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Sunday, March 30, 2014
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Saturday, March 29, 2014
11 Foods to Naturally Boost Your Mood and Make You Feel Happier
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If we’re stressed and not getting enough sleep, it’s easy to feel down, but there’s another big contributor to your mood: what you’re eating. With its refined sugar and trans fats, the Standard American Diet is throwing our bodies off, and if you feel like you’re in a funk, a lot of it can be related back to the food that you’re consuming. “The smallest choices each day can make a real difference in improving mental and emotional well-being, stabilizing your moods, and improving your focus,” says Dr. Drew Ramsey, author of The Happiness Diet.
Looking to boost your mood naturally? Here are 11 foods that help you do just that.
1. Swiss Chard
High in folate, also known as folic acid, swiss chard and other leafy greens are good for your mood. In fact, a study by the University of York and Hull York Medical School found a link between low folate levels and depression.
2. Dark Chocolate
If you needed another reason to indulge in dark chocolate, it’s this one: dark chocolate can make you happier. A study in the Journal of Psychopharmacology found that consuming chocolate high in cocoa flavanols increased levels of calmness and contentedness.
3. Eggs
With their essential fatty acids, eggs help your body to naturally produce serotonin. Low serotonin levels are linked to depression, anxiety, insomnia and fatigue.
4. Almonds
Almonds pack a lot of nutrients, including folate and magnesium. Magnesium is essential to brain health, and studies have linked it to a reduction in depression, but is often deficient in modern diets. So eat more of those almonds!
5. Lentils
Lentils are a good source of folate which is essential for your mood, and a cup of cooked lentils provides 90 percent of the recommended daily allowance of folic acid. Lentils also have the amino acid L-tyrosine, which your brain uses to make the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and dopamine, therefore helping your brain to combat depression.
A zinc deficiency can trigger depressive moods, but fortunately pumpkin seeds are packed with the essential mineral. Pumpkin seeds also contain L-tryptophan, a natural mood booster.
7. Oatmeal
While some think oatmeal is one of the most boring foods on the planet, it’s good for your mental state. That’s thanks to a lot of things, including high levels of magnesium, which help your brain fight depression and anxiety. Since it’s also a great source of soluble fiber, it helps stabilize blood sugar levels, which helps you avoid mood swings.
8. Honey
The nutrients in honey produce a calming effect, helpful if you’re feeling anxious, which is why many mix it into a cup of tea in the evening. A natural sweetener, it’s also a good natural energy booster, so if you feel like you’re dragging, pop a spoonful in your mouth. Nature’s energy gel.
9. Flaxseed Oil
Our standard American Diet has left us very omega-3 deficient and that can be bad for your mental state: omega-3 has been shown to be an effective supplement for fighting depression. Flaxseed oil is an easy way to get a mega dose of omega-3 essential fatty acids, helping to improve your mood.
10. Water
A glass of water may be the simplest thing you can ingest, but it’s very helpful. Mild dehydration has been shown to dampen moods, which means if you want to feel mentally stronger, make sure you’re getting enough H2O throughout the day.
11. Asparagus
Feel like you’ve been having a lot of mood swings lately? Get some asparagus on your plate, because it is very high in folic acid — a deficiency that is common in people with depression.
Friday, March 28, 2014
Living Without Sacrifice: Solutions to the Top 5 Tiny House Limitations
by Gabriella Morrison
Do you want to live tiny but are worried about having to make too many sacrifices in space and comfort? We were too but can say with total confidence and from experience that with the right design and house size choice, you can go tiny and still live extremely comfortably. We will assume that if you are reading this article on that you share some (if not all) of the same dreams, goals, and values that we do. Living a life that is mortgage/rent inexpensive or free, that is abundant in time for travel, hobbies, family and friends, that is peaceful and harmonious is what we have been working towards for decades. We were so committed to creating that lifestyle for ourselves that we took a risk and built a tiny house (221 SF on a 28′ trailer + 128 SF in lofts) rather than a more conventionally sized home. We were prepared (and willing!) to make significant sacrifices in square footage to achieve our life goals.
Here's the kicker: to our surprise we have not felt, at any point, that we have had to make any compromises or sacrifices in our self designed and built home. Not once have we felt that our space was too small, that our needs weren't luxuriously met, or that we didn't have enough space to run our home business, entertain, cook, bathe, watch movies, play guitar, wrestle with our dog, or store our clothes and belongings. Not once have we been uncomfortable, hurt our backs in the lofts, struggled on our stairs, felt like our fridge or kitchen sink was too small, or felt that we didn't have enough space for an item.
Here are the common areas in a conventional tiny house that typically pose significant compromises/sacrifice and how we found a solution for each:
STAIRS: I would venture to guess that this is one of the top 3 reasons that someone would not build tiny. We're youngish, strong and healthy but we don't want to haul our bodies up and down dinky ladders to get to our bedroom each day. And what if we have to get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom? Not only do ladders to bedrooms sound miserable but they also seem like a bad idea for someone like me who fumbles to the bathroom with eyes nearly shut at night. We designed our house, which we loving named "hOMe," specifically to accommodate Andrew's modular stair system. The ratio between the treads and risers is set up so that going up is as easy and comfortable as coming down (even with my middle of the night fumbling). Further, there is 25 SF of storage space beneath the stairs and even enough space for a washer/dryer combo unit. Personally, we are using that large washer space as our hanging closet as it can easily hang 20 items of clothing. We also store all of our shoes, hats, winter apparel, dog accoutrements, keys, and purse in the modular system. It is a treasure trove of storage. To learn how to build it click here.
KITCHEN: We are all for rustic living and have certainly done our share over the years including living in an 80 SF historic, off grid log cabin in the Colorado Rockies, tons of long term back country camping and spending 5 months traveling in a pop-up tent trailer in Baja with our 12 year old daughter. We know we CAN cook in a tiny kitchen with two burners, wash dishes in a tiny sink, and cram all of our food into a dorm sized fridge, but we don't WANT to. Not in our home that we plan on spending many, many years in. In order for a space to feel like a home to us, there has to be a spacious kitchen. Ours is 56 SF and it is perfect. Andrew and I can easily cook together without bumping into each other. Our propane range/oven is a standard, full size unit which has 5 burners including the center griddle component. Our fridge is a super energy efficient, 18 CF model which we have yet to really fill up, and our sink is a standard, deep, single bowl with a built-in drying rack.
We have lots of cabinets and storage galore: frankly, too much of it. More than half of our cabinets and drawers are empty because we have gotten really clear on what is necessary in our kitchen and eliminated unnecessary gadgets. I wouldn't trade in that extra cabinet storage because we love how much counter space it provides. It also makes for excellent overflow storage should we need some extra space for a special occasion. Further, creating a U shaped kitchen was one of the best decisions we made in our house design as the work triangle is just the right size.
BATHROOM: Again, I know that we CAN brush our teeth in a mini-sink and shower in an 18″ x 18″ stall, but in our home, we really don't want to. During our build we made a significant and vital design change that increased our bathroom length by 2′. This extra space allowed us to install a regular sized sinkand shower unit. Now the bathroom feels spacious, even with our giant Sun-Mar composting toilet. I mean, that thing is obscenely large and easily twice the size of a regular toilet.
We have an abundance of storage space in two full drawers under our sink as well as a floor to ceiling storage cabinet. All of our toiletries, first aid supplies, vitamins and supplements (yes, we are those types that take about 20 natural supplements per day, so room for all that is no small thing), soaps/shampoos, cleaning and laundry supplies only use up about half of our available storage space. I should mention as a side note (read EXTRA benefit) that both the kitchen and bathroom, which are located beneath the lofts, have ample head room and do not feel cramped at all. That's easy for me to say, but Andrew feels the same way and he is 6′ tall. Furthermore, our bedroom loft and our secondary loft both have great headroom as well.
HOME OFFICE: I have worked from home full-time since 2004 and Andrew since 2007. We are both self motivated, passionate about what we do, and wouldn't trade our jobs for anything. We have tried working outside of our home but have found that we are most productive and love our jobs best when we are working from within our own walls. No commute, we create our own hours, and pay no rent for an office space. Creating a functional office area in hOMe was a necessity and we feel we accomplished that. By creating a
paperless office (you can watch a short video on how we did that here), we eliminated 75% of the space we used to require to run our business. We found two folding desks that do double duty between office/work desk and eating table. Our printer and scanner are stored in our cabinets and all of our office supplies fit in just one tall cabinet unit. We also have overflow work space in three other areas in hOMe: our bedroom loft (we bought two bed loungers so that we can comfortably sit up in our bed), our TV/hang out lounge (lots of pillows create a wonderful cradle to prop us up) and the built in sofa. So if one of us is working on something that requires a lot of concentration without disruption, there are choices of work spaces.
STORAGE: The hOMe design centers around a long and tall series of cabinets from Ikea. Even though we have freed ourselves from about 90% of our belongings over our last 3 year downsizing process (you can read more about that here), we still own some material objects. Again, we know that we can live with nothing more than 4 changes of clothes, a couple books, a laptop, toothbrush/floss, and a set of very basic cooking essentials, but in our own home, we need space to store some of the items and heirlooms that we don't want to part with. Our cabinets provide us with 82 SF of storage shelving surface area, more than enough for our belongings and to house our favorite books, camping supplies, linens, etc.
PRIVACY: Andrew and I are super compatible. We have been partners in life since 1993, still love each other's company, and are glad that we don't work separate jobs in different places only to see each other for a few hours in the evening. That said, I don't want to hear or see him every single
second of my day (and I'm sure he feels the same about me!). So, we have been happily surprised and delighted at how much privacy we can find in hOMe. Because our bedroom loft is pretty large and has a wall that separates it from the open area below, it really feels like a separate bedroom. When one of us is up here, it feels like we are in totally different rooms. Perfect!
In sum, we have been ecstatic with hOMe and living tiny. Truly it is beyond expectation and our wildest dreams. The months of planning and design paid off and at this point there isn't a thing we would change. By identifying and addressing each of the common tiny house limitations that we weren't personally willing to live with, we were able to find solutions that are working. Because we chose to build tiny rather than a larger house, we were able to pay for the materials in cash and now have the security of knowing that we will always have a place on this planet that we can live for free. And being that it's off grid, we aren't bound to utility bills and the system. If you are considering making the move to tiny, we highly recommend it. If we can do it, so can you! To view more photos of hOMe and read stories about the trials, tribulations, and high points of our build, please visit us at
Thursday, March 27, 2014
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80 Watt Zamp Solar Portable Charging System
I have had the chance to test and try out Zamp Solar’s 80 Watt portable charging system. Though not large enough to power a tiny house it is enough for a medium size trailer or motor-home.
I have a 1994 RoatTrek van conversion and we like to take it off grid at times and although it has a built in generator it is noisy and can have mechanical issues at times.
I have not been able to take take the solar system out for a real life trial, but wanted to share my experience with it by testing it at home.
My battery level was at 80% according to the meter on the solar panel. Connecting the system was simple. Using alligator clips I connected it to my battery and let the other end of the cord hang out through the opening. My battery is kind of difficult to get to so that took the most time.
The Zamp Solar panel comes in a very nice case. Simply unzip the case and remove the panel which is folded in half for storage. Unfold the panel and pull out the legs. Set the solar panel facing south or align with the sun to get the most light.
You need to set the solar charge controller to a wet cell battery which is what I have in the RoadTrek. Connect the solar panel cord to the cord coming from the batter and you are ready to start charging.
This 80 watt Portable Solar Charging kit provides 4.58 amps of charging power. It’s recommended to use this on 27-31 group 12v batteries, great for medium sized travel trailers.
Each kit comes with a 10 amp waterproof/weatherproof digital deluxe solar charge controller already mounted on an EZ-View bracket, 16 feet of wire with the new solar plug system with battery terminal clamps and a ballistic nylon carrying case.
Like I said earlier my battery was at 80% capacity when I started charging. It took approximately two hours to fully charge my battery. The charge controller stops charging once the battery is fully charged so it will not damage your battery.
I am looking forward to our summer trip when we spend eight days off the grid and I can use this silent solar charger to keep our electrical needs available without disturbing the peace of the redwoods.
If you are looking for a quality system that is reasonably priced check out Zamp Solar’s portable options. They also offer larger systems for tiny houses or cabins. (Use Coupon Code tinyhomesolar and receive 10% off at check out)
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
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Tuesday, March 25, 2014
The Map of Enough - Book Review by Kent Griswold on March 25th, 2014.
The Map of Enough
In 2009, Molly and her fiancé Chris had the opportunity to move onto 107 acres in the Gallatin Valley in Montana. Initially living in a cabin her folks owned they both dreamed of building a Mongolian yurt and staying on the land for a year and than taking their home and moving on. […] Continue Reading »
Monday, March 24, 2014
Steve's Thailand Dome
Steve’s Thailand Dome
Steve Areen, a world traveler who has been visiting remote locations around the world, decided to put down a few roots in northeast Thailand. These roots grew into one of the most beautiful dome homes you may ever see. This work of art (that only cost $9,000 to build) sits in the middle of a mango farm that belongs to Steve’s friend Hajjar Gibran.
Hajjar had already been building dome homes at his retreat center on the farm and taught Steve how to build this cement block and clay brick home that uses local materials and lets in light and fresh air. Hajjar’s son, Lao, helped build the home with his masonry skills and the dome was completed in just over six weeks. Steve added his own details with the handmade front door, pond, upstairs hammock platform and the stonework and landscaping. Some of the most beautiful features of this home is the shower/greenhouse from local river stones and the natural bamboo sink faucet.
The home’s large, round windows are screened against insects and act as curved seating areas, and when Steve heads off to travel again, he seals up the round windows with rat proof inserts. A handmade wooden staircase ascends to the roof where a steel rod and palm frond covered hammock platform offers fresh air and views, and screened skylights on the domes let in even more light.
Building costs in Thailand are inexpensive and if you want to learn more about how to build one of these dome homes, Hajjar Gibran’s retreat center, The Gibran Center at Miracle Springs, offers workshops on the farm. Other building projects have included a compressed earth brick press and an earth block dome. He’s also developing a system for building with cellular concrete. When Steve is away from his dome home, it’s also available as a rental for a small donation.
Photos by Steve Areen
By Christina Nellemann for the [Tiny House Blog]Sunday, March 23, 2014
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Friday, March 21, 2014
Flatpack House
A flatpack house costing 6,500 pounds ($10,728) was given to a brave dad and he was given a week to assemble it. Is it as easy as an IKEA book case?
At £6,500, they don’t come cheap, but the company which produces the wooden cabins — — says that homeowners have been snapping them up.
Mark Burton, the company’s founder, says the traditional wooden buildings are being bought by people desperate to acquire more space without moving house. Indeed, it seems there’s a growing market for ingenious ways to expand your home — without inflicting fatal damage on your wallet.
Many of these involve creating separate, fully furnished buildings that include everything from sinks to beds, and are big enough to provide accommodation for a teenager or two, but small enough to fit in a garden without the need for planning permission.
With three daughters aged four, eight and 11, space in my family’s Kent home is certainly at a premium.
As we live in a traditional farm cottage, I eschew the modern mini-houses, and plump for a classic wooden design — I’m setting myself the challenge of whipping up a mini-home in just seven days.
Read how his seven day build went here at Mail Online.
Thursday, March 20, 2014
What if you found the Holy Grail of Natural Medicine?
by Dr. Rima Laibow
Activist Post
Well, if you were the US Fraud and Death Administration, you would demonize it with all of your might, pretending that it was ineffective, dangerous and bad for the world. That way, drug sales and government medical control of life and death would not be endangered.
You would get your buddies in other agencies, including the Justice Department, to criminalize the good stuff and legitimize the stuff your Big Pharma buddies hawk which actually IS ineffective, dangerous and bad for the world.
Of course the underground (internet, scuttlebutt, youtube) would have lots going on about it, but quality, reliability and availability would be serious problems for the Health Seeker (HS). That HS, struggling with cancer or Parkinson’s Disease or autism or chronic pain or depression or schizophrenia or anxiety or asthma or… that HS would be told that the One True Faith of the Church of the Great and Good God Pharma would punish him severely if he strayed and sought out the Holy Grail on his own: his insurance would not compensate him and he would be forced to the lowest Circle of Medical Hell: Out of Pocket Payment!
But I believe I actually may have found the Holy Grail of Natural Medicine and it is legal, GMO-free, clean and powerful. It is, compared to the incredible prices of dangerous chemotherapy and drugs, pretty close to dirt cheap (but it may not feel like that since no insurance company with interlocking directorates with Big Pharma pays for this substance, creating the illusion that your treatment is just a co-payment away from free.
Now that does not mean that the Fraud and Death Administration is happy about the existence, and the legal status, no less, of the Holy Grail! In fact, since I announced its availability on my sites, the DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service, link corruption and other hacking, attacking behaviors by the Powers that Think These attacks have been, quite literally, non-stop.)
But the reality of the safety and efficacy of this wonder substance is there for all to see. Not just anecdotes offer us this powerful information: there are a multitude of powerful scientific studies supporting its use in all manner of conditions., gives me:
- 12,700 citations for “Cannabis”[1]
- 13,009 for “hemp”[2]
- 343 for “cannabis + cancer”[3]
- 615 for “cannabis + pain”[4]
- 2099 for “medical + marijuana”[5].
Still, the FDA, usually so quick to invoke the rather loose and ill-defied “significant scientific agreement” standard, acts as if these studies from around the world never took place. Holy Mother Church of Pharma disowns them.
The Holy Grail of Natural Medicine has been found. It is High Potency Hemp Oil™ grown from selected varieties of Cannabis Sativa (the same species that produces marijuana) specifically selected and bred (through natural, not GMO methods) to have very low THCs (the get-you-high compounds) and very high CBDs (the get-you-well compounds).
And it is completely legal in the US and many other countries.[6]
Hemp plants grown to produce oil or fiber are differentiated from marijuana in several ways and are called “Industrial hemp” to make it clear that they are not recreational drug plants. Although they are of the same species, Cannabis sativa, the genetics of the strains used for recreation and for medicine and the way in which they are cultivated genetics and the way they are cultivated “are as different as a Chihuahua and a Great Dane. Cannabis plants grown for marijuana are bred for high THC and given enough space to branch out so they can produce buds. Cannabis plants grown for hemp have much lower THC and are packed densely—typically 35 to 50 per square foot—because the stalks are the most valuable part. “[7]
When marijuana is smoked, the psychoactive compounds called Tetrahydrocannabinaols of THCs are activated and the other 79 or so cannabinoids go up in smoke, literally.
When the oil from low THC/high CBD cultivars is consumed, applied to the skin, inhaled or otherwise taken into the body, those other cannabinoids are ready to do their work.
And they do work.
Let me be clear: I do not worship at the Altar of Big Pharma, having practiced drug-free medicine and psychiatry for nearly 44 years, since my graduation from Medical School in 1970.[8] But I never used or recommended high CBD hemp because of the legal issues. I simply was not willing to risk the legal consequences for my patients – or for myself.
Hemp has been illegal to grow in the US since 1933, creating a sort of legislative Reefer Madness, despite the fact that it has been cultivated for at last 9,000 years for fiber, food and remedy. And although legislation has recently been proposed to amend the hemp-hostile laws, growing it remains legal in several states but illegal at the Federal level.
Hemp oil as a treatment for cancer and a host of other diseases and conditions was largely popularized by the efforts of Canadian Rick Simpson who cured his own cancer and tried to share the wonders of his discovery without seeking a patent or other compensation. Although hemp can legally be grown in Canada under strict controls (e.g., farmers must obtain only permitted low THC seed), hemp oil is not a legal substance and Simpson found himself eye-to-eye with the might of the Canadian government. He migrated to Europe where he could pursue his miracle.
I had long known about
- Nutritional hemp oil with great health benefits as a healthy oil (no THCs and no CBDs)
- Hemp protein powder, which is a great addition to many diets (ditto: no THCs and no CBD)
- Hemp oils with variable percentages of both THCs and CBDs).
Then the Holy Grail showed up.
A nutritionist friend of the Natural Solutions Foundation told me about a new Affiliate Program which is going to offer hemp oil products made with high concentration of CBDs. They currently have lower concentration CBD products. But if you have cancer, intractable epilepsy, unremitting and brutal pain, waiting until someone’s business model says it is time to provide a product you need is simply not an option.
So I went looking for hemp oil once I learned that it was legal. Knowing I was on the hunt, an associate called to tell me that a company was making high quality, high CBD hemp oil from non GMO, European grown industrial hemp and provide me with the data on the company.
I called them immediately. And I discovered that it is possible to provide a LEGAL range of LEGAL High Potency CBD Hemp Oil Products available NOW.
That means that seriously ill people, including my patients in the US (but NOT Canada), in Chile (but not New Zealand) can have 22% CBD hemp oil, or 15.5% decarboxylated CBD hemp oil (which some say is more effective in cancer situations), or capsules with a full 25mg of CBD or 25% CBD chewing gum (a great delivery system, by the way). Remember, these products have no THC and cannot make you “high.”
Now let’s suppose that you have brain or breast or colon (or whatever) cancer (I hope you don’t) and your doctor tells you that you MUST have chemotherapy and radiation and you say,
“Thanks, but no thanks, Doc! I’m gonna get me some High Potency CBD Hemp Oil and take, oh, about a gram a day, maybe two.”
“My hair won’t fall out, my gums won’t get sores, my appetite will be just fine, my body’s own immune forces will get stronger and the cancer cells will forget how to live forever and remember how to die off, just like they should have done in the first place. That’s how a functioning immune system handles uncontrolled cell growth.”
“So thank you, Doc, but no thanks!”
You have just made a decision that can save your life but runs the risk of getting you excommunicated from the Holy Mother Church of Big Pharma. You will be outside the safe, shiny, white robed sanctuary of Doctor Knows Best, Put Your Faith in Pharma sacraments and you may have to Go It Alone, Paying Your Way.
Your friends and relations may scorn you, scare you and scoff at you.
As painful as it may be, it really does not matter. It is sort of like refusing to get bled by a surgeon in 1640. Bleeding people is a bad idea, no matter how great everyone around you thinks it is.
For more information on Natural Medicine’s Holy Grail, please contact me at . High Potency CBD Hemp Oil™ is so new that the website is still under construction, but I cannot wait. Perhaps you can’t wait, either.
Too many people have been waiting too long who have too many diseases and conditions that High Potency CBD Hemp Oil might help!
In fact, it just might be the Holy Grail for you or someone you care about.
For more information on what High Potency CBD Hemp Oil™ offers for regaining and maintaining health, contact
High Potency CBD Hemp Oil™ is a dietary ingredient that may be offered to supplement the diet or, as a medical food, for the dietary management of medical conditions. My intent is to minister to the sick and suffering by all lawful means. And now that includes High Potency CBD Hemp Oil™!
[6] Currently, High Potency CBD Hemp Oil™ is not legal in Canada, New Zealand and
[8] Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York.
Rima E. Laibow, MD, who is licensed to practice medicine in 3 states, has practiced drug free medicine and psychiatry for nearly 45 years. She is the Medical Director of the Natural Solutions Foundation,, the world's largest Health Freedom organization. Her email is
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