Re-blogged from Auras, Curas e Números

My first intention is to pay hommage to the Kingdom of Plants in both admiration and love. Our planet has undergone a major transformation and the aura of the Earth before of being blue is getting greener. The color is exactly one greenish blue and I think the plants have something to do with it.
It is normal to be poisoned by the use of plants due to some general confusion with medicinal plants or also by accidental ingestion. Knowing exactly how to use the "greener" may yield as food and medicine, yet on the opposite side also may effect death.
According to the Medical Doctor and Pharmacist Professor José Elias Murad, President of the Foundation Hug - Brazilian Community Association for the Prevention of Drug Abuse - drugs of abuse are - because of their ability to lead to dependency - "nothing more than a chronic intoxication by frequent use" so he concludes. This distinction of term was made by him because according to the World Health Organization (WHO) any substance or product that causes a change in living organism is being considered a drug. "So everything is drugs," he jokes.
Native to tropical American regions colonized by Spaniards, Avocado spread through South America, reaching the Amazon and may be found today in all regions of the globe that have fertile soil and enough heat. There are more than 30 types of Avocados in Brazil, currently the world's largest producer, but exports less than it should, because the reason for our being big and beautiful
Avocado (weighs about 500 grams), is strange and unfamiliar to European consumers who prefer smaller fruits such as Avocado (grown just for 1 decade in Brazil) weighing about 85 grams only.
Brazil is the only country in the world which cultivated the habit of eating avocado with sugar. The rest of the world consumes it in savory preparations. By reason of being consumed with sugar in Brazil, the Avocado, a fruit that is rich in fat, easily won the reputation of being too rich in calories and thus for fear of gaining weight and increased cholesterol facts it has been excluded from the usual diet throughout the population. This is a big Myth as enlisted hereunder!
It is reputed to cause gain of weight and because it contains wealth of calories has always been treated as "the villain and enemy of fruit diets".
Yet now, believe it or not, researchers from around the world claim that the fruit causes loss of weight, amnd also decreases the body mass index ( BMI) and reduces by 42% the risk of metabolic syndrome (disorder can trigger diabetes and obesity). The secret is to eat fruit frequently in moderate doses, alone or in light recipes.
The merit of this power is in oleic acid, the same fat from olive oil, this type of fat is excellent for regulating the levels of total cholesterol and raise good cholesterol (HDL cholesterol).
Increases satiety, postpones hunger and demand for food;
Proper Care when buying:
The best avocados are heavier and firmer. Sometimes they have patches of light brown color on its skin. Still this is only some superficial defect that does not alter the quality of the fruit. To find out about if the fruit mis ripe press lightly with your fingers on the shell. When it is mature the finger sinks slightly into the fruit.
Should be stored in cool and airy places;
Pineapple is a plant of monocot family of Bromeliaceae, subfamily Bromelioideae. The pineapple grown belong to the species Ananas comosus, comprising many varieties of fruit. There are also several wild species belonging to the same group and gender. The taste of the ripe fruit is often quite acidic and sweet.
It is rich in Vitamin C, beta carotene and B vitamins and minerals like calcium: manganese, potassium and iron and fiber all of which are quite important for a healthy life. Furthermore it contains a powerful enzyme called bromelain.
At second sight research reveals that this enzyme may be helpful in reducing inflammation originating from many causes and also contributes to good digestion.
Additionally it is essential for people of blood group A. Being rich in soluble fiber it is perfect to control levels of cholesterol in blood and accelerating healing of tissue.
It also is indicated for kidney stones, hypertension, and anemia. For those who want to lose weight pineapple is important (especially those with retention net).
PUMPKIN, Curcubhita Pepo - cucurbits - America
Creeping plant of flexible stem covered with hair bristling - also has large leaves petiolate spanking and also covered with hair and big axillary flowers.
Its fruit is yellow or green, large and pulpy containing numerous white seeds, which are flat and oval and contained in clear wrappers.
SAFFRON Crocus sativa - iridáceas
How to Prepare:
Blend watercress, oil and egg yolks until pale.Pass this cream into a bowl, add sugar, flour mixing well.Add the egg whites gently mixing and finally the yeast.Cook in preheated oven 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

Sandwich Recipe:
* 10 slices of bread mold
* 2 cups (tea) of ricotta mixed
* 2 cups (tea) of chopped watercress
* 3 tablespoons (soup) of lemon juice
* 1 teaspoon (tsp) salt
* 1/2 cup (tea) of parsley
* 2 spoons (soup) of mayonnaise
* 1 spoon (soup) of cream
* 2 spoons (soup) of seedless raisins
ARTICHOKE Cynara scolymus - Composite
Plant stems are tall and straight: The leaves have prickly spines and apex are dark green and whitish in its base. The branches end in large chapters by fleshy bracts that form the edible part.
Radial soft leaves, oblong gathered in céspedes and yellow flowers.
This plant was used to soothe burns, swellings, sores, chapped lips or skin, anal fissures and nipple lesions.Tea made from basil leaves, mixed with honey is widely used to combat various diseases of the urinary tract. The continuous consumption of this tea can help dissolve kidney stones, thus avoiding surgery.
The tea basil also prevents urine retention, since the consumption of basil increases the production of very dilute urine. It is also advised for people with digestive problems, stomach and intestinal disorders, flatulence, hepatitis, fever and cough.
Internal Use
To lose a pound a month without any effort beyond downloading coleterol full 20 points in just cut to length (without starting completely) a clove of garlic with purple shell, put in a glass of water and from two hours to take half water and again fill the cup (2 repeat the act in two hours, particularly half an hour before meals). In addition to lower weight helps lower the overall coleterol 2 points and low blood pressure, and moisturize course.
Another recipe:1 liter of water, 30 cloves of garlic, diced 3 lemons.Blend all mixed up and put in enamel pan (or non-metallic utensil).Lead to fire but not boil, keep a bottle in the fridge and take a cup fasting.

Grass clover-shaped. The long petioles have at the base two oval stipules. The flowers have varied color tones and the fruits in capsules contain many seeds.
Aloe vera - Aloe - Liliaceae - Southern Africa

The leaves at the base and whitish green intense toward the end, have toothed edges and find themselves closely linked to the stem short and fleshy. The pendulous flowers are bright red and gathered in a cluster.
The aloe, also known as aloe, is rich in nutrients such as lignin, saponin, mineral, calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, sodium, chromium, copper, chloride, iron, manganese, beta-carotene (pro-vitamin A), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3, E (alpha tocopherol), C (ascorbic acid), folic acid and choline.
This wealth of nutrients that gives the aloe is a huge healing power, especially in autoimmune diseases, such as cancer. Furthermore, it heals and prevents almost all diseases because it restores the entire immune system. Also suitable for diabetics since the glucose balance, and can even cure this disease.The aloe vera is also indicated for patients with AIDS because it strengthens the body.
This recipe cancer was disclosed by Friar Romano Zago.
To do it, the best type of aloe is Aloe arborescens (see photo), which is thinner and contains little gel, considering that over 90% of the medicinal properties of aloe are in the peel.
Aloe arborescens
You can also use the Aloe barbadensis (see photo), but remove 80% of the gel before brewing.
Aloe barbadensisBefore taking the aloe, note the following:
•The foot of aloe should be planted 3-5 years in the same location because in this condition it will be very strong, with its active principles in better conditions for healing especially cancer.
•Harvest aloe when not raining at least three days, for the land is too wet and the touch of aloe with water cause it to spoil faster. If this is not possible, make the recipe and keep it in the refrigerator.
•Harvest aloe preferably in the evening or early in the morning, before sunrise, because it should not come into direct contact with sunlight or with artificial lights.
•By manipulating the aloe, just pass a damp cloth to clean it and remove the thorns with the aid of a knife. Do not turn on the light to where it is to prepare it. Turn on the light of a candle or use next room.
•In the period in which the aloe is blooming, do not use it, because it will be changed to its active, since it needs to feed the flowers.
• 400 g of aloé
• 500 g of puré honey bee
• A shot of spirits (cognac, brandy, whiskey)
Place all ingredients in blender and process well for five minutes. No need to strain. Put in a dark bottle and store in refrigerator.Dosage
• Before taking, shake the bottle well.
•Take two tablespoons of fasting, so waking up in the morning, two tablespoons 10 minutes before lunch and two tablespoons before dinner or before bedtime.
• Abscesses or pimples may appear in the body, because aloe vera cleanses the blood.
•It is normal to experience a little dysentery because aloe regulates intestinal functions. That does not hurt. In that case, just eat banana silver.
•Cancer sufferers can repeat this recipe many times find it necessary or until the disease disappears.
•Who does not suffer from cancer should give pause thirty days between a recipe and another.
•If honey is pure, it can not hurt to diabetics. But, if you have fear, remove it from the recipe. Take pure and then drink fruit juice to remove the bitter taste of aloe.
•The liquor is important for the conservation of revenue, but it can be removed or replaced by alcohol.
BARDANA Arctium lappa - Composite

Stout root, stem ramosa, rough and conical broad leavesl with the upper and lower green - greenish white. The leaves have vivid and bright color glitter.
Poultice - against acute pain, crush dried leaves gauze and apply on affected areas.
Decoction -
10 gr. burdock root, sliced, cooked in a little water. When the root is softened crush it to be reduced to a pap. Thereafter rubbing the scalp once a day.
Poultice -
cook a handful of fresh leaves washed and lean, with a little milk, when the milk evaporates, put the leaves in a cheesecloth and apply on affected area.
Infusion -
60 gr. burdock root,
25 gr. Licorice,
50 gr. of dandelion,
40 gr. of grass,
20 gr. root of endive,
save these herbs in a container. A spoonful of this mixture serves to prepare an infusion with a cup of hot water. Drinkit when fasting without sweetening.
Infusion - 30 gr. burdock root in 3 cups water, boiling water, leave to infuse for half an hour, strain and drink twice a day.Furunculosis:
Poultice -
See healing. Depurative. External demand - boil a spoonful of chopped burdock root in a cup of water. When the water evaporates, extend the poultice on the affected region.
Herbal Tea - 25 gr. burdock in a quart of water. Sweeten bit and administer the drink spoons every 5 minutes.
Poultice - crush the fresh leaves of burdock washed and clean, applied as a poultice.
POTATO Solanum tuberosum - Solanaceae - Chile and Peru
Herbaceous plant with opposite leaves petiolate and nervadas, terminals and white flowers and fruits in small berries. The nutrient reserves of this plant is in the tubers. The tubers are used to extract starch, glucose, ethanol. The potatoes can be inserted into the diet even in which people that can't ingesting proteins and fats.
This is an orchid that has thick aerial roots with which it attaches itself to tree trunks. Vanilla takes the shape and proportion of a liana. The oval lanceolate leaves by vertical streaks are of darker green. Flowers of yellowish green color gives life to fruits with elongated shape of a pod of very pleasant aroma.
Part used: beans.
Planting: Multiplication: reproduced by cuttings (slips); Cultivation: tropical climate, vanilla tolerate hot and cold climates, but prefers the mild climate. Plant in dry soils, fresh and rich in organic matter. Can be planted all year round but prefer early spring. Is vine and needs to be planted in vines. Harvest: Harvesting the fruits when they are about to mature.
Habitat: Occurs also in Brazil. The largest producing state is Bahia.
History: The Spaniards took the vanilla to Europe from the Aztecs who used it as an aphrodisiac. Renowned in the culinary world. It is not known for being digestive, soothing, just for its wonderful flavor and aroma. Part of the homeopathic pharmacopoeia.
Active Ingredients: acetic acid, ethyl vanilil, sugars, ethanol, waxes, cinnamate, eugenol, yeasts, furfural, fats, mucilage, resins, and tannins.
Medicinal properties: aphrodisiac, antispasmodic, antiseptic, flavoring, likely slightly choleretic, digestive, emmenagogue, stimulant, general tonic. Popularly used as an aphrodisiac and emmenagogue (provokes menstruation).
Part used: dried fruit.
Portulaca oleracea Purslane - Portulaca - Brazil
Grows in arid and dry areas, has creeping rhizome, sumosos branches and strong, narrow wedge-shaped fleshy leaves, reddish flowers corolla 5-6 petals brightly colored, red, yellow, white, orange, violet, solferino.
It is a variety of orange, with the difference that its fruits are not edible because it contains an acid juice and is absolutely unpalatable. The rind of the fruit contains a strongly scented essence.
A few drops of essence on a lump of sugar.
Apply on the wound disinfected few drops of essence of bergamot, over a clean gauze.
100 gr. Castor oil, refined and odorless,
5 gr. essence of bergamot,
5 gr. mint,
2 gr. camphor oil
rubbing into your hands and feet three times a day.
Frets made with bergamot essence on the affected region.
Irrigation - With a few drops of bergamot essence in warm water, you get a uterine flushing.
BOLDO Peumus boldus - Monimiáceas - Chile
It is a beautiful shrub that can reach 6-8 metros, has strongly aromatic leaves, elliptical oval, covered by a warty surface which make them harsh and unpleasant to the touch.
Medicinal Wine
- macerate for three days, 30 gr. Boldo leaves in a liter of marsala, filter and put them in a bottle, take a small cup after each meal.
BORAGE Borago officinalis-Borragináceas
It is grown in gardens, as the leaves are used in salads. The plant of 30 to 40 cm is completely enclosed by a fluff hard, off-white, and the sheets are radial rough. Flowers large, stellar, blue and red, gather in clusters at the end of the rod.

Grows at roadsides, in fields and damp, not never reaches a height of 60 cm, and develops into many ears, contains 4-6 flowers.
- Infusion - 60 gr Bromo in 1 liter of boiling water, consume cups throughout the day
GUT: - View bronchial catarrh.
Boxwood Buxus sempervirens-Apennines and Sardinia
Plant about 4 feet tall, the brilliant color of oval leaves and very thin. In spontaneous state grows in arid and rocky.
Tree that reaches heights varied between 4-10 meters, the cacao tree has oval leaves and yellow fruit containing several seeds. The cacao tree produces fruits 3-4 years after planting.
The prescription of this drug is very delicate, that only a doctor can decide on the same.
CASHEW Anacardium occidentale - Anacardiaceae - South America
It has alternate leaves, fruits and flowers in spike-shaped heart.
Common plant in arid and uneducated areas with yellow flowers, resembling daisies. The plant exudes a very pungent odor.
It is a perennial herb that flowers have yellow-orange color, its stem is about 30 cm tall, thick and rough and has leaves in rosettes. The petals of the flowers are tubular central and peripheral are alinguetadas.
It is a herbaceous, annual threadlike leaves and white flowers, similar to daisies.
The straight, robust Fuste is employed to keep piles of vineyards.
Leaves stiff, leathery, oval beautiful green color, bright, furrowed with reddish veins. The leaves are small and light green.
Plant of large size of the comminuted wood trunks subjected to manufaturações timely extracted product is known that camphor.

Tree that can reach remarkable heights: 8-10 feet tall. It has large leaves, oblongadas, auxiliary flowers solitary white-yellow bloom in summer. The fruit is constituted by a large berry, in the form of an orange apple, bark very thin and smooth pulp with very soft, sweet, sugary, mature late fall.
Should be treated with caution, because the shell is very thin and glued to the pulp, breaks easily.

It is also a food of the gods or Theobroma cacao as:
CARP Carpinus betulus - Betuláceas - Italy
Tree stems, tall and straight, reaches the height of 20 or 30 meters. It has a smooth gray bark, leaves oval and serrated and monoecious flowers. The fruits that ripen in autumn are achenes.
It is a remarkable plant height about 20 meters and major. It has rough trunks, branches very leafy, leathery and tough leaves, whose upper surface is shiny and bottom covered by. The flowers are monoecious and commuting, color yellowish fruits containing a single seed, are achenes oval.

It is a shrub with tiny flowers and white. The bark of Cascara Sagrada is color-cinca course sumosa, odorless, and of very bitter taste.

Fruit and flower
With petiolated great Flowers, male and female, are white and curls gathered in the fruits which ripen in winter, are well known, approximately in 1200 meters (altitude).
Infusion -
A handful of dried leaves in 1 liter of boiling water. Filtering the liquid through a sieve, sweeten and drink. The dose serves to 3 times.
CHESTNUT OF INDIA - esculus hippocastanum - Hippocastináceas - Asia Minor
Ornamental tree, is covered with white flowers and sometimes red, that bloom in spikes, straight and very beautiful. The round fruit and bright resembles somewhat the edible Chestnut. Many substances are being extracted from the pulp.

The onion has large bulbs, which give life to tufts of fleshy leaves and are of cylindrical form. Flowers small and numerous, bloom in Summer.
Celandine Chelidonium majus - Papaveráceas
Swallow Wort - Plant family of Papaveráceas - Scientific name: Chelidonium majus L -
Origin: America, Europe, Africa and West Asia - also called celandine, quelidônea,
herb-of-warts, milk weed, herb-of- corns, poppy figatil and swallows.
The name of this plant comes from the Greek "khélidôn" (gender science), which means "swallow" in the face of the myth that such swallows carried her to their children so that it possessed great vision.
Time: "It was around the century. AD that Discorides noticed that the swallows used this plant to touch the eyes of the puppies, giving them the view. This fact roused curiosity and caused that studies were made about the celandine. "
The stem reaches a height of about 70 cm is cylindrical and nodosum, branchy with penatissetas leaves and yellow flowers.
When using edible or medicinal plants make sure you pick the correct plant, and the plant is healthy and has grown in good soil i.e. avoid plants nearby sewage, garbage, dirt, etc.. Avoid plants with signs of many attacks by insects or fungi. For any purpose it is not recommended to use any plant disposed to agrochemicals whether on plantations or wild populations. For commercial medicinal plants, pesticide use is prohibited. Carefully read the tips, advice and recipes.
In the biological world every detail is important. If it is difficult to identify a kind, please contact me or any expert who knows (I'm not able to recognize anything of course but I can indicate someone who might solve your problem).
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Foreword by ContrastMary:

My first intention is to pay hommage to the Kingdom of Plants in both admiration and love. Our planet has undergone a major transformation and the aura of the Earth before of being blue is getting greener. The color is exactly one greenish blue and I think the plants have something to do with it.
This article started by being re-blogged from the "Ancient Mysteries".
It was mostly a list of plants with short reviews and a short introduction that I did.
It was mostly a list of plants with short reviews and a short introduction that I did.
At first, I gathered some more comments in order to enrich the knowledge of plants that are currently so common in European Flora.
However, what we now name "Herbal Glossary" evolved in a way of its own being not recognizable with its initial draft.
Although some plants are presented here as of Non-European origin they are nevertheless widespread on this continent and / or are sold worldwide.
Thus this "Herbal Glossary" may be used by people of the world to learn more about medicinal plants.
However caution should be taken in doses and before taking those unfamiliar, it is advisable to consult a doctor or experienced herbalist.

Plants which are important in health and disease.
In order to assist in dealing with toxic plants, Rejane Barbosa de Oliveira, a biologist trained at the University of São Paulo, launched last year, along with Silvana Aparecida de Godoy and Fernando Batista da Costa, the book "Toxic Plants - awareness and prevention accident ". The book provides information on how to prevent poisonings, also concerning emergency measures for the treatment of these poisonings.
The use of vegetable by Mankind in different spaces and situations is quite common, and therefore due to the diversity of existing species, accidents with toxid plants are happening. In order to avoid such accidents one should know all plants which are around us where we live.
It is normal to be poisoned by the use of plants due to some general confusion with medicinal plants or also by accidental ingestion. Knowing exactly how to use the "greener" may yield as food and medicine, yet on the opposite side also may effect death.
The medical aspect of remedies comprises two forms best known as treatment:
"Herbal medicine" that uses the plants in their raw state, primarily through teas, however requiring utmost care that mismanaged doses do not cause toxic and side effects;
and "Homeopathy" which appeared in eighth century and has become very trendy in recent years in which natural substances able to damage human body firdt undergo some careful physical process in order to turn these ingredients into same remedies against alike diseases which they also apt to cause.
and "Homeopathy" which appeared in eighth century and has become very trendy in recent years in which natural substances able to damage human body firdt undergo some careful physical process in order to turn these ingredients into same remedies against alike diseases which they also apt to cause.
On the opposite side there are plants that can be harmful if improperly applied thus becoming drugs. In such case they have the ability to induce the individual to the continued and repeated use leading to addiction.
According to the Medical Doctor and Pharmacist Professor José Elias Murad, President of the Foundation Hug - Brazilian Community Association for the Prevention of Drug Abuse - drugs of abuse are - because of their ability to lead to dependency - "nothing more than a chronic intoxication by frequent use" so he concludes. This distinction of term was made by him because according to the World Health Organization (WHO) any substance or product that causes a change in living organism is being considered a drug. "So everything is drugs," he jokes.
Here's our problem, or our need know more about the herbs with the description thereof and inform about methods of preparing infusions. But despite this of this, be sure also to see your doctor.
Take note:
What is an Infusion like ?
It consists of pouring boiling water over the plant and then smother for about 15 minutes. This process is used for flowers, leaves and also herbs, because if fervermos essences may volatilize easily (lost by the action of heat) causing loss of flavor and healing power of tea.
It consists of pouring boiling water over the plant and then smother for about 15 minutes. This process is used for flowers, leaves and also herbs, because if fervermos essences may volatilize easily (lost by the action of heat) causing loss of flavor and healing power of tea.
What's Cooking:
It consists in cooking the plant. This process should be restricted to roots, barks, and seeds and boil may vary from 3 to 15 minutes.
It consists in cooking the plant. This process should be restricted to roots, barks, and seeds and boil may vary from 3 to 15 minutes.
How to sweeten Tea:
Teas generally do not need to be sweetened. In some cases, however, you may use honey when you want to take advantage of its medicinal properties (colds, coughs, etc..).
Yet to sweeten should only been done after straining and when the tea is still warm, never before, since heat destroys The Healing Power of Honey.
Teas generally do not need to be sweetened. In some cases, however, you may use honey when you want to take advantage of its medicinal properties (colds, coughs, etc..).
Yet to sweeten should only been done after straining and when the tea is still warm, never before, since heat destroys The Healing Power of Honey.
What is the Shelf Life:
Never use a tea more after 24 hours have elapsed after preparation as after this time its fermentation process will start (even if kept in the refrigerator). Prepare sufficient for only one day.
Never use a tea more after 24 hours have elapsed after preparation as after this time its fermentation process will start (even if kept in the refrigerator). Prepare sufficient for only one day.
How long should I use it:
It is recommended not to use the same tea for a long time because our body responds less and less to treatment. Use for a period of 30 days and exchange it for another type of tea resuming its use after some time.
It is recommended not to use the same tea for a long time because our body responds less and less to treatment. Use for a period of 30 days and exchange it for another type of tea resuming its use after some time.
Avocado, Persea americana - South America
It is a tree of the family of laureáceas, native to Mexico or South America, now widely grown in tropical regions, including the Canary Islands and the Isle of Madeira.1
Facilitates digestion and prolonged consumption, also combats rheumatism and uric acid. It is useful in combatting the calculations of the gallbladder and gastroduodenal ulcers.
It is a tree of the family of laureáceas, native to Mexico or South America, now widely grown in tropical regions, including the Canary Islands and the Isle of Madeira.1
Facilitates digestion and prolonged consumption, also combats rheumatism and uric acid. It is useful in combatting the calculations of the gallbladder and gastroduodenal ulcers.
Native to tropical American regions colonized by Spaniards, Avocado spread through South America, reaching the Amazon and may be found today in all regions of the globe that have fertile soil and enough heat. There are more than 30 types of Avocados in Brazil, currently the world's largest producer, but exports less than it should, because the reason for our being big and beautiful
Avocado (weighs about 500 grams), is strange and unfamiliar to European consumers who prefer smaller fruits such as Avocado (grown just for 1 decade in Brazil) weighing about 85 grams only.
Brazil is the only country in the world which cultivated the habit of eating avocado with sugar. The rest of the world consumes it in savory preparations. By reason of being consumed with sugar in Brazil, the Avocado, a fruit that is rich in fat, easily won the reputation of being too rich in calories and thus for fear of gaining weight and increased cholesterol facts it has been excluded from the usual diet throughout the population. This is a big Myth as enlisted hereunder!
Avocado is one of the few fruits that contain protein. It is rich in monounsaturated fat (the same as olive oil), vitamin E, C and A, folic acid (essential for pregnant women), potassium, iron and beta carotene.
It is reputed to cause gain of weight and because it contains wealth of calories has always been treated as "the villain and enemy of fruit diets".
Yet now, believe it or not, researchers from around the world claim that the fruit causes loss of weight, amnd also decreases the body mass index ( BMI) and reduces by 42% the risk of metabolic syndrome (disorder can trigger diabetes and obesity). The secret is to eat fruit frequently in moderate doses, alone or in light recipes.
The merit of this power is in oleic acid, the same fat from olive oil, this type of fat is excellent for regulating the levels of total cholesterol and raise good cholesterol (HDL cholesterol).
What are the effects that help in reducing weight?
Increases satiety, postpones hunger and demand for food;
The presence of a substance called beta-sitosterol reduces inflammation cells, facilitating weight loss, loss of body fat, improving the control of diabetes;
When consumed at bedtime, avocado intensifies the action of growth hormone (GH), which helps the body to build more muscle and use stored fat as an energy source.
Considerations about body weight
Being a food calorie exaggeration does not rule weight gain, so it is vital to consume the correct amount and no sugar. Ask help of your nutritionist to adhere to some safe diet.
Keep in mind: we shall cause gain in weight when we eat more than the appropriate doses!
Unfortunately there are no things like miracles! We always have to exert some good judgment about what we choose to eatand also to resort to some routine of physical activity.
The correct amount to consume the avocado is on an average of 2 tablespoons, 3 times a week. Such portions are enough to bring about positives to our health.
Other Health Benefits of Avocado:
Other Health Benefits of Avocado:
- Important for children's growth and balanced nutrition of the elderly;
- Aid again diabetics in controlling blood glucose due to its low glycemic index;
- For hypertensive insignificant due to its high content of potassium and sodium;
- Prevents and treats cardiovascular disease (monounsaturated fat);
- Essential for the treatment of liver diseases (fatty liver - "fatty liver", hepatitis, poisoning) due to its high content of L-glutathione, a powerful antioxidant which helps to mitigate the damage in the organ;
- Improves digestive tract problems (gastritis, constipation, intestinal colic and flatulence), besides having a good digestibility;
- For athletes helps muscle strength and performance, being a great source of energy;
- Has beta-sitosterolM; also helps to fight wrinkles, Acne and Cellulite;
- Has anticancer polyphenols which help the body to neutralize the action of free radicals.
FIGHTING A MYTH: And what about cholesterol?
As of plant origin Avocado has no cholesterol in its composition.
As of plant origin Avocado has no cholesterol in its composition.
The monounsaturated fat present in Avocados and olive oil protects against attacks of heart and blood vessels , stroke, blockage of veins, heart disease and blocks the action of LDL (bad cholesterol).
Frequent consumption of avocados lowers levels of total cholesterol and triglycerides and increases HDL levels (good cholesterol).
Proper Care when buying:
The best avocados are heavier and firmer. Sometimes they have patches of light brown color on its skin. Still this is only some superficial defect that does not alter the quality of the fruit. To find out about if the fruit mis ripe press lightly with your fingers on the shell. When it is mature the finger sinks slightly into the fruit.
Take Care when preparing:
The pulp should be without fibres but spotlessand is about starting to soften.
Can not be cooked or heated;
To prevent the Avocado cream to darken put it promptly into a deep and the stone fruit, unwashed,
For the Avocado cream does not darken, then promptly put it in a deep dish and put the stone fruit unwashed, right into the middle and keep it in the refrigerator until ready to serve;
Can not be cooked or heated;
To prevent the Avocado cream to darken put it promptly into a deep and the stone fruit, unwashed,
For the Avocado cream does not darken, then promptly put it in a deep dish and put the stone fruit unwashed, right into the middle and keep it in the refrigerator until ready to serve;
For savory dishes, use very ripe avocados, otherwise it will taste quite bitter;
How to store it:
Should be stored in cool and airy places;
If you want the Avocados to ripen faster at home, wrap it into some paper bag and place it into some place without light;
The Avocado Green can not be stored in the refrigerator since the process of maturation will be interrupted in such case;
To prevent a sliced Avocado to darken pass thin layer of lemon on the cut;
To prevent a sliced Avocado to darken pass thin layer of lemon on the cut;
When using only half of one Avocado leave the other half refrigerated with the kernel in it in order to prevent quick deterioration;
Pineapple, Ananas comosus (L.) Mernil - Bromeliaceae - South America
Pineapple is a plant of monocot family of Bromeliaceae, subfamily Bromelioideae. The pineapple grown belong to the species Ananas comosus, comprising many varieties of fruit. There are also several wild species belonging to the same group and gender. The taste of the ripe fruit is often quite acidic and sweet.
It is rich in Vitamin C, beta carotene and B vitamins and minerals like calcium: manganese, potassium and iron and fiber all of which are quite important for a healthy life. Furthermore it contains a powerful enzyme called bromelain.
At second sight research reveals that this enzyme may be helpful in reducing inflammation originating from many causes and also contributes to good digestion.
Additionally it is essential for people of blood group A. Being rich in soluble fiber it is perfect to control levels of cholesterol in blood and accelerating healing of tissue.
It also is indicated for kidney stones, hypertension, and anemia. For those who want to lose weight pineapple is important (especially those with retention net).
It acts also as diuretic depurative. Used between meals it reduces excess of acidity in the stomach. Combatting any type of kidney stone it is also used against bronchial catarrh and obesity.
Having soluble fibres it also lowers levels of cholesterol by its direct effects in human blood preventing the agglomeration of fat in the body.
In a blender, beat 400 ml of water, 1 cup of acerola, 2 slices of pineapple and juice of 1 lemon. Strain and take 1 cup 2 times a day.
Prevents Cold and Flu
Pineapple is rich in vitamin C strengthening the body's defense and immunizing against several diseases such as flu and colds.
In a blender, beat 2 pineapple slices, 2 mint leaves and ½ liter of water. Take 1 cup, 2 times a day, after meals.
Vitamin A, present in large quantities in fruit, acts as an antioxidant, preventing premature aging and even some cancers.
In a blender, beat 2 pineapple rings, 1 leaf of kale washed, ½ apple peeled and seeded and 200 ml of water. Strain and take at any time of day.
Having soluble fibres it also lowers levels of cholesterol by its direct effects in human blood preventing the agglomeration of fat in the body.
In a blender, beat 400 ml of water, 1 cup of acerola, 2 slices of pineapple and juice of 1 lemon. Strain and take 1 cup 2 times a day.
Prevents Cold and Flu
Pineapple is rich in vitamin C strengthening the body's defense and immunizing against several diseases such as flu and colds.
In a blender, beat 2 pineapple slices, 2 mint leaves and ½ liter of water. Take 1 cup, 2 times a day, after meals.
Vitamin A, present in large quantities in fruit, acts as an antioxidant, preventing premature aging and even some cancers.
In a blender, beat 2 pineapple rings, 1 leaf of kale washed, ½ apple peeled and seeded and 200 ml of water. Strain and take at any time of day.

Creeping plant of flexible stem covered with hair bristling - also has large leaves petiolate spanking and also covered with hair and big axillary flowers.
Its fruit is yellow or green, large and pulpy containing numerous white seeds, which are flat and oval and contained in clear wrappers.
cooking 100 gr. Pumpkin pulp mature and 1 liter of water - wait until half of the initial amount has been achieved then pass through a sieve and according to season use it during one day.
in order to make poulticesf irst clean the leaves well and apply it on the affected region of burns etc..
make a paste with
50 gr. Fresh pumpkin seeds,
20 gr. Honey,
and 150 gr. Water that has suffered several hours of prior infusion of lemon or orange peel and to be taken after 12 hours of fasting. Eating that paste and take a purgative based on castor oil. If you get no results repeat the operation.
cooking 100 gr. Pumpkin pulp mature and 1 liter of water - wait until half of the initial amount has been achieved then pass through a sieve and according to season use it during one day.
in order to make poulticesf irst clean the leaves well and apply it on the affected region of burns etc..
make a paste with
50 gr. Fresh pumpkin seeds,
20 gr. Honey,
and 150 gr. Water that has suffered several hours of prior infusion of lemon or orange peel and to be taken after 12 hours of fasting. Eating that paste and take a purgative based on castor oil. If you get no results repeat the operation.
Chard - Beta vulgaris - Mediterranean

Chard is a vegetable belonging to the species Beta vulgaris. The chard originated in the Mediterranean basin. It is believed to have been used as both food and medicine, from prehistory.It is thought that this vegetable has been valued in ancient Greece, as was mentioned by philosophers such as Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC).
In the eighth century, chard cultivation was common in China, then spread to the rest of Asia. Even today it is a key ingredient of the cuisine of various countries in the Far East.In Europe, the chard started become popular, especially in France, from the Middle Ages.
In actuality, because chard is grown in temperate zones, is widespread worldwide, and can be found several varieties, including the crisp chard, sporting dark green leaves, white stalk and a taste that resembles the spinach, chard stalks that features large white and green leaves, Japanese and Swiss chard leaves and closed juxtaposed with yellowish at the base and core and pale green on the edges.In Portugal the chard is available for consumption between October and June.
Nutritional Information
The chard, like the other vegetables, is low in energy and high in water. Also noteworthy is its content of vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and fiber. Nutritional composition table (100g edible portion)
g = gram
mg = milligrams
Edible portion = with respect to the weight of the food that is consumed after all discarded waste.
Source: Lima D, Colugnati F, et al. Brazilian Table of Food Composition. New York: Center for Studies and Research in Food, State University of Campinas. 2006.
Advantages and disadvantages
The chard is a vegetable with health interest because of its nutritional profile. The substantial amounts of fiber and water contribute to the normal function of the gut and regulation of plasma cholesterol levels, which contributes to the improvement of the bowel function and cardiovascular respectively.
Potassium plays an important role in regulating blood pressure in the balance of body fluids and muscular contraction. The daily intake of potassium may be limited in cases of renal insufficiency.
Chard provides appreciable amounts of vitamin C, an antioxidant that enhances the immune system by helping to protect the body against infection and production of collagen, a protein that forms part of various structures of the body, such as skin, connective tissue, cartilage and tendons.
Calcium and phosphorus are involved in the formation and maintenance of healthy bones and teeth, as well, are important during childhood and adolescence to ensure proper growth and development, and in adulthood, for the maintenance of bone mass and teeth and for the prevention of their losses.Phosphorus also contributes to the proper functioning of the immune system and aids tissue regeneration.
How to buy and maintain
Get a fresh chard with leaves polished, bright, lush and with a firm consistency. Avoid the chard stalk to submit a mole with black marks, or yellowing leaves with dark spots, as these are signs of deterioration.In the cold, the chard keeps it raw or cooked for 3 to 4 days.
If you want to freeze the chard, soak the leaves in boiling water and then place them in a container with cold water in order to stop the cooking. Subsequently, store it in the freezer in an airtight container.
See also:
Recipes with chard

Chard is a vegetable belonging to the species Beta vulgaris. The chard originated in the Mediterranean basin. It is believed to have been used as both food and medicine, from prehistory.It is thought that this vegetable has been valued in ancient Greece, as was mentioned by philosophers such as Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC).
In the eighth century, chard cultivation was common in China, then spread to the rest of Asia. Even today it is a key ingredient of the cuisine of various countries in the Far East.In Europe, the chard started become popular, especially in France, from the Middle Ages.
In actuality, because chard is grown in temperate zones, is widespread worldwide, and can be found several varieties, including the crisp chard, sporting dark green leaves, white stalk and a taste that resembles the spinach, chard stalks that features large white and green leaves, Japanese and Swiss chard leaves and closed juxtaposed with yellowish at the base and core and pale green on the edges.In Portugal the chard is available for consumption between October and June.
Nutritional Information
The chard, like the other vegetables, is low in energy and high in water. Also noteworthy is its content of vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and fiber. Nutritional composition table (100g edible portion)

mg = milligrams
Edible portion = with respect to the weight of the food that is consumed after all discarded waste.
Source: Lima D, Colugnati F, et al. Brazilian Table of Food Composition. New York: Center for Studies and Research in Food, State University of Campinas. 2006.
Advantages and disadvantages
The chard is a vegetable with health interest because of its nutritional profile. The substantial amounts of fiber and water contribute to the normal function of the gut and regulation of plasma cholesterol levels, which contributes to the improvement of the bowel function and cardiovascular respectively.
Potassium plays an important role in regulating blood pressure in the balance of body fluids and muscular contraction. The daily intake of potassium may be limited in cases of renal insufficiency.
Chard provides appreciable amounts of vitamin C, an antioxidant that enhances the immune system by helping to protect the body against infection and production of collagen, a protein that forms part of various structures of the body, such as skin, connective tissue, cartilage and tendons.
Calcium and phosphorus are involved in the formation and maintenance of healthy bones and teeth, as well, are important during childhood and adolescence to ensure proper growth and development, and in adulthood, for the maintenance of bone mass and teeth and for the prevention of their losses.Phosphorus also contributes to the proper functioning of the immune system and aids tissue regeneration.
How to buy and maintain
Get a fresh chard with leaves polished, bright, lush and with a firm consistency. Avoid the chard stalk to submit a mole with black marks, or yellowing leaves with dark spots, as these are signs of deterioration.In the cold, the chard keeps it raw or cooked for 3 to 4 days.
If you want to freeze the chard, soak the leaves in boiling water and then place them in a container with cold water in order to stop the cooking. Subsequently, store it in the freezer in an airtight container.
See also:
Recipes with chard

Serbácea Plant with a massive bulb, flattened, dry scales, having some leaves near the rudimentary top . Whitish and other green slightly ribbed; flowers with short stalk, with a very long perigonial tube, of purplish color, with longitudinal grooves. The stigmas are red jagged at the apex tubulosos and shaped like horns.
Saffron has also been used for medicinal purposes for centuries. Historically been used in the treatment of cancer and depressive states.
Such applications have been researched today. Promising and selective effects against cancer have been observed in vitro and in vivo but not yet in clinical trials.
Antidepressant effects were also found in vivo and in preliminary clinical studies. Therefore there are interesting perspectives for the use of extracts of turmeric in rational phytotherapy.
Saffron has also been used for medicinal purposes for centuries. Historically been used in the treatment of cancer and depressive states.
Such applications have been researched today. Promising and selective effects against cancer have been observed in vitro and in vivo but not yet in clinical trials.
Antidepressant effects were also found in vivo and in preliminary clinical studies. Therefore there are interesting perspectives for the use of extracts of turmeric in rational phytotherapy.
Watercress originates from Southeast Asia, and has been used for centuries in Europe, mainly by Greeks and Romans, who enjoyed banquets rich in spices and spicy salads.The dry land cress is a sheet-like vegetable, rich in vitamin C and minerals. Watercress is richer in iron than spinach and kale and the stems are rich in iodine. It is a rapeseed, like kale, cabbage and broccoli.
Cru has tonic effect on the bronchi and lungs, besides being useful against pharyngitis and infectious processes of the mouth and throat. Cooked action has stomach tonic and depurative. The juice of watercress is useful against anemia, scurvy, tuberculosis, pneumonia and bronchitis in general, including the smokers, is also indicated for persistent fever and jaundice.
Watercress is one of the most efficient products to maintain the natural beauty and intensify energy. The plant has elements that help in fighting cancer, act in the improvement of liver function and prevent memory loss.
Highly beneficial, watercress boosts immunity, maintaining youth. Watercress is rich in vitamin C, which helps in the regeneration of skin cells, improves liver function and increases the body's immunity. It is also a source of phenethyl isocyanate, a chemical element that fights cancer cells. Watercress also contains iodine essential for the proper functioning of the thyroid, and vitamin B6, which prevents memory loss. Is digestive, because it stimulates the gallbladder to release bile, which acts in the processing of fats.
Watercress combat uric acid, tuberculosis, rickets, the formation of kidney stones, cystitis, and even the toxic effects of nicotine. As one of the richest products of nature, watercress is digestive, is good for the liver, is diuretic and good for diabetics.
Delicious recipe for CAKE CRESS:
Cru has tonic effect on the bronchi and lungs, besides being useful against pharyngitis and infectious processes of the mouth and throat. Cooked action has stomach tonic and depurative. The juice of watercress is useful against anemia, scurvy, tuberculosis, pneumonia and bronchitis in general, including the smokers, is also indicated for persistent fever and jaundice.
Watercress is one of the most efficient products to maintain the natural beauty and intensify energy. The plant has elements that help in fighting cancer, act in the improvement of liver function and prevent memory loss.
Highly beneficial, watercress boosts immunity, maintaining youth. Watercress is rich in vitamin C, which helps in the regeneration of skin cells, improves liver function and increases the body's immunity. It is also a source of phenethyl isocyanate, a chemical element that fights cancer cells. Watercress also contains iodine essential for the proper functioning of the thyroid, and vitamin B6, which prevents memory loss. Is digestive, because it stimulates the gallbladder to release bile, which acts in the processing of fats.
Watercress combat uric acid, tuberculosis, rickets, the formation of kidney stones, cystitis, and even the toxic effects of nicotine. As one of the richest products of nature, watercress is digestive, is good for the liver, is diuretic and good for diabetics.
Delicious recipe for CAKE CRESS:
- 1/2 bunch watercress
- 4 egg yolks150ml oil
- 2 cups sugar
- 2 cups all-purpose flour
- 4 egg whites
- 1 spoon (soup) of yeast
How to Prepare:
Blend watercress, oil and egg yolks until pale.Pass this cream into a bowl, add sugar, flour mixing well.Add the egg whites gently mixing and finally the yeast.Cook in preheated oven 180 degrees for 30 minutes.
The juice, sweetened with honey, gives an excellent syrup to combat bronchitis, cough, pulmonary tuberculosis, and all sorts of catarrhal diseases.Prepare a lotion by mixing 50 gr. juice of watercress and 10 gr. essence of bitter almonds is great for the skin (redness due to wind or sun)For blackheads and pimples: Mix 50 gr. juice of watercress with 20 gr. honey and apply on the spot afetado.
Watercress can be used raw in salads, or mixed with other vegetables such as lettuce, arugula and chicory and juices with various fruits. It can also be used to increase sandwiches, pancakes, rabadas, roulade, breads, sauces, soups and purees. The stems can be used in soups, mixed rice, sautéed with seasonings and beaten eggs, as a filling for cakes and souffles.
The leaves seasoned with lemon, salt and olive oil are an excellent accompaniment. Before consuming the raw leaves, wash them very carefully under running water, removing the thick stems and leaves yellowish or dark. Put green leaves and fine stems in water solution Amukina for 30 minutes (1 teaspoon Amukina to 0.5 liters of filtered water) or use products suitable for cleaning of salads available in supermarkets. Rinse the leaves with water then filtered.
* Make sophisticated salads adding watercress, walnuts, apples thinly sliced or diced fine cheeses.
* The watercress with honey syrup is widely used in folk medicine and the pharmaceutical industry to cure cough.
* Spices used with watercress: onion, garlic, olive oil, lemon, pepper, parsley, green onions.
Watercress can be used raw in salads, or mixed with other vegetables such as lettuce, arugula and chicory and juices with various fruits. It can also be used to increase sandwiches, pancakes, rabadas, roulade, breads, sauces, soups and purees. The stems can be used in soups, mixed rice, sautéed with seasonings and beaten eggs, as a filling for cakes and souffles.
The leaves seasoned with lemon, salt and olive oil are an excellent accompaniment. Before consuming the raw leaves, wash them very carefully under running water, removing the thick stems and leaves yellowish or dark. Put green leaves and fine stems in water solution Amukina for 30 minutes (1 teaspoon Amukina to 0.5 liters of filtered water) or use products suitable for cleaning of salads available in supermarkets. Rinse the leaves with water then filtered.
* Make sophisticated salads adding watercress, walnuts, apples thinly sliced or diced fine cheeses.
* The watercress with honey syrup is widely used in folk medicine and the pharmaceutical industry to cure cough.
* Spices used with watercress: onion, garlic, olive oil, lemon, pepper, parsley, green onions.
Sandwich Recipe:
* 10 slices of bread mold
* 2 cups (tea) of ricotta mixed
* 2 cups (tea) of chopped watercress
* 3 tablespoons (soup) of lemon juice
* 1 teaspoon (tsp) salt
* 1/2 cup (tea) of parsley
* 2 spoons (soup) of mayonnaise
* 1 spoon (soup) of cream
* 2 spoons (soup) of seedless raisins
* Reserve the bread slices;
* Combine remaining ingredients in a bowl and mix to a smooth paste;
* Pass this paste on a slice of bread and cover with another and serve;
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Yield: 5 sandwiches
Tip: Use minas cheese in place of ricotta.
Watercress with Pineapple Juice
* 1/2 bunch watercress
* 1 pineapple
* 1 liter of ice water
* Sugar to taste
* Beat all ingredients in a blender;
* Strain and serve chilled.
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Yield: 1 liter
Suggestion: Replace the pineapple fruits like orange and passion fruit.
Enriched with Watercress Salad
* Reserve the bread slices;
* Combine remaining ingredients in a bowl and mix to a smooth paste;
* Pass this paste on a slice of bread and cover with another and serve;
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Yield: 5 sandwiches
Tip: Use minas cheese in place of ricotta.
Watercress with Pineapple Juice
* 1/2 bunch watercress
* 1 pineapple
* 1 liter of ice water
* Sugar to taste
* Beat all ingredients in a blender;
* Strain and serve chilled.
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Yield: 1 liter
Suggestion: Replace the pineapple fruits like orange and passion fruit.
Enriched with Watercress Salad
* 1/2 cup chopped watercress for salad dressing
* 1/2 bunch watercress washed and whole leaves separate to compose the salad
* 1 spoon (soup) of lemon juice
* 1 cup (tea) of yogurt* 1 teaspoon (tsp) salt
* 1/2 cup (tea) of parsley
* 1 large potato boiled and diced
* 1/2 cup diced apple
* 2 medium carrots diced
* 1 cup (tea) pod cooked sliced thin
* 1/4 cup (tea) of chopped onion
* 2 spoons (soup) of raisins
* Quickly tap into the blender the chopped watercress, lemon, salt, onion and mayonnaise, mix the green seasoning and set aside;
* In a bowl, mix the potatoes, carrots, raisins, and apple pod, add the sauce and mix;
* Line a bowl with the watercress leaves, add the mixture to the sauce;
* Serve chilled.
Preparation time: 30 minutes
Yield: 6 servings
* 1/2 cup chopped watercress for salad dressing
* 1/2 bunch watercress washed and whole leaves separate to compose the salad
* 1 spoon (soup) of lemon juice
* 1 cup (tea) of yogurt* 1 teaspoon (tsp) salt
* 1/2 cup (tea) of parsley
* 1 large potato boiled and diced
* 1/2 cup diced apple
* 2 medium carrots diced
* 1 cup (tea) pod cooked sliced thin
* 1/4 cup (tea) of chopped onion
* 2 spoons (soup) of raisins
* Quickly tap into the blender the chopped watercress, lemon, salt, onion and mayonnaise, mix the green seasoning and set aside;
* In a bowl, mix the potatoes, carrots, raisins, and apple pod, add the sauce and mix;
* Line a bowl with the watercress leaves, add the mixture to the sauce;
* Serve chilled.
Preparation time: 30 minutes
Yield: 6 servings
ARTICHOKE Cynara scolymus - Composite

Plant stems are tall and straight: The leaves have prickly spines and apex are dark green and whitish in its base. The branches end in large chapters by fleshy bracts that form the edible part.
Gallstones - Decoction:
boil 80 gr. Artichoke in 1 liter of water for 10 minutes. Take 3 cups a day.
DIURETIC - Decoction:
boil for 5 minutes 20 gr., Artichoke in 1 liter of water, allow the liquid to warm, filter and sweeten. Take 3 cups a day.
Place in container 1 liter of good wine and 20 grams of artichoke leaf. Allow to stand for 5 days. Filter and take 2 cups a day.
LETTUCE Lactuca sativa - Composite
boil 80 gr. Artichoke in 1 liter of water for 10 minutes. Take 3 cups a day.
DIURETIC - Decoction:
boil for 5 minutes 20 gr., Artichoke in 1 liter of water, allow the liquid to warm, filter and sweeten. Take 3 cups a day.
Place in container 1 liter of good wine and 20 grams of artichoke leaf. Allow to stand for 5 days. Filter and take 2 cups a day.
LETTUCE Lactuca sativa - Composite

Radial soft leaves, oblong gathered in céspedes and yellow flowers.
Bruises, bumps, SKIN (irritation, Flushing):
Poultice - boil some lettuce leaves in a little water for 5 minutes, then warm, anointing with oil and apply on the affected area.
Decoction - boil half of an lettuce in a quart of water. Let cool, filter and adoças, drink half an hour before bedtime.GUT: -
Decoction - cooking 60 g of lettuce in half a liter of water, filter while it is still warm, drink 3 cups a day.
Poultice - boil some lettuce leaves in a little water for 5 minutes, then warm, anointing with oil and apply on the affected area.
Decoction - boil half of an lettuce in a quart of water. Let cool, filter and adoças, drink half an hour before bedtime.GUT: -
Decoction - cooking 60 g of lettuce in half a liter of water, filter while it is still warm, drink 3 cups a day.
Basil - Parietaria officinalis - Urticaceae - Europe
It is a small plant that has oval leaves and small greenish or reddish flowers. This plant blooms mainly from July to October.
One of the most intriguing features of this plant is that germinate and grow almost anywhere, for example in road cracks and holes in the walls.This plant belongs to the Urticaceae family, the same family which belongs to famous nettle, so to Nettle basil sharing some morphological characteristics, such as size, shape of leaves, and even the characteristic stinging nettles, and the hairs on the basil does not cause skin irritation.
This plant was used to soothe burns, swellings, sores, chapped lips or skin, anal fissures and nipple lesions.Tea made from basil leaves, mixed with honey is widely used to combat various diseases of the urinary tract. The continuous consumption of this tea can help dissolve kidney stones, thus avoiding surgery.
The tea basil also prevents urine retention, since the consumption of basil increases the production of very dilute urine. It is also advised for people with digestive problems, stomach and intestinal disorders, flatulence, hepatitis, fever and cough.
Popular name: Basil-the-snake parietaria, grass walls, stick walls herb, herb santana, Our Lady of grass, grass walls, and FAVACA FAVACA-snake (Beira Baixa), helxina, snake (Extremadura), colerinha palietária , palietária, paletaina, palitaina, paleiro, pulitaina (Ponte de Lima), pulitária, nettle mansa (Azores).
Part Used
The whole plant.
Therapeutic indications
Nephritis, cystitis, prostatitis, kidney stones, oliguria, heavy digestions, flatulence, hepatitis, fever, burns, sores, chapped lips, skin, nipple and anal fissures.
Internal Use
Infusion: 30 to 50 g of the fresh plant or dried for 1 liter of boiling water, that is drunk in doses over 5 daysJuice: the plant to take one tablespoon freshly deciliter 3 times per day.The alcohol and dye: 50 drops per day.Fluid Extract: maximum dose of 20 ml per day.
External use
Baths: Infusion of 60 g of fresh or dried plant for 1 liter of boiling water.Gargle: Infusion of 60 g of fresh or dried plant for 1 liter of boiling water.Poultices: fine crushed fresh plant, which applies in the area treated.
Side effects
Have not been reported any harmful side effects.
Veterinary: infusion or cooking for treatment of nephritis of bovineBibliography: Nunes, John R., 'Folk Medicine Treatment by-medicinal plants', Litexa Publisher, September 1999, Chaves, Antonio J. Leal - "Live Better with Medicinal Plants" - Une Editions - 2008
Rosemary - Rosmarinus officinalis - Mediterranean
Rosemary is a shrubby plant which is very common in Mediterranean regions. Has a very distinctive aroma, and therefore its scientific name, Rosmarinus means dew of the sea.This plant is much branched and has green leaves, small and thin. The flowers are bluish or whitish.

The rosemary blooms throughout the year, needs little care to survive and is resistant to pests, so it is easily grown in gardens and parks. One of the most famous features of rosemary is probably its aroma. This plant has a strong pleasant aroma. This aroma gets to be used in some perfumes.
It is believed that the aroma along with the blue color of the flowers serves to attract pollinators. In traditional medicine, rosemary is used as a medicine against fever and it is believed that rosemary can even revive debilitated people.
It is believed that the aroma along with the blue color of the flowers serves to attract pollinators. In traditional medicine, rosemary is used as a medicine against fever and it is believed that rosemary can even revive debilitated people.
The rosemary tea is used to combat coughs and stomach problems. But rosemary has uses less known to the general population. Contemporary scientific studies show that rosemary can strengthen your muscles and helps improve memory and can thus be used in Alzheimer's patients.
Rosemary is also used in the church. Previously, rosemary was burned along with incense, so the flavor processions and other religious practices.
Garlic - Allium sativum - Asia
Garlic (Allium sativum) is a plant that has an underground bulb (head of garlic) that is used both for medicine and for cooking.Studies indicate that garlic was first cultivated in parts of Asia, and was later taken to all parts of the world.
It has long thin leaves with parallel veins and a root fasciculata and no axis ie is a monocot plant. Its stem is long and terminates in a bulb inferiorly where to store reserve substances throughout the plant.
Garlic is a plant that is grown around the world and highly appreciated for its nutritional value. There are numerous ready-made dishes with garlic, and this is mainly used as a spice.
Garlic - Allium sativum - Asia

It has long thin leaves with parallel veins and a root fasciculata and no axis ie is a monocot plant. Its stem is long and terminates in a bulb inferiorly where to store reserve substances throughout the plant.
Garlic is a plant that is grown around the world and highly appreciated for its nutritional value. There are numerous ready-made dishes with garlic, and this is mainly used as a spice.
A lesser known facet of garlic is its medicinal properties used since Ancient Egypt. Garlic have antibacterial chemicals that enhance the performance of the immune system. This plant also has substances that gradually improve blood circulation and therefore can improve the lives of people with high blood pressure, cholesterol problems or erectile dysfunction.
Properties of Garlic:
- Hypotensive effect due to peripheral vasodilatation, especially in the legs, eyes and brain. Recommended to treat cerebral sclerosis.
- Effect anti arteromatoso, proven in animals.
- Effect hypo colesterolemiante (treatment Cholesterol).
- Prevents platelet aggregation; useful in thrombosis and arteriosclerosis.
- Bacteriostatic effects (treatment of bacterial inflammation).
- Effects fungicide (for the treatment of mycosis) in dermatophytes (affecting the skin), yeasts such as Candida albicans.
- Effect mild anti anthelmintic (treatment of intestinal parasites).
- Effect expectorant.
- Rubesfaciente and vesicant in outdoor use.It is also used to combat arthritic problems, including in tincture form, or in other ways, for external use, and still in warts and chilblains. In some places it is used also as a cancer preventive.
- Hypotensive effect due to peripheral vasodilatation, especially in the legs, eyes and brain. Recommended to treat cerebral sclerosis.
- Effect anti arteromatoso, proven in animals.
- Effect hypo colesterolemiante (treatment Cholesterol).
- Prevents platelet aggregation; useful in thrombosis and arteriosclerosis.
- Bacteriostatic effects (treatment of bacterial inflammation).
- Effects fungicide (for the treatment of mycosis) in dermatophytes (affecting the skin), yeasts such as Candida albicans.
- Effect mild anti anthelmintic (treatment of intestinal parasites).
- Effect expectorant.
- Rubesfaciente and vesicant in outdoor use.It is also used to combat arthritic problems, including in tincture form, or in other ways, for external use, and still in warts and chilblains. In some places it is used also as a cancer preventive.
Garlic contains fructosanos (chains of fructose molecules) that give abundantly clear una diuretic action. The essence (essential oil) contains allyl dissulfuro from the decomposition of allicin by the action of an enzyme, alizinase. Contains vitamin A, B1, B2, C, an amine of nicotinic acid, choline, hormones, alicetoína I and II sulfociánico acid, iodine and trace uranium. This complex composition causes the garlic has very diverse action in the body.
For treatment, you must use the garlic with the abundance and frequency appropriate.Where and how generic "home remedy", the average dose is approximately two heads of garlic a day ...Some peel and cut, niggling, the two heads of garlic, add honey and eat, the spoonful, fasting ...But I will suggest to you other "dosage forms"!
For treatment, you must use the garlic with the abundance and frequency appropriate.Where and how generic "home remedy", the average dose is approximately two heads of garlic a day ...Some peel and cut, niggling, the two heads of garlic, add honey and eat, the spoonful, fasting ...But I will suggest to you other "dosage forms"!
It is possible to add garlic in abundance, most meals, in order to obtain the recommended dose through the diet.
My suggestion is that, apart from the uses consecrated: in seasonings and all dishes, including soup, people learn to prepare "delicacies of garlic."
My suggestion is that, apart from the uses consecrated: in seasonings and all dishes, including soup, people learn to prepare "delicacies of garlic."
Recipe:Cut thin, brown bread, country bread, or bread. Then cut into pieces that fit in the toaster. Spread a good quantity of garlic bread and drizzle with olive oil to taste. You can join cheese (Mozzarella cheese in Pizza parlors use, but not required) and can also join parsley because parsley prevents bad breath own garlic. Make a sandwich by putting another piece of bread on this and put in the toaster long enough.
Those who do not have time to buy and prepare fresh garlic and parsley can use that shop in supermarkets in the spice section.
After use, the taste, the meals as "input" doing the times of ordinary bread or as an accompaniment of cymbals, replacing or accompanying potatoes and rice.
Those who do not have time to buy and prepare fresh garlic and parsley can use that shop in supermarkets in the spice section.
After use, the taste, the meals as "input" doing the times of ordinary bread or as an accompaniment of cymbals, replacing or accompanying potatoes and rice.
Other "recipes" to lower cholesterol
Making juice (juice) Aubergine and / or use the following plants, which reduce cholesterol: alfalfa, almonds, oats, barley, onions, raw carrots, broccoli, spinach, olive oil ... (More garlic). With a little imagination one can prepare full meals only product for cholesterol. Just add a few (or all) of the "specified plants, baking quickly that can be cooked and joining the remaining raw (alfalfa, carrots, garlic, onion, olive, almond).
More properties of garlic:
• Improve our immune system to better control of infectious diseases.
• Helps reduce blood cholesterol.
• Reduces high blood pressure and circulation problems.
• Helps to eliminate excess body fat.
• improves and increases metabolism, thus reducing the excess weight.
To take full advantage of these properties is that it has developed a drink, which is the staple diet of garlic.
To lose a pound a month without any effort beyond downloading coleterol full 20 points in just cut to length (without starting completely) a clove of garlic with purple shell, put in a glass of water and from two hours to take half water and again fill the cup (2 repeat the act in two hours, particularly half an hour before meals). In addition to lower weight helps lower the overall coleterol 2 points and low blood pressure, and moisturize course.
Recipe-based garlic for the treatment (removal) of cysts, varicose veins, bruises, bruises and hemorrhoids.
Note: This preparation should not be used before or after, any metal utensils.
Preparation:In a non-metallic container, add 14 (fourteen) garlic cloves, and a deciliter of oil and place over low heat until the garlic evidencing be "cooked" (stunted). Join the garlic whole, without peeling, even to comply with the recommendation not to use metal utensils.When cold, just apply the oil on the areas to be treated once or twice a day, with light circular massage.The massage should be done for several minutes. The treatment can be used even in non-superficial cysts.This preparation is also effective for treating scabies.
Another recipe:1 liter of water, 30 cloves of garlic, diced 3 lemons.Blend all mixed up and put in enamel pan (or non-metallic utensil).Lead to fire but not boil, keep a bottle in the fridge and take a cup fasting.
However, the garlic when used heavily, is:"Contraindicated for people with stomach problems and ulcers, inconvenient for newborns and nursing mothers and people with dermatitis. At very high doses, can cause headache, stomach, kidneys and even dizziness."
Sorrel Oxalis acettosella - Oxalidáceas

Grass clover-shaped. The long petioles have at the base two oval stipules. The flowers have varied color tones and the fruits in capsules contain many seeds.
Cold abscesses: -
Poultice - mix a few fresh leaves cooked in a tablespoon of olive purest, apply a piece of gauze.
decoction - Boil for 5 minutes Sorrel of 50 g in 1 liter of fresh water, taken in cups during the day.
Boil 60 grams of leaves and roots of Azedinha in a liter of water, sweeten slightly and take cups during the day.
GUT: -Decoction -
Boil in a saucepan with 25g of olive oil, 50 g of fresh leaves of Wood Sorrel, 15 grams of fresh leaves of chervil, 15 g of dried leaves of beets, wait cook and pass the liquid through a sieve, pressing well to extract all the liquid from the leaves. Drink a tablespoon every hour.
Poultice - mix a few fresh leaves cooked in a tablespoon of olive purest, apply a piece of gauze.
decoction - Boil for 5 minutes Sorrel of 50 g in 1 liter of fresh water, taken in cups during the day.
Boil 60 grams of leaves and roots of Azedinha in a liter of water, sweeten slightly and take cups during the day.
GUT: -Decoction -
Boil in a saucepan with 25g of olive oil, 50 g of fresh leaves of Wood Sorrel, 15 grams of fresh leaves of chervil, 15 g of dried leaves of beets, wait cook and pass the liquid through a sieve, pressing well to extract all the liquid from the leaves. Drink a tablespoon every hour.
Aloe vera - Aloe - Liliaceae - Southern Africa
The leaves at the base and whitish green intense toward the end, have toothed edges and find themselves closely linked to the stem short and fleshy. The pendulous flowers are bright red and gathered in a cluster.
The aloe, also known as aloe, is rich in nutrients such as lignin, saponin, mineral, calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, sodium, chromium, copper, chloride, iron, manganese, beta-carotene (pro-vitamin A), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3, E (alpha tocopherol), C (ascorbic acid), folic acid and choline.
This wealth of nutrients that gives the aloe is a huge healing power, especially in autoimmune diseases, such as cancer. Furthermore, it heals and prevents almost all diseases because it restores the entire immune system. Also suitable for diabetics since the glucose balance, and can even cure this disease.The aloe vera is also indicated for patients with AIDS because it strengthens the body.
This recipe cancer was disclosed by Friar Romano Zago.
To do it, the best type of aloe is Aloe arborescens (see photo), which is thinner and contains little gel, considering that over 90% of the medicinal properties of aloe are in the peel.

You can also use the Aloe barbadensis (see photo), but remove 80% of the gel before brewing.

•The foot of aloe should be planted 3-5 years in the same location because in this condition it will be very strong, with its active principles in better conditions for healing especially cancer.
•Harvest aloe when not raining at least three days, for the land is too wet and the touch of aloe with water cause it to spoil faster. If this is not possible, make the recipe and keep it in the refrigerator.
•Harvest aloe preferably in the evening or early in the morning, before sunrise, because it should not come into direct contact with sunlight or with artificial lights.
•By manipulating the aloe, just pass a damp cloth to clean it and remove the thorns with the aid of a knife. Do not turn on the light to where it is to prepare it. Turn on the light of a candle or use next room.
•In the period in which the aloe is blooming, do not use it, because it will be changed to its active, since it needs to feed the flowers.
• 400 g of aloé
• 500 g of puré honey bee
• A shot of spirits (cognac, brandy, whiskey)
Place all ingredients in blender and process well for five minutes. No need to strain. Put in a dark bottle and store in refrigerator.Dosage
• Before taking, shake the bottle well.
•Take two tablespoons of fasting, so waking up in the morning, two tablespoons 10 minutes before lunch and two tablespoons before dinner or before bedtime.
• Abscesses or pimples may appear in the body, because aloe vera cleanses the blood.
•It is normal to experience a little dysentery because aloe regulates intestinal functions. That does not hurt. In that case, just eat banana silver.
•Cancer sufferers can repeat this recipe many times find it necessary or until the disease disappears.
•Who does not suffer from cancer should give pause thirty days between a recipe and another.
•If honey is pure, it can not hurt to diabetics. But, if you have fear, remove it from the recipe. Take pure and then drink fruit juice to remove the bitter taste of aloe.
•The liquor is important for the conservation of revenue, but it can be removed or replaced by alcohol.
BARDANA Arctium lappa - Composite

Stout root, stem ramosa, rough and conical broad leavesl with the upper and lower green - greenish white. The leaves have vivid and bright color glitter.
Poultice - against acute pain, crush dried leaves gauze and apply on affected areas.
Decoction -
10 gr. burdock root, sliced, cooked in a little water. When the root is softened crush it to be reduced to a pap. Thereafter rubbing the scalp once a day.
Poultice -
cook a handful of fresh leaves washed and lean, with a little milk, when the milk evaporates, put the leaves in a cheesecloth and apply on affected area.
Infusion -
60 gr. burdock root,
25 gr. Licorice,
50 gr. of dandelion,
40 gr. of grass,
20 gr. root of endive,
save these herbs in a container. A spoonful of this mixture serves to prepare an infusion with a cup of hot water. Drinkit when fasting without sweetening.
Infusion - 30 gr. burdock root in 3 cups water, boiling water, leave to infuse for half an hour, strain and drink twice a day.Furunculosis:
Poultice -
See healing. Depurative. External demand - boil a spoonful of chopped burdock root in a cup of water. When the water evaporates, extend the poultice on the affected region.
Herbal Tea - 25 gr. burdock in a quart of water. Sweeten bit and administer the drink spoons every 5 minutes.
Poultice - crush the fresh leaves of burdock washed and clean, applied as a poultice.
POTATO Solanum tuberosum - Solanaceae - Chile and Peru

Herbaceous plant with opposite leaves petiolate and nervadas, terminals and white flowers and fruits in small berries. The nutrient reserves of this plant is in the tubers. The tubers are used to extract starch, glucose, ethanol. The potatoes can be inserted into the diet even in which people that can't ingesting proteins and fats.
Decoction irrigations -
30 gr. fresh leaves of potato, boil a liter of water, filter, and use warm.
Solar BURNS erythema :
Compress (No.1)
Grate raw potato and make compresses on the burn, two to three times a day.
Compress (No. 2)
put into a small pot, a spoonful of potato starch, add water gradually,prepating a soft polenta. Heat over moderate heat until it begins to boil.
Place the baby food on a fabric folded several times. Apply compresses for burns when cold.
Decoction -
put 20 gr. Potato leaves
40 gr. sage leaves
and a bit of honey in a gallon of water. Boil for one minute and filter after a quarter of an hour, drink a cup every three hours.
Apply over eyes a slice of fresh potato or a tablespoon of grated potato pulp. Leave at least a half hour, renewing the compress every ten minutes.
VANILLA Vanilha planifolia - Mexico and India
Decoction irrigations -
30 gr. fresh leaves of potato, boil a liter of water, filter, and use warm.
Solar BURNS erythema :
Compress (No.1)
Grate raw potato and make compresses on the burn, two to three times a day.
Compress (No. 2)
put into a small pot, a spoonful of potato starch, add water gradually,prepating a soft polenta. Heat over moderate heat until it begins to boil.
Place the baby food on a fabric folded several times. Apply compresses for burns when cold.
Decoction -
put 20 gr. Potato leaves
40 gr. sage leaves
and a bit of honey in a gallon of water. Boil for one minute and filter after a quarter of an hour, drink a cup every three hours.
Apply over eyes a slice of fresh potato or a tablespoon of grated potato pulp. Leave at least a half hour, renewing the compress every ten minutes.
VANILLA Vanilha planifolia - Mexico and India

This is an orchid that has thick aerial roots with which it attaches itself to tree trunks. Vanilla takes the shape and proportion of a liana. The oval lanceolate leaves by vertical streaks are of darker green. Flowers of yellowish green color gives life to fruits with elongated shape of a pod of very pleasant aroma.
Part used: beans.
Planting: Multiplication: reproduced by cuttings (slips); Cultivation: tropical climate, vanilla tolerate hot and cold climates, but prefers the mild climate. Plant in dry soils, fresh and rich in organic matter. Can be planted all year round but prefer early spring. Is vine and needs to be planted in vines. Harvest: Harvesting the fruits when they are about to mature.
Habitat: Occurs also in Brazil. The largest producing state is Bahia.
History: The Spaniards took the vanilla to Europe from the Aztecs who used it as an aphrodisiac. Renowned in the culinary world. It is not known for being digestive, soothing, just for its wonderful flavor and aroma. Part of the homeopathic pharmacopoeia.
Active Ingredients: acetic acid, ethyl vanilil, sugars, ethanol, waxes, cinnamate, eugenol, yeasts, furfural, fats, mucilage, resins, and tannins.
Medicinal properties: aphrodisiac, antispasmodic, antiseptic, flavoring, likely slightly choleretic, digestive, emmenagogue, stimulant, general tonic. Popularly used as an aphrodisiac and emmenagogue (provokes menstruation).
Uterine and nerve disorders, broker taste, diarrhea, hepatobiliary dyskinesia, hiposecretoras dyspepsia, spasms, sterility, stimulating, lack of energy, adinâmicas fevers, flatulence, impotence, hysterical melancholy, chronic rheumatism.
In homeopathy:
nervous and uterine disorders, seizures, metritis, hypochondria, alone or mixed with other herbs.
Pediatric Use: The same information possible.
Use in pregnancy and lactation: There is no information on its pharmacokinetics and its use in these conditions. Should avoid its use above the daily doses.
Uterine and nerve disorders, broker taste, diarrhea, hepatobiliary dyskinesia, hiposecretoras dyspepsia, spasms, sterility, stimulating, lack of energy, adinâmicas fevers, flatulence, impotence, hysterical melancholy, chronic rheumatism.
In homeopathy:
nervous and uterine disorders, seizures, metritis, hypochondria, alone or mixed with other herbs.
Pediatric Use: The same information possible.
Use in pregnancy and lactation: There is no information on its pharmacokinetics and its use in these conditions. Should avoid its use above the daily doses.
Part used: dried fruit.
Contraindications / cautions:
nursing mothers, children under 6 years, patients with respiratory allergies, gastritis, gastroduodenal ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, liver diseases, epilepsy, Parkinson's and other neurological diseases, hypersensitivity to essential oil vanilla, oil of cinnamon and oil of balsam Peru (often give cross reactions).
Side Effects:
pure essential oil can be neurotoxic and produce contact dermatitis.
The use in excessive doses can cause nausea.
How to use:
Tincture of vanilla: macerate 15 g vanilla pods, sliced in half liter of alcohol at 90 °. Leave 15 days, filter dye. Keep it in a tightly closed bottle, using it to flavor chocolate, pies, cakes, sweet pastries, pancakes, puddings, ice cream, cookies, creams, sauces for desserts. Dose: 0,3 to 2 g. / Day.
Adults: Vanilla is found as gastronomic product in beans. We do not recommend the use of essences as they tend to be synthetic. The beans are very aromatic and can be used starting in decoction. We found no references dosage, but culinary use 1/10 of a cup bean flavored liquid.
Very little has been studied about the vanilla. It is known that the essential oil has mild calming action.
nursing mothers, children under 6 years, patients with respiratory allergies, gastritis, gastroduodenal ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, liver diseases, epilepsy, Parkinson's and other neurological diseases, hypersensitivity to essential oil vanilla, oil of cinnamon and oil of balsam Peru (often give cross reactions).
Side Effects:
pure essential oil can be neurotoxic and produce contact dermatitis.
The use in excessive doses can cause nausea.
How to use:
Tincture of vanilla: macerate 15 g vanilla pods, sliced in half liter of alcohol at 90 °. Leave 15 days, filter dye. Keep it in a tightly closed bottle, using it to flavor chocolate, pies, cakes, sweet pastries, pancakes, puddings, ice cream, cookies, creams, sauces for desserts. Dose: 0,3 to 2 g. / Day.
Adults: Vanilla is found as gastronomic product in beans. We do not recommend the use of essences as they tend to be synthetic. The beans are very aromatic and can be used starting in decoction. We found no references dosage, but culinary use 1/10 of a cup bean flavored liquid.
Very little has been studied about the vanilla. It is known that the essential oil has mild calming action.
15 gr. Vanilla pods, cut them into pieces and steeps them for 15 days in a pint of alcohol 90. Filter and store them in a tightly capped.
15 gr. Vanilla pods, cut them into pieces and steeps them for 15 days in a pint of alcohol 90. Filter and store them in a tightly capped.
Portulaca oleracea Purslane - Portulaca - Brazil

Grows in arid and dry areas, has creeping rhizome, sumosos branches and strong, narrow wedge-shaped fleshy leaves, reddish flowers corolla 5-6 petals brightly colored, red, yellow, white, orange, violet, solferino.
this plant is very rich in potassium and omega-3, today commented as important in strengthening the immune system and circulatory systems. This and other nutrients and self molecules that act in a very synergistic with our body.
Medicinally, it can be said in a few words: antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anthelmintic, diuretic, emollient, among other features. Translation: fighting bacterial infections, inflammations, worms, and aids in digestion and kidney function. Just to include in the diet is already at least take partly these effects.
Another simple idea is to use the leaves in infusion, either as a tonic and blood cleanser (internal use) or as a healing (external use). But all this is still only a part of the power of this plant.
"Medicinal Plants in Brazil - Native and Exotic," Harri Lorenzi and F. J. Abreu Matos. 2nd Edition, Nova Odessa, SP: Instituto Plantarum, 2008.
DIURETIC: Infusion - Infusion put in a quarter of an hour, a pinch of leaf purslane. Filter, sweeten and drink in 2 times.
BERGAMOT Citrus urantium bergamia - Rutaceae
this plant is very rich in potassium and omega-3, today commented as important in strengthening the immune system and circulatory systems. This and other nutrients and self molecules that act in a very synergistic with our body.
Medicinally, it can be said in a few words: antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anthelmintic, diuretic, emollient, among other features. Translation: fighting bacterial infections, inflammations, worms, and aids in digestion and kidney function. Just to include in the diet is already at least take partly these effects.
Another simple idea is to use the leaves in infusion, either as a tonic and blood cleanser (internal use) or as a healing (external use). But all this is still only a part of the power of this plant.
"Medicinal Plants in Brazil - Native and Exotic," Harri Lorenzi and F. J. Abreu Matos. 2nd Edition, Nova Odessa, SP: Instituto Plantarum, 2008.
DIURETIC: Infusion - Infusion put in a quarter of an hour, a pinch of leaf purslane. Filter, sweeten and drink in 2 times.
BERGAMOT Citrus urantium bergamia - Rutaceae

It is a variety of orange, with the difference that its fruits are not edible because it contains an acid juice and is absolutely unpalatable. The rind of the fruit contains a strongly scented essence.
Apply on the wound disinfected few drops of essence of bergamot, over a clean gauze.
100 gr. Castor oil, refined and odorless,
5 gr. essence of bergamot,
5 gr. mint,
2 gr. camphor oil
rubbing into your hands and feet three times a day.
Frets made with bergamot essence on the affected region.
Irrigation - With a few drops of bergamot essence in warm water, you get a uterine flushing.
BOLDO Peumus boldus - Monimiáceas - Chile

It is a beautiful shrub that can reach 6-8 metros, has strongly aromatic leaves, elliptical oval, covered by a warty surface which make them harsh and unpleasant to the touch.
Gallstones: Decoction -
15 gr. Boldo leaves in a liter of boiling water for two minutes and sweeten, consume 2 cups per day.
15 gr. Boldo leaves in a liter of boiling water for two minutes and sweeten, consume 2 cups per day.
Medicinal Wine
- macerate for three days, 30 gr. Boldo leaves in a liter of marsala, filter and put them in a bottle, take a small cup after each meal.
Cholecystitis: - View gallstones.
BORAGE Borago officinalis-Borragináceas

It is grown in gardens, as the leaves are used in salads. The plant of 30 to 40 cm is completely enclosed by a fluff hard, off-white, and the sheets are radial rough. Flowers large, stellar, blue and red, gather in clusters at the end of the rod.
Cleanser: - Infusion
Putting in a liter of boiling water, 20 g of each of the following herbs: Borage Cress, Dandelion, dandelion, would smoke, Silvestre chicory, chervil, strain and sweeten. Take 3 to 4 cups daily, beginning in the morning under fasting conditions.
WINE cleanser DIURETIC: -
Place a handful of leading fresh Borage flowering in 1 liter of good quality wine. Macerate for a week, strain and take sips before meals.
Gout - Arthritis: -
Poultice -
Cooking a handful of dry leaves of Borage in very little water, when all the water evaporates, leaves extend over gauze, squeeze it to get out all the liquid, apply the hot poultice on the affected part.
Decoction - In 1 liter of boiling water for half an hour 10 g of dried leaves of Borage, filter and sweeten with honey, drink 3-4 cups a day.
Cough: -
Decoction - 40 g of leaves in 1 liter of water. Boil for ¼ hour, strain, sweeten with honey and drink 2 to 3 times a day.
Infusion -
15 g of leaves and flowers of Borage in 1 liter of water. Macerate for ¾ hour, filter, sweeten with honey and drink 1 cup every 3 hours.
BROMO Bromus Stamineus - Grasses - Italy
Putting in a liter of boiling water, 20 g of each of the following herbs: Borage Cress, Dandelion, dandelion, would smoke, Silvestre chicory, chervil, strain and sweeten. Take 3 to 4 cups daily, beginning in the morning under fasting conditions.
WINE cleanser DIURETIC: -
Place a handful of leading fresh Borage flowering in 1 liter of good quality wine. Macerate for a week, strain and take sips before meals.
Gout - Arthritis: -
Poultice -
Cooking a handful of dry leaves of Borage in very little water, when all the water evaporates, leaves extend over gauze, squeeze it to get out all the liquid, apply the hot poultice on the affected part.
Decoction - In 1 liter of boiling water for half an hour 10 g of dried leaves of Borage, filter and sweeten with honey, drink 3-4 cups a day.
Cough: -
Decoction - 40 g of leaves in 1 liter of water. Boil for ¼ hour, strain, sweeten with honey and drink 2 to 3 times a day.
Infusion -
15 g of leaves and flowers of Borage in 1 liter of water. Macerate for ¾ hour, filter, sweeten with honey and drink 1 cup every 3 hours.
BROMO Bromus Stamineus - Grasses - Italy

Grows at roadsides, in fields and damp, not never reaches a height of 60 cm, and develops into many ears, contains 4-6 flowers.
GUT: - View bronchial catarrh.
Boxwood Buxus sempervirens-Apennines and Sardinia

Plant about 4 feet tall, the brilliant color of oval leaves and very thin. In spontaneous state grows in arid and rocky.
Intermitente fevers-
Decoction -
25 gr of leaves Warlock, boil until reduced amount of one third of a liter of water. Sweeten with too much sugar and drinking 2 times a day.
Decoction -
Boil for ¼ hour, 60 gr bark Warlock in 1 liter of water. Sweeten with sugar and enough to take during the day.
COCOA Theobroma cacao - Esterculiáceas - México
Decoction -
25 gr of leaves Warlock, boil until reduced amount of one third of a liter of water. Sweeten with too much sugar and drinking 2 times a day.
Decoction -
Boil for ¼ hour, 60 gr bark Warlock in 1 liter of water. Sweeten with sugar and enough to take during the day.
COCOA Theobroma cacao - Esterculiáceas - México

Tree that reaches heights varied between 4-10 meters, the cacao tree has oval leaves and yellow fruit containing several seeds. The cacao tree produces fruits 3-4 years after planting.
CASHEW Anacardium occidentale - Anacardiaceae - South America

It has alternate leaves, fruits and flowers in spike-shaped heart.
TIRED FEET AND chilblains: -
Decoction -
simmer for ½ hour, a piece of bark Cashew, with about 10 grams in 1 liter of water to put the liquid into a bowl and add hot water.
CALENDULA CAMPESTRE Calendula arvensis - Composite
Decoction -
simmer for ½ hour, a piece of bark Cashew, with about 10 grams in 1 liter of water to put the liquid into a bowl and add hot water.
CALENDULA CAMPESTRE Calendula arvensis - Composite

Common plant in arid and uneducated areas with yellow flowers, resembling daisies. The plant exudes a very pungent odor.
Corns and WARTS: -
Poultice -
quickly heat up a handful of fresh leaves washed, dipped in hot water. Drain and spread on a cheesecloth, mashing them out the juice. Apply the poultice on the affected region.
Poultice -
Carefully wash a few leaves, dry them, extending over gauze, crush them and apply them on the wound.
Calendula officinalis Composite
Poultice -
quickly heat up a handful of fresh leaves washed, dipped in hot water. Drain and spread on a cheesecloth, mashing them out the juice. Apply the poultice on the affected region.
Poultice -
Carefully wash a few leaves, dry them, extending over gauze, crush them and apply them on the wound.
Calendula officinalis Composite

It is a perennial herb that flowers have yellow-orange color, its stem is about 30 cm tall, thick and rough and has leaves in rosettes. The petals of the flowers are tubular central and peripheral are alinguetadas.
FLU: -
Infusion -
100 gr hot water,
5 g of leaves or flowers or branches of Marigold,
strain, sweeten and drink before bedtime.
BOWEL (Visceral Pain) -
2 gr Cooking decoction of leaves and flowers in ¼ liter of water filter, sweeten and drink in cups during the day.
DYE: macerate for 8 days, 15 gr of fresh flowers of Calendula 50 g of alcohol 70. Filter the liquid and keeps it in a bottle with dropper cap. Dosage is 10 drops in a little water.
Common chamomile Matricaria chamomilla - Composite - European
Infusion -
100 gr hot water,
5 g of leaves or flowers or branches of Marigold,
strain, sweeten and drink before bedtime.
BOWEL (Visceral Pain) -
2 gr Cooking decoction of leaves and flowers in ¼ liter of water filter, sweeten and drink in cups during the day.
DYE: macerate for 8 days, 15 gr of fresh flowers of Calendula 50 g of alcohol 70. Filter the liquid and keeps it in a bottle with dropper cap. Dosage is 10 drops in a little water.
Common chamomile Matricaria chamomilla - Composite - European

It is a herbaceous, annual threadlike leaves and white flowers, similar to daisies.
Elixir -
Dissolve 800 gr sugar 700 gr water, until boiling point doing, but never letting boil.
In 200 g of ethanol at 95 ° macerate for 4 to 5 days, shaking the container every day, with the following ingredients:
100 gr of Chamomile flowers,
5 gr Bitter Orange peel,
2 gr. Cinnamon .
Filter alcohol, pressing and the herbs are macerated, and add the liquid to the syrup, shake the container well to mix everything and let the Elixir stand a few days before using it.
Infusion -
In a cup of boiling water put a pinch of the infusion of chamomile flowers and a piece of orange peel (only the yellow part). After 5 minutes, then strain the liquid and drink it with honey to sweeten.
Infusion - Add a teaspoon of Fernete or a few drops of chamomile.
DYE: -
20 gr Chamomile,
20 gr of Iris, 20 gr of Galanga,
20 gr Gentian,
10 gr Mite,
25 gr of Cinnamon,
25 gr of Wormwood,
30 grams of ginger,
1 liter of alcohol at 90 °. Leave macerated 30 days. Filter and preserve it in a bottle, take 15 drops in a little water.
In 1 liter of good white wine, macerate 100 g of dried chamomile flowers. After 5 days filter the liquid consuming and spoons.
See Infusion intermittent fevers. A cup of Chamomile infusion soothes the pains caused by colic.
Use a poultice poultice of flour Linen flecked with Chamomile flowers.
In 1 liter of boiling water put a teaspoon of chamomile flowers desiccated. When the liquid is warm, filter and use it for Enema.
Infusion - Immerse two wads Hydrophilic Cotton in a warm infusion of chamomile.
Frets - Rubbing the affected part with the following: 50 g of dried flowers of chamomile, olive oil 200 gr, 20 gr of Camphor, 20 g of alcohol at 60 °. Putting the Chamomile oil and heat on a water bath for at least 2 hours, dissolve the camphor in alcohol, when the oil is cold [use it through a napkin that should tighten to make out all the juice of Chamomile. Mix the camphor oil and put the liquid in a bottle. Rub the affected regions.
CANA COMMON Arundo donax - Grasses
Elixir -
Dissolve 800 gr sugar 700 gr water, until boiling point doing, but never letting boil.
In 200 g of ethanol at 95 ° macerate for 4 to 5 days, shaking the container every day, with the following ingredients:
100 gr of Chamomile flowers,
5 gr Bitter Orange peel,
2 gr. Cinnamon .
Filter alcohol, pressing and the herbs are macerated, and add the liquid to the syrup, shake the container well to mix everything and let the Elixir stand a few days before using it.
Infusion -
In a cup of boiling water put a pinch of the infusion of chamomile flowers and a piece of orange peel (only the yellow part). After 5 minutes, then strain the liquid and drink it with honey to sweeten.
Infusion - Add a teaspoon of Fernete or a few drops of chamomile.
DYE: -
20 gr Chamomile,
20 gr of Iris, 20 gr of Galanga,
20 gr Gentian,
10 gr Mite,
25 gr of Cinnamon,
25 gr of Wormwood,
30 grams of ginger,
1 liter of alcohol at 90 °. Leave macerated 30 days. Filter and preserve it in a bottle, take 15 drops in a little water.
In 1 liter of good white wine, macerate 100 g of dried chamomile flowers. After 5 days filter the liquid consuming and spoons.
See Infusion intermittent fevers. A cup of Chamomile infusion soothes the pains caused by colic.
Use a poultice poultice of flour Linen flecked with Chamomile flowers.
In 1 liter of boiling water put a teaspoon of chamomile flowers desiccated. When the liquid is warm, filter and use it for Enema.
Infusion - Immerse two wads Hydrophilic Cotton in a warm infusion of chamomile.
Frets - Rubbing the affected part with the following: 50 g of dried flowers of chamomile, olive oil 200 gr, 20 gr of Camphor, 20 g of alcohol at 60 °. Putting the Chamomile oil and heat on a water bath for at least 2 hours, dissolve the camphor in alcohol, when the oil is cold [use it through a napkin that should tighten to make out all the juice of Chamomile. Mix the camphor oil and put the liquid in a bottle. Rub the affected regions.
CANA COMMON Arundo donax - Grasses

The straight, robust Fuste is employed to keep piles of vineyards.
Cleanser - DIURETIC:
Infusion - In 1 liter of boiling water, put 40 gr root Cana Common, sliced, filter and sweeten and drink the infusion at a dose of 4 cups a day.
Infusion - See cleanser, the drink should be consumed hot and sweetened with honey if possible.
Cinnamon Cinnamomum zeylanicum - Lauraceae - Island of Ceylon
Infusion - In 1 liter of boiling water, put 40 gr root Cana Common, sliced, filter and sweeten and drink the infusion at a dose of 4 cups a day.
Infusion - See cleanser, the drink should be consumed hot and sweetened with honey if possible.
Cinnamon Cinnamomum zeylanicum - Lauraceae - Island of Ceylon

Leaves stiff, leathery, oval beautiful green color, bright, furrowed with reddish veins. The leaves are small and light green.
Elixir - In 1 liter of marsala best quality put in maceration for 5 days, 10 gr Cinnamon, 30 gr and 50 gr of Quina Cornflower. Filter the liquid and consume it in small cups before each meal.
Elixir - In 1 liter of Marsala wine, macerate for 24 hours, 25 gr Cinnamon bark and 10 grams of fresh mint, filter the liquid and put it in a bottle and consume it in cups every time you feel weak or tired.
STOMACH (gastric atony): -
Tincture - macerate for 24 hours, 50 gr Cinnamon bark, crumbled in ¼ liter of alcohol at 60 °. Strain the liquid and place it in a bottle. Administer it in tablespoons before meals.
In 1 liter of white wine of good quality, macerate for a week the following ingredients:
10 g Cinnamon Bark, 30 gr bark Quina, 20 grams of gentian root, 10 g anise seed, 50 gr sugar, 1 small envelope of vanilla ingredients must be scrutinized before being placed in the wine. Filter the liquid pour it into a bottle and keep it in a cool place. The dose is a small goblet.
FLU: -
Infusion - In a cup of boiling water put 5 grams of cinnamon bark, eucalyptus 5 gr, 10 gr Licorice, leave to infuse for 10 minutes, then strain the liquid and drink it unsweetened well.
Punch TEA: -
Put hot water in a container, add the required amount of tea, a piece of cinnamon bark, and a small cup of brandy Cana. Leave to infuse for 10 minutes.
Boil for 3 minutes at 200 gr 5 gr Wine strong Cinnamon Carnations and 3, strain, sweeten and drink then.
Reconstituting: -
Medicinal Wine - In a pint of Marsala wine of good quality, macerate for 12 hours, 40 gr Cinnamon Bark, 30 gr of Cinchona bark. Filter and put in a bottle. Taking a small cup before meals.
CAMPHOR Laurus camphora - dryobalanops aromatica - Japan and China
Elixir - In 1 liter of marsala best quality put in maceration for 5 days, 10 gr Cinnamon, 30 gr and 50 gr of Quina Cornflower. Filter the liquid and consume it in small cups before each meal.
Elixir - In 1 liter of Marsala wine, macerate for 24 hours, 25 gr Cinnamon bark and 10 grams of fresh mint, filter the liquid and put it in a bottle and consume it in cups every time you feel weak or tired.
STOMACH (gastric atony): -
Tincture - macerate for 24 hours, 50 gr Cinnamon bark, crumbled in ¼ liter of alcohol at 60 °. Strain the liquid and place it in a bottle. Administer it in tablespoons before meals.
In 1 liter of white wine of good quality, macerate for a week the following ingredients:
10 g Cinnamon Bark, 30 gr bark Quina, 20 grams of gentian root, 10 g anise seed, 50 gr sugar, 1 small envelope of vanilla ingredients must be scrutinized before being placed in the wine. Filter the liquid pour it into a bottle and keep it in a cool place. The dose is a small goblet.
FLU: -
Infusion - In a cup of boiling water put 5 grams of cinnamon bark, eucalyptus 5 gr, 10 gr Licorice, leave to infuse for 10 minutes, then strain the liquid and drink it unsweetened well.
Punch TEA: -
Put hot water in a container, add the required amount of tea, a piece of cinnamon bark, and a small cup of brandy Cana. Leave to infuse for 10 minutes.
Boil for 3 minutes at 200 gr 5 gr Wine strong Cinnamon Carnations and 3, strain, sweeten and drink then.
Reconstituting: -
Medicinal Wine - In a pint of Marsala wine of good quality, macerate for 12 hours, 40 gr Cinnamon Bark, 30 gr of Cinchona bark. Filter and put in a bottle. Taking a small cup before meals.
CAMPHOR Laurus camphora - dryobalanops aromatica - Japan and China

Plant of large size of the comminuted wood trunks subjected to manufaturações timely extracted product is known that camphor.
Vinegar Aromatic massage -
Macerate for 10 days 400 gr purest Wine Vinegar, 50 g of alcohol 90 °, and 50 g in total of the following fresh herbs:
Lavender flowering luminaries. Orange leaves, rosemary leaves, mint leaves, sage leaves, crush them before putting them in the net after 10 days 4 grams of camphor dissolved in 10 g of Acetic Acid, placing the liquid in the bottle with all others. Filter after a few hours.
BRANDY camphor: -
Mix 300 gr of Brandy the 60th or alcohol in the same grade and 5 g of crushed camphor. Rubbing sore muscles.
Frieira: - Lotion - 1 In wide-necked bottle, put 200g of Castor Oil Deodorized, warming the container in a water bath.
As the water heats up (should never boil) put on 10 gr bottle of essence of bergamot and 5 grams of camphor.
Leave in water bath for 1 hour, then away from the fire, when the liquid is cold, cover the bottle. With this massage lotion to 3 to 4 times per day.
PERSIMMON Diospyros kaki - Ebenáceas - China and Japan
Vinegar Aromatic massage -
Macerate for 10 days 400 gr purest Wine Vinegar, 50 g of alcohol 90 °, and 50 g in total of the following fresh herbs:
Lavender flowering luminaries. Orange leaves, rosemary leaves, mint leaves, sage leaves, crush them before putting them in the net after 10 days 4 grams of camphor dissolved in 10 g of Acetic Acid, placing the liquid in the bottle with all others. Filter after a few hours.
BRANDY camphor: -
Mix 300 gr of Brandy the 60th or alcohol in the same grade and 5 g of crushed camphor. Rubbing sore muscles.
Frieira: - Lotion - 1 In wide-necked bottle, put 200g of Castor Oil Deodorized, warming the container in a water bath.
As the water heats up (should never boil) put on 10 gr bottle of essence of bergamot and 5 grams of camphor.
Leave in water bath for 1 hour, then away from the fire, when the liquid is cold, cover the bottle. With this massage lotion to 3 to 4 times per day.
PERSIMMON Diospyros kaki - Ebenáceas - China and Japan

Tree that can reach remarkable heights: 8-10 feet tall. It has large leaves, oblongadas, auxiliary flowers solitary white-yellow bloom in summer. The fruit is constituted by a large berry, in the form of an orange apple, bark very thin and smooth pulp with very soft, sweet, sugary, mature late fall.
Should be treated with caution, because the shell is very thin and glued to the pulp, breaks easily.
- Infusion - Put a cup of boiling water, a pinch of leaves of persimmon and two sheets of lauroceraso. Allow to warm, then sweeten and manage).
Infusion - put in a cup of boiling water one tablespoon of persimmon leaves, a piece of ginger and a teaspoon of honey, filter the liquid and drink it then.
View nervous excitement, drink the potion half hour before bedtime.
Consume during the season when they are ripe and sumosos, equivalent to an effective treatment against constipation. Syrup - 1 kg sugar and 250 gr. a lemon and 2 Kg Of ripe persimmons, cut into four and released seeds. Cook for 20 minutes after the start of boiling.
Fruit suitable for energizing the chakra Muladhara, check the similarities with the "navel" of the fruit:
Infusion - put in a cup of boiling water one tablespoon of persimmon leaves, a piece of ginger and a teaspoon of honey, filter the liquid and drink it then.
View nervous excitement, drink the potion half hour before bedtime.
Consume during the season when they are ripe and sumosos, equivalent to an effective treatment against constipation. Syrup - 1 kg sugar and 250 gr. a lemon and 2 Kg Of ripe persimmons, cut into four and released seeds. Cook for 20 minutes after the start of boiling.
Fruit suitable for energizing the chakra Muladhara, check the similarities with the "navel" of the fruit:

It is also a food of the gods or Theobroma cacao as:
CARP Carpinus betulus - Betuláceas - Italy

Tree stems, tall and straight, reaches the height of 20 or 30 meters. It has a smooth gray bark, leaves oval and serrated and monoecious flowers. The fruits that ripen in autumn are achenes.
Decoction - boil for 20 minutes 30 gr. leaves in a liter of water, filter, and letting it warm for use liquid mouthwashes and gargles.
OAK Quercus robur - Fagáceas
Decoction - boil for 20 minutes 30 gr. leaves in a liter of water, filter, and letting it warm for use liquid mouthwashes and gargles.
OAK Quercus robur - Fagáceas

It is a remarkable plant height about 20 meters and major. It has rough trunks, branches very leafy, leathery and tough leaves, whose upper surface is shiny and bottom covered by. The flowers are monoecious and commuting, color yellowish fruits containing a single seed, are achenes oval.

Decoction - mouthwash - boil 15 gr. oak bark for ten minutes in a liter of water, mouthwash and gargle. Coffee - replacing the coffee roasting and grinding acorns and use the powder to prepare a drink that has the merit of not harming the heart and nervous system.
Liquid Massage - In one liter of alcohol, denatured put three large onions, cut into slices, and let them macerate for four days. Meanwhile, prepare a decoction with a spoon of powdered oak bark boiled in half a liter of water over moderate heat. When the liquid is reduced to remove the container from the fire and expect it is completely cool before filtering it. Mix the decoction and alcoholate onion, soak a cloth of wool and massage the scalp.
Decoction - cook 10 gr. oak bark in 200 gr. of water and drink the decoction, filtered and sweetened with a little sugar or honey, the dose of a teaspoon every half hour.
Decoction for washing - boil 80 gr. oak bark in a liter of water, filter out and use the liquid to wash frequently affected regions.
Wine Oak - In a liter of red wine of good quality put 20 gr. of oak leaves and 10 gr. Medical hydrochloric acid. Allow to steep for a week, filter the liquid and take a small cup at each meal.
Decoction compresses - See mouth, the liquid should be used cold.
BLEEDING NOSE: Post shell - Always have hand a small glass containing oak bark, reduced to powder in a mortar. A pinch of powdered oak nostrils has the power to stop the bleeding.
Decoction semicúpios - prepare a decoction very low simmer for one hour on slow fire, one liter of water, 25 gr. oak bark, filter and when warm, put it in a bowl with one liter of hot water, but not boiling.
Decoction - boil for 10 minutes 10 gr. oak bark in 200 gr. of water. Filter and drink the decoction at a dose of one teaspoon per hour. Wine Oak - put 20 gr. oak bark, cut into pieces and kids, in a liter of red wine of good quality and 10 gr. Medical hydrochloric acid. Leave all macerated for six days, then strain and drink 3-5 teaspoons a day.
Decoction irrigations - boil for 10 minutes, a liter of water with 100 gr. oak bark and use the filtered liquid for washing and irrigation. Wine Oak - View intestine. Drinking three small glasses of wine a day oak.
Decoction for washing or irrigation - See leucorrhoea. When an organism is weak and exhausted and menses are scarce or absent, you may use the decoction of oak which is a very effective emmenagogue.
Decoction -
Cut small pieces 20 gr. oak bark, 20 g. corn hair. Put everything in a liter of water and boil for 10 minutes, then strain and sweeten and drink three cups a day.
infusion for washing - Against excessive sweating of the armpits and feet, making washing with an infusion obtained by placing 15 gr. oak bark in a liter of boiling water.
Decoction irrigations -
boil for an hour, over moderate heat, 2 liters of water and 100 gr. of oak leaves (or 70 gr. bark), filter the liquid when warm employs it for irrigation.
BARK-A-ANTA Drymis chilensis, drymis winter - Magnoliáces - Chile
Decoction - mouthwash - boil 15 gr. oak bark for ten minutes in a liter of water, mouthwash and gargle. Coffee - replacing the coffee roasting and grinding acorns and use the powder to prepare a drink that has the merit of not harming the heart and nervous system.
Liquid Massage - In one liter of alcohol, denatured put three large onions, cut into slices, and let them macerate for four days. Meanwhile, prepare a decoction with a spoon of powdered oak bark boiled in half a liter of water over moderate heat. When the liquid is reduced to remove the container from the fire and expect it is completely cool before filtering it. Mix the decoction and alcoholate onion, soak a cloth of wool and massage the scalp.
Decoction - cook 10 gr. oak bark in 200 gr. of water and drink the decoction, filtered and sweetened with a little sugar or honey, the dose of a teaspoon every half hour.
Decoction for washing - boil 80 gr. oak bark in a liter of water, filter out and use the liquid to wash frequently affected regions.
Wine Oak - In a liter of red wine of good quality put 20 gr. of oak leaves and 10 gr. Medical hydrochloric acid. Allow to steep for a week, filter the liquid and take a small cup at each meal.
Decoction compresses - See mouth, the liquid should be used cold.
BLEEDING NOSE: Post shell - Always have hand a small glass containing oak bark, reduced to powder in a mortar. A pinch of powdered oak nostrils has the power to stop the bleeding.
Decoction semicúpios - prepare a decoction very low simmer for one hour on slow fire, one liter of water, 25 gr. oak bark, filter and when warm, put it in a bowl with one liter of hot water, but not boiling.
Decoction - boil for 10 minutes 10 gr. oak bark in 200 gr. of water. Filter and drink the decoction at a dose of one teaspoon per hour. Wine Oak - put 20 gr. oak bark, cut into pieces and kids, in a liter of red wine of good quality and 10 gr. Medical hydrochloric acid. Leave all macerated for six days, then strain and drink 3-5 teaspoons a day.
Decoction irrigations - boil for 10 minutes, a liter of water with 100 gr. oak bark and use the filtered liquid for washing and irrigation. Wine Oak - View intestine. Drinking three small glasses of wine a day oak.
Decoction for washing or irrigation - See leucorrhoea. When an organism is weak and exhausted and menses are scarce or absent, you may use the decoction of oak which is a very effective emmenagogue.
Decoction -
Cut small pieces 20 gr. oak bark, 20 g. corn hair. Put everything in a liter of water and boil for 10 minutes, then strain and sweeten and drink three cups a day.
infusion for washing - Against excessive sweating of the armpits and feet, making washing with an infusion obtained by placing 15 gr. oak bark in a liter of boiling water.
Decoction irrigations -
boil for an hour, over moderate heat, 2 liters of water and 100 gr. of oak leaves (or 70 gr. bark), filter the liquid when warm employs it for irrigation.
BARK-A-ANTA Drymis chilensis, drymis winter - Magnoliáces - Chile

Source - Medicinal plants used by the Mapuche Indians:
Plant with leathery leaves and white flowers on the cob.
decoction -
Boil 1 minute 5 g of bark in ½ liter of water, filter and drink it in small cups during the day.
Infusion -
in ½ liter of boiling water put to steep? for 5 minutes, 10 g of leaves bark Anta, filter the solution and consume it in small cups during the day.
Decoction - See diuretic. A cup after meals.
Rheumatism - FATIGUE: -
Bath -
Prepare a decoction in ½ liter of water with 10 g of bark Anta, filter and add to bath water.
Ulcerations: -
Washes -
Prepare an infusion with 5 gr of shell and 500 grams of water. While warm, filter it and use to wash.
Cascara Rhamnus purshiana - Ramnáceas - Pacific Coast
Plant with leathery leaves and white flowers on the cob.
decoction -
Boil 1 minute 5 g of bark in ½ liter of water, filter and drink it in small cups during the day.
Infusion -
in ½ liter of boiling water put to steep? for 5 minutes, 10 g of leaves bark Anta, filter the solution and consume it in small cups during the day.
Decoction - See diuretic. A cup after meals.
Rheumatism - FATIGUE: -
Bath -
Prepare a decoction in ½ liter of water with 10 g of bark Anta, filter and add to bath water.
Ulcerations: -
Washes -
Prepare an infusion with 5 gr of shell and 500 grams of water. While warm, filter it and use to wash.
Cascara Rhamnus purshiana - Ramnáceas - Pacific Coast

It is a shrub with tiny flowers and white. The bark of Cascara Sagrada is color-cinca course sumosa, odorless, and of very bitter taste.

Infusion -
30 gr 200 gr bark in boiling water. After 20 minutes, filter and put the liquid in a bottle. Three to four tablespoons every evening, for 7 days.
macerate 30 g of dried bark in 200 g of ethanol at 60 ° for 4 days, filter and save the liquid in a bottle with dropper cap. Use 15 drops as a stomach tonic and 25 drops as a laxative.
CHESTNUT Castanea sativa - Fagáceas - Alps and Alpine
Infusion -
30 gr 200 gr bark in boiling water. After 20 minutes, filter and put the liquid in a bottle. Three to four tablespoons every evening, for 7 days.
macerate 30 g of dried bark in 200 g of ethanol at 60 ° for 4 days, filter and save the liquid in a bottle with dropper cap. Use 15 drops as a stomach tonic and 25 drops as a laxative.
CHESTNUT Castanea sativa - Fagáceas - Alps and Alpine

Chestnut and its distribution in Portugal

Fruit and flower
With petiolated great Flowers, male and female, are white and curls gathered in the fruits which ripen in winter, are well known, approximately in 1200 meters (altitude).
Infusion -
A handful of dried leaves in 1 liter of boiling water. Filtering the liquid through a sieve, sweeten and drink. The dose serves to 3 times.
CHESTNUT OF INDIA - esculus hippocastanum - Hippocastináceas - Asia Minor

Ornamental tree, is covered with white flowers and sometimes red, that bloom in spikes, straight and very beautiful. The round fruit and bright resembles somewhat the edible Chestnut. Many substances are being extracted from the pulp.
tincture macerate for 5 days, 5 gr of leaves Chestnut India desiccated in 50 g of alcohol at 70 °. Filter the liquid and store it in glass with dropper. Dose: 10 drops.
Decoction -
Cook for 10 minutes in 1 liter of water 30 gr root desiccated Chestnut India, filter the liquid and take during the day.
Medicinal Wine -
Put in 1 liter of white wine, 50 g husk Indian nut. Boil for ¼ hour and filter. Take 2 small glasses per day.
Chilblain: - Cream -
20 Cooking Chestnuts India in little water. Crush them, pulping the puree and keep it in a container for a few days. Pass the cream before bedtime in the affected region.
Ointment - macerate for 5 days 3 gr of leaves of chestnut in India in 30 g of alcohol 70. Filter, and each weigh 20 grams of liquid add 60 g of lanolin. Mix all ingredients well and use the ointment to relieve the pain.
Varicose Veins:
put on an infusion for 24 hours, 70 gr of leaves Chestnut India in 1 liter of white wine of good quality. Filter the liquid, sweeten it and take one cup a day.
Horses, Colic. To cure colic horses, administer the usual dosage, a few handfuls of pulp Chestnuts India, dried and reduced to powder.
Rabbits - A good food for rabbits consists of nuts from India, cooked and peeled added to the meal.
ONION Allium sepa - Liliaceae - Persia
tincture macerate for 5 days, 5 gr of leaves Chestnut India desiccated in 50 g of alcohol at 70 °. Filter the liquid and store it in glass with dropper. Dose: 10 drops.
Decoction -
Cook for 10 minutes in 1 liter of water 30 gr root desiccated Chestnut India, filter the liquid and take during the day.
Medicinal Wine -
Put in 1 liter of white wine, 50 g husk Indian nut. Boil for ¼ hour and filter. Take 2 small glasses per day.
Chilblain: - Cream -
20 Cooking Chestnuts India in little water. Crush them, pulping the puree and keep it in a container for a few days. Pass the cream before bedtime in the affected region.
Ointment - macerate for 5 days 3 gr of leaves of chestnut in India in 30 g of alcohol 70. Filter, and each weigh 20 grams of liquid add 60 g of lanolin. Mix all ingredients well and use the ointment to relieve the pain.
Varicose Veins:
put on an infusion for 24 hours, 70 gr of leaves Chestnut India in 1 liter of white wine of good quality. Filter the liquid, sweeten it and take one cup a day.
Horses, Colic. To cure colic horses, administer the usual dosage, a few handfuls of pulp Chestnuts India, dried and reduced to powder.
Rabbits - A good food for rabbits consists of nuts from India, cooked and peeled added to the meal.
ONION Allium sepa - Liliaceae - Persia

The onion has large bulbs, which give life to tufts of fleshy leaves and are of cylindrical form. Flowers small and numerous, bloom in Summer.
Corns: -
Infusion - Boil 1 cup of vinegar with sliced raw onion. Allow to warm, placing the infusion in a colander, squeezing the pulp Onion skirt so that all the juice has been pressed out. Employ the liquid compresses on the calluses.
Infusion of Wine - A pint of good quality white wine, 250 gr of sliced fresh onions, 80 g of honey. After 24 hours, filter the liquid and consume it before meals.
Crush 100 gr Fresh onion, trying not to waste the juice, putting them in a bottle with 100 g of alcohol at 90 °. After about 24 hours, filter the liquid and store it in a glass with polished lid, a teaspoon before meals.
STOMACH (DIGESTION) - Dye - See diuretic.
HEMORRHOIDS: - Salve (1) - Cook a little Onion on Flax oil, let cool and squeeze the juice and pulp to blend well with the oil. The ointment thus obtained is applied over the hemorrhoids and serves to prevent inflammation.
Ointment (2) -
Into a pound a raw onion mix a piece of butter. Apply the pope over the affected region.
Ointment - 1 Crush Fresh onion, to make out the juice, mix it with ½ teaspoon of Lanolin, rubbed with this ointment to the affected area.
Cut one fresh onion into two halves and suck the juice through nostrils.
Decoction -
Cut 1 onion into slices, cook them in ½ liter of water sweetened with honey, filter the liquid and drink a cup in the morning and one at night.
To ease the pain caused by bee stings, rub the affected area with 1 sliced onion.
Infusion - Cook 1 sliced onion in 1 cup of milk heavily sweetened with honey and drink hot before bedtime.
Syrup -
Cooking 1 kg of fresh onions. 300 g of honey, 750 g of sugar in 1 liter of water, and simmering for three hours, allow the compound to cool before filtering it through a sieve.
Infusion - Into a bowl put ¼ liter of water and 1 large onion, cut into slices. Leave to infuse for an entire night, after passing the liquid through a strainer, crushing the onion to make out all the liquid. Drinking infusion fasting.
Infusion of Wine - see diuretic -
VETERINARY: - Chickens -
Administering to broilers 2 to 3 times a week, a raw onion, prevent infectious diseases.
See also:
Infusion - Boil 1 cup of vinegar with sliced raw onion. Allow to warm, placing the infusion in a colander, squeezing the pulp Onion skirt so that all the juice has been pressed out. Employ the liquid compresses on the calluses.
Infusion of Wine - A pint of good quality white wine, 250 gr of sliced fresh onions, 80 g of honey. After 24 hours, filter the liquid and consume it before meals.
Crush 100 gr Fresh onion, trying not to waste the juice, putting them in a bottle with 100 g of alcohol at 90 °. After about 24 hours, filter the liquid and store it in a glass with polished lid, a teaspoon before meals.
STOMACH (DIGESTION) - Dye - See diuretic.
HEMORRHOIDS: - Salve (1) - Cook a little Onion on Flax oil, let cool and squeeze the juice and pulp to blend well with the oil. The ointment thus obtained is applied over the hemorrhoids and serves to prevent inflammation.
Ointment (2) -
Into a pound a raw onion mix a piece of butter. Apply the pope over the affected region.
Ointment - 1 Crush Fresh onion, to make out the juice, mix it with ½ teaspoon of Lanolin, rubbed with this ointment to the affected area.
Cut one fresh onion into two halves and suck the juice through nostrils.
Decoction -
Cut 1 onion into slices, cook them in ½ liter of water sweetened with honey, filter the liquid and drink a cup in the morning and one at night.
To ease the pain caused by bee stings, rub the affected area with 1 sliced onion.
Infusion - Cook 1 sliced onion in 1 cup of milk heavily sweetened with honey and drink hot before bedtime.
Syrup -
Cooking 1 kg of fresh onions. 300 g of honey, 750 g of sugar in 1 liter of water, and simmering for three hours, allow the compound to cool before filtering it through a sieve.
Infusion - Into a bowl put ¼ liter of water and 1 large onion, cut into slices. Leave to infuse for an entire night, after passing the liquid through a strainer, crushing the onion to make out all the liquid. Drinking infusion fasting.
Infusion of Wine - see diuretic -
VETERINARY: - Chickens -
Administering to broilers 2 to 3 times a week, a raw onion, prevent infectious diseases.
See also:
Celandine Chelidonium majus - Papaveráceas

Swallow Wort - Plant family of Papaveráceas - Scientific name: Chelidonium majus L -
Origin: America, Europe, Africa and West Asia - also called celandine, quelidônea,
herb-of-warts, milk weed, herb-of- corns, poppy figatil and swallows.
The name of this plant comes from the Greek "khélidôn" (gender science), which means "swallow" in the face of the myth that such swallows carried her to their children so that it possessed great vision.
Time: "It was around the century. AD that Discorides noticed that the swallows used this plant to touch the eyes of the puppies, giving them the view. This fact roused curiosity and caused that studies were made about the celandine. "
The stem reaches a height of about 70 cm is cylindrical and nodosum, branchy with penatissetas leaves and yellow flowers.
ARTHRITIS - Gout - Hydropsy:
Infusion - in ½ liter of boiling water put 5 gr of desiccated plant, filter, sweeten and drink the infusion during the day.
Corns and WARTS: - A pinch of powdered latex and a strip of gauze. After 24 hours, the callus is softened and facilitate removal. If necessary repeat the operation.
Infusion - in ½ liter of boiling water put 5 gr of desiccated plant, filter, sweeten and drink the infusion during the day.
Corns and WARTS: - A pinch of powdered latex and a strip of gauze. After 24 hours, the callus is softened and facilitate removal. If necessary repeat the operation.
When using edible or medicinal plants make sure you pick the correct plant, and the plant is healthy and has grown in good soil i.e. avoid plants nearby sewage, garbage, dirt, etc.. Avoid plants with signs of many attacks by insects or fungi. For any purpose it is not recommended to use any plant disposed to agrochemicals whether on plantations or wild populations. For commercial medicinal plants, pesticide use is prohibited. Carefully read the tips, advice and recipes.
In the biological world every detail is important. If it is difficult to identify a kind, please contact me or any expert who knows (I'm not able to recognize anything of course but I can indicate someone who might solve your problem).
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