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| Horizontal Kale and Other Gardening Funby laurabruno |
That title is not an exaggeration! Check out my Winterbor Kale:
Although my other two Winterbor's continue upright, this one decided to tip all the way over on his side and shimmy himself clear of the second and bottom InstaBed tiers. Quite the creative wind support! You can see he's made friends with the French Sorrel, which made a surprising recovery once the giant cherry tomato plant stopped hogging all the light.
In addition to this horizontal action, we've got some new long rows ready to rot down in preparation for additional trellis action next Summer. I've added two more of these rows, and I have three trellises to use. If I get everything else done, I might even figure out the next location for the final of six "combo panel" trellises:
The rosemary and asparagus have settled into Fall's chill, with the rosemary reminding me daily that I need to dig her up and repot for the Winter:
We've still got the cold frame "Guarden Bed," which David's going to help me windproof a bit more, along with a protective tarp "skirt" around the edges. You can see I also added concrete blocks to the back as a northerly windbreak. Those blocks will eventually stand beneath our rain barrels, but I like the alternate seasonal uses for them:
Despite some wind issues, the Guarden continues to produce amazing goodies. I pulled a nice, big turnip today, along with "a whole messa greens." Outside, you can't even tell I removed anything from the lush bed. Our bellies will know, though. Dinner in a twenty!
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