusion ) with leaves to stimulate milk production in women who already had children and are breastfeeding , or made with only the seeds of milk thistle crushed ( = tea decoction with hard parts of the plant ) , to treat of liver problems .
More about Ingrid Alcantara
Written by : Ingrid Alcantara on October 1, 2013 .
healthy Snacks
Posted: 15 Nov 2013 10:25 AM PST
Brussels sprouts and carrots
" Sometimes I like to snack Brussels sprouts or carrots - especially before dinner . I 'm eating either while I'm cooking , and how easily it a cup of vegetables and all their beneficial nutrients (such as fiber, vitamin A and vitamin C ) . " - Nutritionist anonymous
roasted seaweed
" I love packages ready roasted seaweed . This is the perfect snack for me when my kids are eating dinner , but I 'm having dinner with my husband later. It has only 16 calories per package , so if you want to eat a second package can " . - Nutritionist anonymous
Green apple with almond butter
" Snacks are always the key ! I'm a big fan of a tablespoon of almond butter on a cracker with slices of grain green apple " - Lisa C. Cohn .
"I like half avocado with lemon and sea salt - and apple slices , if more is needed " - Keri Glassman .
Dried cherries and roasted nuts
" I like dried cherries and walnuts or toasted almonds ( the cherries are sweet and full of antioxidants and nuts contain healthy oils and protein to keep me satisfied ) " - Angela Ginn .
roasted edamame
" My favorite snack is edamame ( cooked made with soybeans still in the pod ) roasted . It has protein , is portable , convenient and quick at work . It is useful to carry on business as well. I keep some in my desk so I always have a healthy snack close by . " - Nutritionist anonymous
Vitamin cabbage with avocado
" Vitamin A hit with avocado cabbage, for energy, satiety and deliciosidade " - Rochelle Sirota . [ HuffingtonPost , LifeHacker ]
Posted: 15 Nov 2013 10:56 AM PST
Milk thistle
Posted: 15 Nov 2013 10:56 AM PST
Common name : Cardo - Marian
Scientific name : Silybum Marian
It's called milk thistle causes those white veins that have their leaves , it was believed that the milk of Mary breastfeeding Jesus had fallen upon the plant .
Its leaves have veins and white spots that look like drops of milk .
It is better known for increasing the flow of milk in lactating women , and also by his power against liver disease (liver ) .
thistle marianc
The parts used in alternative medicine are the seeds , leaves and flowers of the plant .
Its flowers are widely consumed in salads , in ancient times it was used to treat anxiety , melancholia , depression and excess bile black ( typically greenish-yellow liquid having the gallbladder , which is the hepatic system ) .
Contains bitter principles
It is effective to be used by people who has cancer before and after chemotherapy.
It is a plant that grows up to 1 meter and a half and spreads up to 90 centimeters.
You can not use the plant in no way pregnancy and also in people suffering from high blood pressure.
Bile has action in the body , or stimulates bile flow .
It galactogogues action in the body , or increasing milk production.
It is antidepressant .
milk thistle - garden -medicinal -hu - UFSC
Milk Thistle - Sheets - Photo : Garden of Medicinal UFSC
Protects the liver to be used regularly.
It antiviral , or kill and ends with the proliferation of viruses.
Contains polyacetylenes , which are natural products found in certain plants and which avoids , when consumed , the onset of cancer and other diseases.
Contains Flavolignanas that acts protecting the liver .
One can make a dye made with the seed to take 30 drops per day to treat liver and gall bladder , and one teaspoon every day to prevent disease in the liver or gall stones .
At the pharmacy sells the capsules , herbal medicine that comes ready to be consumed with their active powder inside the capsule.
You can make tea ( infusion ) with leaves to stimulate milk production in women who already had children and are breastfeeding , or made with only the seeds of milk thistle crushed ( = tea decoction with hard parts of the plant ) , to treat of liver problems .
More about Ingrid Alcantara
Written by : Ingrid Alcantara on October 1, 2013 .
healthy Snacks
Posted: 15 Nov 2013 10:25 AM PST
Brussels sprouts and carrots
" Sometimes I like to snack Brussels sprouts or carrots - especially before dinner . I 'm eating either while I'm cooking , and how easily it a cup of vegetables and all their beneficial nutrients (such as fiber, vitamin A and vitamin C ) . " - Nutritionist anonymous
roasted seaweed
" I love packages ready roasted seaweed . This is the perfect snack for me when my kids are eating dinner , but I 'm having dinner with my husband later. It has only 16 calories per package , so if you want to eat a second package can " . - Nutritionist anonymous
Green apple with almond butter
" Snacks are always the key ! I'm a big fan of a tablespoon of almond butter on a cracker with slices of grain green apple " - Lisa C. Cohn .
"I like half avocado with lemon and sea salt - and apple slices , if more is needed " - Keri Glassman .
Dried cherries and roasted nuts
" I like dried cherries and walnuts or toasted almonds ( the cherries are sweet and full of antioxidants and nuts contain healthy oils and protein to keep me satisfied ) " - Angela Ginn .
roasted edamame
" My favorite snack is edamame ( cooked made with soybeans still in the pod ) roasted . It has protein , is portable , convenient and quick at work . It is useful to carry on business as well. I keep some in my desk so I always have a healthy snack close by . " - Nutritionist anonymous
Vitamin cabbage with avocado
" Vitamin A hit with avocado cabbage, for energy, satiety and deliciosidade " - Rochelle Sirota . [ HuffingtonPost , LifeHacker ]
Posted: 15 Nov 2013 10:56 AM PST
Nome popular: Cardo-mariano
Nome científico: Silybum mariano- É chamado cardo-mariano por causas daquelas nervuras brancas que tem nas suas folhas, que acreditava-se que o leite de Maria amamentando Jesus tinha caído em cima da planta.
- Suas folhas tem nervuras e pontos brancos que se parecem com gotas de leite.
- É mais conhecida por fazer aumentar o fluxo de leite em mulheres que amamentam, e também pelo seu poder contra doenças hepáticas (fígado).
- As partes usadas na medicina alternativa são as sementes, as folhas e as flores da planta.
- Suas flores são muito consumidas em saladas, que na antiguidade era usada para tratar angústia, melancolia, depressão e excesso de bílis negra (líquido geralmente amarelo-esverdeado que tem na vesícula biliar, que constitui o sistema hepático).
- Contém princípios amargos
- É Eficaz para ser usada por pessoas que tem câncer, antes e depois da quimioterapia.
- É uma planta que cresce até 1 metro e meio e se espalha por até 90 centímetros.
- Não se pode usar a planta na gravidez de maneira nenhuma, e também em pessoas que sofrem de pressão alta.
- Tem ação colagoga no organismo, ou seja, estimula o fluxo da bile.
- Tem ação galactagoga no organismo, ou seja, aumenta a produção de leite.
- Ela é antidepressiva.
Cardo Mariano – Folhas – Foto: Horto Medicinal da UFSC
- Protege o fígado ao ser usada regularmente.
- É antiviral, ou seja, mata e acaba com a proliferação de vírus.
- Contém poliacetilenos, que são produtos naturais encontrados em certos tipos de plantas e que evita, quando consumida, o aparecimento de câncer e outras doenças.
- Contém Flavolignanas, que atua protegendo o fígado.
- Pode-se fazer uma tintura feita com a semente para tomar 30 gotas por dia para tratar problemas no fígado e na vesícula, ou 1 colher de chá todos os dias para prevenir doenças no fígado ou pedra na vesícula.
- Na farmácia vende as cápsulas, medicamento fitoterápico que já vem pronto para ser consumido com seus princípios ativos em pó, dentro da cápsula.
- Pode fazer chá (infusão) com as folhas para estimular a produção de leite na mulher que já teve o filho e está amamentando; ou feita só com as sementes do cardo-mariano amassadas (decocção = chá com partes duras da planta), para tratar de problemas no fígado.
Posted: 15 Nov 2013 10:25 AM PST
Couve de Bruxelas e cenouras
"Às vezes eu gosto de lanchar couve de Bruxelas ou cenouras – especialmente antes do jantar. Eu vou comendo uma ou outra enquanto estou cozinhando, e nisso como facilmente uma xícara de legumes e todos os seus nutrientes benéficos (como fibras, vitamina A e vitamina C)". – Nutricionista anónimo
Algas assadas
"Eu amo pacotes prontos de algas assadas. Este é o lanche perfeito para mim quando meus filhos estão jantando, mas eu vou jantar com meu marido mais tarde. Tem apenas 16 calorias por pacote, então se você quiser comer um segundo pacote, pode!". – Nutricionista anônimo
Maçã verde com manteiga de amêndoa

"Lanches são sempre a chave! Sou uma grande fã de uma colher de sopa de manteiga de amêndoa em um biscoito de grãos com fatias de maçã verde" – Lisa C. Cohn.

"Eu como meio abacate com limão e sal marinho – e fatias de maçã, se mais for necessário" – Keri Glassman.
Cerejas secas e nozes torradas

"Gosto de cerejas secas e nozes ou amêndoas torradas (as cerejas são doces e cheias de antioxidantes e as nozes contêm óleos saudáveis e proteínas para manter-me satisfeita)" – Angela Ginn.
Edamame torrado

"Meu lanche favorito é edamame (preparado feito com grãos de soja ainda dentro da vagem) torrado. Tem proteína, é portátil, conveniente e rápido durante o trabalho. Ele é útil para levar em viagens de negócios também. Guardo alguns na minha mesa para que eu sempre tenha um lanche saudável por perto". – Nutricionista anónimo
Vitamina de repolho com abacate

"Uma vitamina de abacate batido com repolho, para energia, saciedade e deliciosidade" – Rochelle Sirota.[HuffingtonPost, LifeHacker]
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