I felt the Buddhist ideas of how to live simply and compassionately towards all of the earth's sentient beings were being left out of this approach.
Where Permaculture meets Buddhism
28 Jul
There has been hardly a day this Spring and Summer when Bealtaine Cottage has not welcomed visitors.
Often times I am left exhausted by the challenge of working, to keep production going and keeping a "welcome for all"
There have been occasions when I have had to turn away requests to visit…and I spend time regretting it, but I work on my own and have others to care for at times.
This morning I received an email from visitors who came to see Bealtaine on Friday last.
I thought I would share this with you, for what Michael has to say is thoughtful and profound.
Hi Colette
This is Michael!
I visited you on Friday with my partner Mairead.
Anyway I just wanted to say thanks again.
You've really awakened in me the real magic and mysticism held within our mother earth.
I was beginning to think permaculture was just another ego trip men were on, trying to use wacky methods to grow food, rather than cherishing and learning to live in harmony with mother earth and all her creatures.
The voluntary work I had done with some 'permaculture' enthusiasts had left me feeling very uneasy that this might be another path of excess, rather than simplicity and harmony.
I sort of turned away from the permaculture ideas.
I felt the Buddhist ideas of how to live simply and compassionately towards all of the earth's sentient beings were being left out of this approach. 
Michael goes on to say…
I watched this documentary a few months ago and was extremely moved and humbled by how simply the monks lived in harmony with their surroundings taking very little from it and not disturbing any of the life around them.
I began meditating in the Zen tradition a while ago.
And after initially thinking it would be a way for me to find some peace and quiet in a busy world, the practice soon began to awaken in me the sacredness of the world around me and soon the practice became my life.
Visiting your place has made me realise how much the earth wants to come to life.
It's hard to describe but the plants and insects and all the life in Bealtaine seem so alive and ultimately happy!
Its like the teachings I've been reading in Buddhist texts are alive in Bealtaine.
It's like a microcosm of how the world would be, if we lived compassionately for all creatures, down to the tiniest microbes in the soil.
It's truly a living revelation.
I had these strong questions in my mind about how to connect the material and spiritual world in a harmonious way, so that we can live balanced between the two, not giving too much time to either so that all life can flourish.
I had asked a lot of people, including monks and meditation teachers, but it took seeing your place to realize what needs to be done.
I think I had spent too much time over the last while being to into spiritual practices, thinking the earth might be better off without humans, but seeing your place has given me an understanding, that as conscious beings, we have been given the role of caretakers of the planet, but its something we've yet to realise.
I've read so much about balance, but It took seeing your place to see what balance is.
I've met so many teachers who seem to cling to one approach but my intuition has always kept me thinking that both the outer and inner worlds are equally important and need equal care.
Bealtaine really is this sacred balance and thank you for nurturing it to life!
I hope to visit it many times and please keep us informed of any courses.
I thought I'd share this page with you..
there are some great lectures. the first one by Dr Vandana Shiva and the ones by Deepak Chopra and Helena Nordberg Hodge are particularly inspiring.
well have a great summer and hopefully we get to visit again in the not too distant future. and if you ever need a hand with anything, please let me know, I'd love to come and learn from you!
Here comes a beautiful Videoabout Bealtaine Garden
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